I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 1080: Killer

The light green group of light carrying the majestic life force was submerged in the rich demon barrier, did not stay in the slightest, and instantly enveloped the body of the bloodthirsty demon general.

"It's a pity, your strength is too bad!"

In the thorny thorny vine, the voice of the bloodthirsty general slowly came out, the voice fell, and the tyrannical force surged, and the thorny vine split instantly and turned into a cloud of light and was swallowed by him.

"Ah, this power, this taste, is so delicious!"

After swallowing the light ball, an expression of extreme enjoyment appeared on the face of the bloodthirsty demon general, and a little brilliance seemed to flash across the scarlet pupils.

Upon seeing this, Suning took a deep breath, holding the Excalibur Sword in both hands, and the spiritual power in his body was continuously injected into it, causing the body of Excalibur Sword to tremble lightly and groan softly.

"Sword Art! Four swords into one!"

A cold light flashed across Suning’s eyes, and he shouted loudly. For a while, violent energy suddenly appeared in Suning’s body. In a short time, a terrifying sword appeared suddenly, and a skyrocketing psychic lightsaber appeared above his head. Blooming with dazzling light.

In the next moment, black thunderclouds appeared in the sky. They gathered together and became larger and larger. The dull sound carried terrifying energy fluctuations. The thick thunder like a bowl was fleeting. Shuttle in the thundercloud.

As Suning swung down the Divine Killing Sword in his hand, among the huge thunderclouds, countless thunders exuding purple brilliance crashed down, carrying extremely violent and terrifying power towards the body of the bloodthirsty general, a space The feeling of tearing suddenly appeared in the space.

Seeing the countless thunders in front of me, the constantly flashing purple brilliance, the figures of Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe were slightly taken aback, and the terrifying energy fluctuations made both of them feel a little trembling.

"Oh? This trick is quite powerful, but the gap in realm cannot be made up by skill!"

The bloodthirsty demon moved his wrist slightly, and endless demonic energy lingered on his body, forming a black barrier, enveloping his body.

boom! boom!

In just a moment, countless thunderbolts fell on the black barrier, and terrifying energy raged in the surroundings. The rich magic barriers dissipated, and the sky-shaking roar continued to sound.

Click! Huh!

The bloodthirsty demon held his hands behind his back and stood in the barrier. His face showed a touch of absolute confidence. The faint and crisp noises passed into his ears, accompanied by the constant bombardment of countless thunders. Cracks appeared on the top, and they continued to enlarge.

Under the surprised gaze of the bloodthirsty, the black barrier suddenly shattered, and the thunder carrying the terrifying power instantly swallowed his figure, and the small gray-white sword energy was hidden in the thunder, as the thunder slashed. Fall, attached to his body.

At the center of Suning's eyebrows, the mark of the Holy Spirit's seal flashed by, disappearing.


The power of the Holy Spirit is attached to the body of the bloodthirsty demon general, and countless hideous human faces are scorched by the power of the Holy Spirit, making sharp screams, and the power of the Holy Spirit burns to dissipate in just a few breaths.

Seeing this scene in front of them, the eyes of Jiang Bailin and Jun Xinghe brightened, and a touch of joy appeared on their faces, and hope rose again in their hearts.

"Your uncle, try another arrogance! Wasn't it awesome just now? Huh?"

Jiang Bailin's eyes flashed a little bit of brilliance, his eyes were staring at the bloodthirsty general in the thunder, his lips moved slightly, and he joked softly.

"Hey, it's so awesome, it's not that King Kong is not bad!" Jiang Bailin continued.

As he spoke, the look on Suning’s face gradually became dignified. This blow was the full blow he could use now. It clamped the power of the Holy Spirit seal in this blow, which consumed him. With little spiritual power, the sweat on his forehead kept falling.

Noting the change in Suning’s expression, Jun Xinghe’s eyebrows were slightly raised, and he felt the rapid passing of the spiritual power in Suning’s body. He couldn’t help but tightened, and immediately took out two chaotic source pills from the bracelet and put them in Suning. In the mouth.

Suning could also clearly perceive the passing of the spiritual source in his body, and immediately swallowed the pill given by Jun Xinghe into his abdomen. The vast and pure medicinal power instantly filled every corner of his body, every meridian.

In the spirit store, Taixu Dragon God and Taixu Suzaku and other sacred beasts stared at the water-like screen tightly, sweating for Suning.

"This... Has the Son of the Holy Spirit always acted so recklessly?"

Seeing this series of actions by Suning, Hei Wuchang's heart raised his throat, swallowed deeply, and immediately looked at Taixu Dragon God and other beasts, his lips moved slightly, and he muttered softly.

From the beginning of the battle between Suning and the bloodthirsty generals, they have seen that Suning does not stop using one ability, and every energy he uses will make the spiritual source flow faster in his body.

Different from the power of the Holy Spirit that exists in the blood, Suning possesses the madness and violence of the Holy Spirit seal. His current body simply cannot bear it. It is also fortunate that he has not released all the seals of the Holy Spirit seal, otherwise he is already in madness. , The state of mind being controlled by it.

Taixu Dragon God and Taixu Suzaku were also relieved for this.

"In comparison, I would like to know the origin of that humanoid monster, which is able to resist the power of life and the power of the Holy Spirit."

Taixu Dragon God wrinkled his eyebrows and stared at the bloodthirsty demon commander who was bombarded by the thunder. The expression on his face became colder, his lips moved slightly, and he spoke softly.

Huge doubts lingered in his heart, as he rushed to the previous words of the Bloodthirsty General, and he knew that the space they created had fallen into the hands of the Bloodthirsty General, and he was not the only one here. The existence of horror, there are more monsters, and even the strength far exceeds him.

After seeing the bloodthirsty demon hardly resisting the power of the Holy Spirit, Taixu Dragon God's previous guess was confirmed, and the changes in this space were indeed not the work of the Nether line.

"Lord Dragon God, as the guardians of the Son of Holy Spirit, are you just sitting on the sidelines? Don't plan to take action?"

The black and impermanent figure moved forward slowly, his eyes looked at Suning on the screen, and then turned to Taixu Dragon God, his lips moved slightly, and he asked softly.

Taixu Dragon God did not respond. He just watched the screen quietly, with constant waves in his heart. The appearance of this monster is also the existence that can temper Suning. Taixu Dragon God will naturally not let go of such an opportunity, as long as he can To make Suning stronger, he can do anything.

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