There was a guess in his heart, and then after looking at the little girl’s clothes, Suning also had a general guess. It is no wonder that the other party would recognize him as a nobleman. Compared with her, his ordinary clothes are indeed okay. Said it is well-made, "Brother, drink water and eat, you taste this is my mother made by herself." The next girl smiled and walked over with a small plate.

Suning smiled and took the tray and said, "Thank you, I haven't asked you yet, what's your name?" "My name is Duo! That's how my mother calls me." The little girl said with a smile. "How about Mom and Dad? Why leave you alone at home." Suning asked curiously.

Mom said that Dad is going outside and will be back when I grow up, so I must grow up quickly so Dad can come back soon! When she talked about her father, the little girl seemed excited, but Suning knew that her father was no longer in the world. Sighing slowly, Suning said with a smile, "Duo Duo is so good, you must grow up quickly, oh, if your father sees you so cute, he will be very happy too!"

Just when Suning was chatting with Duoduo, the door opened suddenly and a gentle mother walked in. Although years of hard work made her skin a little rough, Suning felt her every move. With that unique temperament, this is definitely not a simple woman in a small rural family.

"Suddenly the woman spotted Suning sitting at the table, and a murderous aura surged towards Suning." "Relax. I didn't mean anything." Suning said with a smile. Seeing Suning's appearance, the woman hurriedly Walking behind Duoduo, she whispered, "Dodo go back to the room first, okay? Mom wants to talk to this big brother for a while."

The little girl nodded, left sensibly, and returned to her room. "Who are you? How did you find this place?" the woman said in a deep voice. "Don't look at me like that, I'm really not a bad person, just passing by here." Suning said with a wry smile. At this moment, he ran to such a place. It seemed that the other party wanted to live in seclusion here, and his arrival would no doubt disturb the other party.

"You can rest assured that I won't say anything more." Suning said with a smile. "Sit down." The woman said slowly but her body was still tight. Suning slowly sat on the stool and watched the woman busy by the side. "No, you should have been hungry for a long time since you look like, come and eat some." The woman said slowly.

Suning took the plate and started to eat without shy. "Thank you." Seeing Suning ate all the food, the woman smiled. She is really a young child. She doesn't seem to be involved in the world. She already knows that the identity of the other party is not simple. She even dared to eat the food given by others. thing! I really don't know if Suning is really stupid, or if he is bold.

"Sleep for a while, everything will change when you wake up again. You shouldn't have come to this place." The woman said slowly, but the situation of Suning falling to the ground did not appear as expected, and Suning still wandered leisurely. He drank the water in the cup, there was nothing wrong with it.

"Oh, do you think this kind of thing is useful for me?" Suning turned around and said with a weird smile. The woman's arm flew towards Suning instantly, and the sharp sword in her sleeve was instantly unsheathed. Suning smiled slightly with her right hand, gently clamped the attacking sharp sword, and then snapped the tip of the sword with a slight movement. Broken down.

Realizing that she couldn't make a single blow, the woman instantly backed away and ran towards the room where Duo Duo was, but a sword stopped her. If the speed was a little faster just now, she might have separated her body and swallowed. Foam, her voice trembled and said, "Can you let Duo Duo go? You can handle me whatever you want."

Suning can feel how desperate the woman is at this time, Suning's strength, now she doesn't need to fight again, knowing that she is absolutely impossible to fight, and her daughter may be life-threatening at any time, I am afraid the face in front of her is kind. Young people are the ones sent by their superiors to take their lives.

At this time, she could only pray for the other party to leave Duo Duo, after all, she could die but Duo Duo could not. "I said you misunderstood. I didn't mean that." Suning said helplessly. Upon hearing this, the woman stopped crying and raised her head and said, "You were not sent by them?" "I don't want to interfere with your things. , I don’t want to intervene. I’m just passing by here, and I will leave soon. You don’t have to panic like this."

Hearing Suning's words, the calming woman nodded and slowly said, "Sorry, the guest has frightened you. Please make sure that I am sorry." Suning waved her hand and said, "No, you have a lovely Child, she will definitely have a great future in the future. You are also a responsible mother. I understand your thoughts." Suning said with a smile.

The pensive woman led Duo Duo out and let her start playing with Suning. As a killer, she could naturally feel whether Suning was hostile, so it was natural to let her daughter play with Suning at ease. "My lord, what are you here for?" the woman asked, sitting at the table after packing everything up.

"It's nothing, just came out to experience it. I just came out of that cave. I don't know where it is. I am a little lost." When Suning said this, the woman suddenly realized, "You came out of the labyrinth mountain, there. Even if we dare not enter at will, once we go the wrong way, when we come out again, our place will change drastically!"

"Normally people can't walk there. Presumably the distinguished guests must have lost their way there. This place is Tianshu Village in the Principality of Norton, not too far from the country. People often come here to go to the Maze Mountain to find out, but they usually Resting in the small town on the other side of the mountain, this is the first time I have seen you who came directly to our house like you."

After searching his memory, Suning found that he had no impression of this place at all. It must be another space here, but I don’t know what the test is this time. Su Ning sighed slightly and began to understand all kinds of information here in detail from the woman's mouth.

When black came, Suning smiled and set up a tent outside the house, and settled down inside. After all, the orphans and widows themselves were not very good inside. After three full days in this way, Suning still doesn't know where the test is. Is it possible that beauty is the level? But beauty? Although this woman is pretty good-looking, it's not really stunning in the world. Compared with her own wives, the gap is even bigger.

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