I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 402: Run away

This group of pirates can be described as panicking. Looking at the direction they are leaving, Ding Ming smiled and picked up the communicator on the side and said, "Mr. Su, please answer when you receive it." "I am here. "Suning said, standing on the bridge.

"Everything is under control, but please help me stop the group of pirates who are escaping toward you. Don't let anyone go. We can't leak the wind." Ding Ming said. "Received, don't worry." After that, he looked at Jiang Bailin on the side.

"You come to steer the ship and I will go out to see the situation." At this time, the entire ship immediately entered a state of alert. The ship originally had a relatively high degree of automation. Many firepower can be operated directly inside the bridge. At this time, a dark gun was taken from The cabins stretched out everywhere, and the civilian boat, which seemed calm before, was now like a hedgehog.

Standing on the bridge, Ding Yingying was dumbfounded. Although she also knew that the ship under her feet was unusual, she didn't expect the battle form to be so abnormal! After all, it is a ship that integrates the most cutting-edge technology of the entire Hunyuan State. Nearly a hundred psionic cannons are stuffed on the ship, a typical hedgehog-type ship.

Ding Yingying felt that if the ship were to suddenly attack the freighter, they would probably not even have time to react, and they would have to be beaten directly. Looking up at three small black spots, they are rapidly approaching. These three speedboats are one of the few pirates that have survived.

"Boss, there is a ship ahead!" The pirates also spotted Suning and the others yelling, and suddenly a group of pirates turned their sights to that side, looking like a small passenger ship! It seems that this ship is not like our ships from the middle three states, 80% of them are from the lower three states!

There are many pirates who are knowledgeable. They guessed Suning’s origins in just a few words. "Boss, a passenger ship is just a small boat. Let’s find a way to take him hostage! We can run!" Someone thought about it and said that this is indeed a good method.

It was definitely the naval forces of the Central Three States that had just ambushed them. As long as they have hostages, they can escape! When the time comes, I will return to the base camp, and then bring the mobilizers to a shame! He wants to let these people who cheated him know what cruelty is! Looking back at the ships behind him were approaching fast, he thought about it, gritted his teeth and said, "Go!"

Suddenly the course of the three ships immediately adjusted and flew towards Suning. At this time, Suning almost burst into laughter, worried that his ship would not be able to catch up with their idiots, so he ran over and waited for the pirates. When we got closer, Suning gave an order, and countless psionic cannons hidden under the armor of the ship instantly revealed their hideous barrels.

Seeing this situation, the binoculars in the hands of the pirate chief fell to the ground with a snap. He swallowed and said with a trembling voice, "Turn the rudder, run!" Now everyone saw the countless barrels exposed on the ship. , Suddenly the pirates exploded, and the three ships immediately began to maneuver to escape.

"Fire!" With an order, countless psionic cannons flashed light, and then overwhelming artillery shells swept across the sea, and the skyrocketing flames made the entire sky all red and green for a time. Colored cannonballs exploded on the sea. "Fucking in an ambush! We were hit again!"

At this time, the pirate chiefs are about to regret the intestines. These navy chuba are really a bunch of bastards, how can they come up with such a bad idea! There are so many psionic cannons installed on a passenger ship! Look at this firepower is even stronger than that on the huge ship just now! With a loud "bang", the flames soaring into the sky shone, and a speedboat was directly blown up.

The sailors who followed behind were all blindfolded. Is this firepower real? Are you a warship or we are a warship? You are a bit foul! Although they were silently complaining, they were still well-trained and began to surround the pirates. By the way, I admired this group of pirates struggling to survive in the bullet rain.

"Pull the smoke!" The pirate leader roared, and a large amount of smoke covered the nearby sea in an instant. Now that ship can't go, and it is guaranteed that there are also a pile of navy waiting for them to pass. The sea is already rough. Whether the gun can hit the target depends entirely on luck. In addition to the smog on the sea, the difficulty of shooting is greatly increased. After such a long period of firepower coverage, only two ships were killed. Another one slipped out in the chaos.

"Tamade, I finally let Lao Tzu run out. I want to see how you can stand a bunch of tortoise sons! My Hu San will come back!" The pirate leader said viciously, looking at the ship shadow further and further away. , Although their boat is already riddled with holes, he is confident to run back to his nest and enter the sea that is their territory!

Hu San looked bitterly at Chuan Ying as he drifted away, thinking that after returning home, he must find the little girl in the water village to vent and vent, "Boss! What is that!" As he relaxed, the little brother beside him suddenly said with a trembling voice. . That's even more terrifying than seeing the warship blocking the road just now.

Hu Sanhuo sat up and picked up the telescope to look into the distance. What he saw was cold all over. He was a beautiful woman in white clothes. If he saw her on his bed, he would be excited. It's terrible, but seeing her now is undoubtedly seeing death beckoning to herself.

The white-clothed woman was expressionless, even with a murderous look. Just looking at it made Hu San tremble. It was not this that frightened him the most, but the girl actually flew towards them from the sky. Ling Tian Jing! This is the existence that all pirates are most afraid to encounter, even if they are confronted with warships, they are not willing to confront the strong in Lingtian realm!

Ling Tian realm plus the personal mecha, it is a killer god, as long as it rushes into their team, it must be a **** storm! "Go, go! Go!" Hu San snarled like madness as the pirates around him knew what, everyone's eyes were filled with despair.

run? Where they run, no matter how fast they run, can they pass the Lingtian realm flying in the sky? But the desire to survive made them crazier. The driver desperately squeezed the potential of the speedboat. Everyone felt that they were already flying at sea, but the woman got closer and closer and rushed to the front in a blink of an eye.

With a bang, the huge ice flew out and hit the bow of their ship. With a bang, the whole ship broke in two, and all the pirates fell into the water. Bing slowly appeared at her feet.

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