I Have Several Backers Chapter 139


Chapter 139 scolds everyone in a good mood

Then Gan Cheng took everyone around to another direction, in such a The area, for these people, can be rushed over in minutes.

The person who was rescued later was a white clothed white robed man. Even if he was besieged by two large and small Monster Kings, this man was not at all embarrassed.

The sword in his hand is like a flowing cloud, and the sword is like an abyss.

Yan Wuhen is the longest out of the crowd, and has had an intersection with this person. The most outstanding Disciple of Cloud Water Sword sect, Melaleuca.

Everything was as before, and everyone went around in another direction and found two people.

These two people are the people of Divine Sword Sect at first glance, and Gan Cheng has a dike in his heart when he sees them, but in this case, he did not choose not to save these two people. If there is any action between these two people, he will not be polite.

Of course, there should still be some dikes.

What surprised him was that the pair of identical twins, brothers named Geshu Xingyun and Geshu Xingyu, had no special reaction when they saw him.

Even when everyone quickly introduced each other, the two were surprised, and they didn't have the reaction of those who attacked and killed Gan Cheng before.

Gan Cheng doesn't know if they are pretending or something else.

He doesn't know how other people are, but Gan Cheng has already secretly sound transmission with Bai Lingdang and Yan Wuhen, saying that he has grudges with Divine Sword Sect, and now everyone is on the same boat for the overall consideration He doesn't do anything else.

But if these two people have any changes, please help them to pay attention.

Gan Cheng thinks that there are many benefits to sharing the words with Bai Lingdang and Yan Wuhen in advance.

Vajra's son, Gan Cheng, couldn't see through, so was Melaleuca, so he chose to talk to these two people.

Their characters, if they read that everyone saves people together, he also saved them first. If he realizes that these two people are abnormal, he can always help.

At this time, the situation of Moonlight and Moon Shadow in midair is getting worse and worse.

But they can still see that Gan Cheng and his gang quickly rescued a few more people. They have beaten back or even killed the little Monster King who was chasing him, but their side is still in danger. make them even more annoyed.

If it wasn't for being hunted down and running out of time, they would all want to go up and clean up that Gan Cheng.

They also noticed that it was Gan Cheng who should be leading the crowd, and she must have come to the rescue on purpose.

"Guys, although we have just almost made a full circle, to prevent anyone from being forced into it by the Monster Race, we should check it again now, and then we will gather in the wide area over there. Once there , we can also better rescue the three in the air." Gan Cheng will not forget the situation on the Imperial Sword Sect side when he was about to set off.

They were hostile to themselves at the time. Unlike Divine Sword Sect, Gan Cheng naturally wouldn't make them so comfortable now.

Even if they have to be rescued now, let them suffer enough.

I don't know what I know, but Gan Cheng's decision made everyone understand it. Because in the unconsciously, everyone was rescued by Gan Cheng, even if it is not a life-saving grace, but at this moment everyone has understood the crisis.

At this time, everyone must face it together, and Gan Cheng unconsciously becomes the backbone.

"Okay, the area where we're trapped is not large, and it's easy to inspect it again, which is also safer." Yan Wuhen had no objection at all.

Everyone had no objection, and then quickly inspected the surroundings together.

Yueying and Yueguang were about to go crazy when they saw this scene.

From their height, no one else has been attacked now, only their side is being attacked, but what are those guys doing, they are patrolling again.

What does this mean, if everyone else is saved, they won't help them, right? Damn, hateful.

They even had the urge to ignore the others and go down and kill this Gan Cheng first.

The two would pay attention to Cai Jingyan from time to time to see how she decides, but Cai Jingyan seemed to be focused on fighting the monster King and the Great Demons, and didn't care about anything else.

How can they get angry? Gan Cheng can't be bothered. He didn't delay. Walk through exactly similar with a large squirrel.

As long as everyone wants to leave this area, they will come back when they walk, and the key is still not clear how to get back.

By this point, everyone knew the problem was serious.

The black clothed Rongrong who appeared beside everyone at the same time, so many little Monster Kings chased them into this place, and now they are stuck in such a place where they can't get out, this is definitely not the case. what a good thing.

At this time, everyone has come to the empty area just now.

If there are few people, facing the birds in the open area is a target, but if there are many people, it is another matter.

"Are you stupid, didn't you see us here, come here." Because of the previous reasons, Cai Jingyan, Yueguang and Yueying didn't come here. Cheng didn't bother to talk to them.

Gan Cheng just passed by at this time, and scolded directly at the sky.

"Bastard..." Hearing this scolding, Moonlight was in a hurry, and almost missed being caught by a bird Monster King while distracted. Even if he was able to dodge, there were two blood holes on his shoulders. .

"Who does he think he is..." Yue Ying was also blown away by anger, what kind of tone is this, what does he think they are.

"Go, go down." Cai Jingyan didn't say a word, and rushed down with her sword.

Although Yueying and Yueguang were very angry, their duty was to protect Cai Jingyan, so they had no choice but to rush down.

The monster King and Great Demon who chased them down were very unwilling and wanted to pursue them, but just when they reached the sky above Gan Cheng, the giant Vajra Art body suddenly appeared with shout out loudly , a sword and a sword gang across the sky battle skill, a waterline runs through, and two Sword Peaks rise from the ground.

In this brief moment, everyone took a collective shot, five birds, the Great Demon, were cut down from the air, and one bird, the little Monster King, was injured.

Gan Cheng had already noticed it for a long time, the forces that hunted and killed them were balanced and seemed to be deliberately controlling.

Don't look at Chasing and Killing Cai Jingyan and they seem to have a lot of Monster Races on their side. In fact, it's not more than two little Monster Kings. As for other Great Demons, they don't seem to have so many restrictions.

Here, the moonlight and moonlight fell, and they stared at Gan Cheng with eyes that were about to breathe fire. The little Monster King over there was just beaten back, and they forced them to come up.

"Gan Cheng, who did you scold just now?" Yueguang wanted to clean up this guy for a long time. What is he? He's just a dude in a Hou's mansion in the capital. He dared to treat Martial Uncle like that before, and now he dares to scold him. them.

"Did you do this on purpose? We were just above you and you didn't make a move. You kept delaying, and you were still tossing around at will. Do you really think we don't know what you're thinking? It's fine if you don't make a move first. , you really think you are a savior when you take the second shot, and you dare to speak out insults, if you don't talk about it today, make it clear, don't care about the rest, we can't spare you." Yue Ying was also extremely angry.

The two of them are undoubtedly heaven's spoiled daughter, the Imperial Sword Sect who was selected to go up the mountain from a young age.

Although I know that it is incomparable with Cai Jingyan, I have been aloof and remote in the Imperial Sword Sect since I was a child.

Because of this, they don't have much worldly experience and have gone out a few times. Because of their status as Imperial Sword Sect Disciple, no one dared to provoke them.

Not long after the trial started, the two of them broke through to high grades, but they were teased and humiliated by this Gan Cheng, at least they were humiliated.

They didn't know that when they said these words, even Yan Wuhen, who was arrogant and maddened to come up to say hello, his face sank, and he looked towards the two of them coldly.

"Aiya..." The white bell looked towards them even more incredible.

Brother Shu Xingyun and Brother Shu Xingyu, although they are Divine Sword Sect Disciple, are very low-key, but they are also very surprised about this matter, and they are also slightly frowned. After all, they also shot it just now.

Melaleuca has always looked proud, but hearing this is also slightly frowned.

Cai Jingyan knew that Yueguang and Yueying were very dissatisfied with Gan Cheng, and began to say that she wanted to deal with him because of her own anger and was blocked by her. What just happened was really annoying, but she still didn't expect Yueguang to follow him. Yueying will go directly to Xingshi to ask her guilt, and it is too late when she wants to stop her.

Looking at the two who were aggressive and asking for guilt, Gan Cheng, who was standing in the middle of the crowd, stepped forward and looked at the two with the same eyes as idiots.

"Are you two pretending to be mush? Even if you have a brain the size of a sesame and mung bean, you can't say something so brainless. Do you know who saved you and saved you just now? Afterwards, you ran and said such non-human words, who do you think you are?"

"Who are you two? Even personal affairs will not be handled, so many of us know who you are?"

"Why should you save you first and not save others? Do you have flowers or grass on your face? Is it Heavenly Immortal or Goddess. Who do you call our father? It's too late to save you. If you don't thank you, you still come to ask for guilt. It's useless if you really want to think of us as father mothers. child. If we have a child like you, let's put water in your brain first, it's better to have water in your brain than you are all mush."

Gan Cheng just did that, everyone is not different Knowing that he was not in a hurry to rescue, Cai Jingyan and the others were indeed not that dangerous, and they finally shot.

But Gan Cheng's previous actions were provocative and humiliating for Yueguang and Yueying.

The words they shouted when they finally shot made them even more angry.

It's just that they didn't know, everyone just came to rescue them together, and they came to ask for guilt, and they stood on the opposite side of everyone at once.

What made them didn't expect was that they had prepared a lot of words. After just saying a questioning question, Gan Cheng didn't give them a chance to continue talking. The words were like knives, or flying knives. And a knife is as fast as a knife, giving them no chance to fight back at all.

This remark said, the two of them had no chance to answer.

"Wow..." Bai Lingdang opened his mouth wide, lying on the little leopard with his chin resting in his hands. He was shocked when he heard it. It was okay, but it sounded very comfortable and enjoyable.

Other people were also dumbfounded. I have to say, this is really comfortable to hear. Although some of the words are not too well understood and feel relatively new, I can still generally understand what kind of mental retardation. .

After all, the people present are all young people, and they are all talented and handsome. Brain damage is not just a disease or disability in the head, humiliating words, it's really good to describe it, um, apt.

Just now, Yueguang and Yueying came up to ask their teachers for guilt, which made everyone very uncomfortable, and now they are all at ease.

It can be said that Gan Cheng's scolding made everyone feel at ease.

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