I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 186: make trouble

"President, here is the veteran badge you asked for." The waiter who came in respectfully handed a tray wrapped in red cloth with both hands, on which a luxurious medal was lying. This is made by the master craftsman using mica crystals, rubies, blue glaze and other expensive materials. It is a third-order spiritual weapon that can be injected with spiritual power when needed to form a shield that can resist the strong soul forging. Full blow.

And he also represents a lot of power. All pharmacist unions in Lingyuan Prefecture must unconditionally obey your orders. Of course, you need to pay for the consumption of actions, and you have the right to discount all materials in the union. buy. Yun Yi handed the badge to Suning respectfully while introducing it.

Anxious to get away, Suning will leave after receiving the medal, "Xiaoyan, let's send Mr. out." Yun Yi ordered. It was not easy to push away Suning, but Yun Xiaoyan could only walk downstairs with Yun Xiaoyan. In the lobby on the first floor, Feng Lingyue was full of reluctance at this time, and the flies around him made him very unhappy.

"At the Xuanzongmen, I don't know if the girl would like to go and eat a meal together." The sunny man said with a smile. "No, I have someone to accompany you." Feng Lingyue didn't want to directly refuse. "Do you really no longer think about it?" The man's voice became low and he saw Lingyue still shaking his head and reaching out to grab her.

When did Song Wen suffer such a grievance, it was her face to invite her to dinner. Since she is shameless, there is no need to be polite. When has he been afraid of others, it is a pity that he has taken the wrong place this time. A pair of powerful hands held his arm, "If I were you now, I would immediately turn around and run." Suning said coldly.

"It depends on you? What qualifications does a waste person have to talk to me?" He grabbed Suning by the collar of his clothes and asked brutally. "Boy, I also advise you to stop as soon as possible, otherwise you may not be able to get out of the gate of the Alchemist Union today." Yun Xiaoyan, who stood by, said coldly.

"Oh, I really think of myself as a green onion, why do I want to let the Alchemist Union protect him because of him? You are afraid that you are living in a dream." Song Wen said with a frivolous smile. This immediately angered Yun Xiaoyan, and he was repeatedly provoked face to face on his own territory. If he didn't teach him a lesson, wouldn't it appear that the Alchemist Union was incompetent.

The two big guys behind him shook their heads and instantly caught Song Wen. This Song Wen was not strong enough to be able to bear the Condensation Void Realm. The second layer dared to be so arrogant in the Alchemist's Union. Naturally there was someone behind him. It was founded by the Chief Guard of the Royal Mansion, and the original intention of the establishment was to provide excellent talents for the Xin Wang Mansion and Xin Wang Jun, and this Song Wen was the nephew of the Chief Guard.

On weekdays, this guy relied on his uncle to deceive men and women all day long, but no one dared to say anything. The two big men stepped forward and threw Song Wen out while driving. How could Song Wen just stop doing this kind of face-saving thing. Staring bitterly at Suning and Feng Lingyue who came out of the pharmacist's union, they sent someone to quietly follow.

Feng Lingyue’s little mouth kept beating along the way, and Suning now knows what happened even if she was dull. She had asked herself what Xiaoyan really had to do with herself in Sky City before, and now she ran so far away. How could Guicheng still meet her to make Lingyue not jealous.

"It's nothing, really, she is the granddaughter of Master Yun Yi so don't think about it." Suning petted Feng Lingyue's head and said. "Actually, I'm not so stingy. I know you are my favorite, but it's really uncomfortable." Feng Lingyue said with a smile, "I know that Chu Xiao and Yun Xiaoyan Both like you, but because of my existence, I have never dared to show it. I can understand their feelings, just like me back then." Feng Lingyue suddenly fell silent as she spoke.

Su Ning was immediately confused. If Yun Xiaoyan was interesting to him, he could still tell when Chu Xiao was like this. He clearly had nothing to do with her. Seeing the reaction of the little girl in her arms, Suning also understood that she was not telling lies, and suddenly Liushen got up.

Ever since Tang Yun hurt him, she has only been in love with Feng Lingyue and never considered the other girls around him. For Suning, Feng Lingyue is everything to him. What other women think naturally has little to do with him. "Okay, don't think about silly girls, I won't provoke them, I will draw a line with them appropriately, and I won't make you jealous anymore." Suning scratched Lingyue's little nose and smiled. Said.

"No, I mean, if you like it, I don’t mind having more sisters." The voice was getting smaller and smaller. Suning almost didn’t hear what Qingfeng Lingyue was saying, but now he would rather not. Hear clearly. The little girl who watched her face turn flushed, Suning rubbed her cheek and said, "Okay, don't think about it, go back."

Under the sun, Suning took Feng Lingyue's little hand and slowly walked towards the Royal Palace of Letters. "The boy in front, stop for me!" It's a pity that such a roar destroyed all the good things. Song Wen rode up on the ghost horse and said, "My little master, did I let you two go? It's really interesting that I offended my little master in this Yungui City. I still want to go home safe and sound? You don't take a **** and take pictures. I still feel rejected by my own virtues."

"Give me the man to kill, and the woman to leave me. Don't hurt that little girl's hair. Tonight, I have to spoil her." Song Wen smiled and asked the lascivious, now he has started. Be licentious.

It's a pity that no one dared to move, everyone lowered their heads silently, "What are you doing? Don't hurry up!" Song Wen shouted. "Where are you going?" A majestic voice came from behind, and then a strong force grabbed him from the horse. The person behind him stretched his toes and kicked Song Wen's knees and kicked him on his knees. On the ground.

"Nizi, you dare to provoke even Mr. Su, you are afraid that you really lived a long time by yourself." Behind him, Song Wen's very familiar voice came from his uncle Song Tian. After a violent beating, Suning almost didn't recognize who was in front of him. "Kneeling, when will Mr. Su ask you to get up? You are getting up. If Mr. Su didn't say anything, you would just kneel here for me." Song Tian's words made Song Wen thoroughly aware that he had provoke someone who shouldn't be offended. How dare you jump and kneel to the ground in a hurry.

Suning smiled coldly without saying a word and turned around and pulled Lingyue away. This kind of small character didn't need to waste time.

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