I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 495: Out of the mountain

"Where did that thing go?" Duan Yuqing asked in shock. "It seems to be the west side, it seems it should be the sea side." Lu Fan on the side hurried forward and said. "Go and see what happened?" Duan Yuqing said quickly. Everyone quickly got up, followed him and started flying towards the beach.

"Finally succeeded." Suning said with a smile standing on the top of the mountain. "Where is this?" the four people on the side quickly stepped forward and asked. "I don't know, it looks like it should be at sea, but I don't know how far it is from the mainland, Suning stood up and said. Suddenly there were waves of fluctuations in the sea, and Suning hurriedly watched.

At this time, the emperor whale is full of anger, so he treats the people well at home, but suddenly a terrifying space impact swept over, and the tribesmen just avoided this terrible fluctuation and wanted to go back. But found that his home is gone! A big mountain suddenly appeared in the trench.

"Who is it? Which lunatic?!" The emperor whale rushed out of the water angrily, trying to see who did it. But a familiar wave suddenly appeared in his perception. "Boy! It's you again!" the emperor whale roared. At this time, Suning grinned too, but he didn't expect this guy to come to the door by himself.

I wanted to go back and look for this guy again in the future, but I didn't expect him to come so soon. "Oh? We met again." Suning said with a smile. "Boy, take your life!" As a true deep-sea overlord, he was forced to be like this by Suning, which made him very upset. Although Hei Xuan made him converge a little bit, is it still him if he converges!

The breath of horror opened in an instant, and the pressure of the Emperor Whale Overlord made everyone feel frightened. "You all backed up and gave me the battle. Some grievances made me come by myself." Suning said solemnly, and the four people on the side nodded and stepped back. Although I don't know what grudges this person and beast have, since both sides want to fight, just watch it quietly.

If they had seen the emperor whale before, they would definitely start to run, but now they are no longer what they used to be. Although they can't kill each other when they meet the emperor whale, they can still run. The momentum of both sides has soared. Although Suning did not start the horrible mode that day, the emperor whale still dare not care about it and directly confront the enemy in the strongest form.

This form has not appeared for many years, and only a few people in this world can force him to use this form. "Stop it!" Just when the two were about to fight, a roar rushed from the horizon. The emperor whale stopped for a moment, "Little thief, you dare to call a helper!" the emperor whale said angrily.

Suning chuckled, and the long sword in his hand stabbed at him without stopping. "Asshole! You wait! I will come back again!" The emperor whale put down a cruel word and left directly away. No way, Suning was a little worried when he was fighting alone, not to mention that there is another human strong coming.

Even if he could run when surrounded by two people, he would definitely not be able to run safely. Seeing Duan Yuqing rushing over, everyone smiled and waited for his arrival. Seeing Suning and the others, he couldn't help but feel relieved, and he seemed to be refreshed. "Are you all right, hurry up, go back first."

Soon he learned many things from everyone's mouth. Of course, a few people had the kindness to help Suning conceal what happened in the forest. At this time, the prohibition in the fairy mountain disappeared, and countless spirit beasts rushed out.

"You said this is Xianshan?" Duan Yuqing asked with eyes wide open when he heard what Suning said. He didn't expect Xianshan to run out like this, but from a height, this mountain range seemed to be born here, and it was so fit. "Could it be that this is one body back then?"

"That's right, the gods dug up the fairy mountain from Kuntianyu, and then recreated the fairy mountain realm and put this continent in. The spirit beasts here told people not to move them, block this land, and let them Don't come in." Suning said. Duan Yuqing nodded quickly.

Everyone soon returned to Fengxian City, and now he also knew that Suning and others had just offset the space shock for them. If they hadn't transmitted the Xianshan space, it would have just offset the space gap created by the space shock. "Thanks a lot." Duan Yuqing said quickly, who understood everything.

Suning smiled and didn't say much. Now in Suning's body, what he feels is the feeling of being an upright person. This feeling has not appeared for hundreds of years. He doesn't know whether Suning is in the sixth fairy mountain. What they have done has changed so much, and it's not just them, and even the four people behind him are putting tremendous pressure on them.

At this time, whether speaking or doing things, Duan Yuqing can faintly feel that Suning has become the leader of the five people, and it seems that the remaining four people are extremely convinced by him. For a while, he is somewhat of the top three. The family stood in silence, but it was unexpected that the genius who had been trained for the family would be abducted like this!

I am afraid that if Suning and various families have conflicts in the future, the three of them will also choose Suning or choose neutrality. He really feels right. At this time, the relationship between the four people and Suning is already a relationship between teachers and friends, Jiang Bailin Fortunately, all three members of the family regarded Suning as a teacher and guiding light.

There is a taste of Suning in acting and speaking. In fact, it can be said that this was also deliberate by Suning. This time, he felt how insufficient his manpower is. Many things can only be done by himself. Nether Territory can't handle it even if it's exhausted.

The three people this time can be said to be Suning's people. Now as long as they are taken through this catastrophe, they can definitely be taken away. "You tell them that they are safe, and gather at the door of my room tomorrow morning." Suning ordered the three of them to scatter away.

"Let's go, they are so anxious." Suning smiled and said to Jiang Bailin. Duan Yuqing, who knew that he was not suitable for staying here, left, knowingly, leaving Suning and the two ran towards their house. . Before stepping into the door, Feng Lingyue and others rushed out and plunged into Suning's arms.

"Hey, I'm back." Suning rubbed their heads and said. In a few months, Suning seemed to have evaporated, and all the people who went in with him came out. Only Suning and Jiang Bailin were left. How could they be relieved. But everything is fine now, and Suning is back, which is the best thing for them.

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