I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 506: out of control

"Asshole! Who actually changed the gate formation privately!" It didn't even know about such a serious matter! It's been a whole thousand years! If it weren't for today, it wouldn't even know that the formation of the gate had been changed privately! Who is it? Huang Shan quickly checked in his heart.

Only a few people know the way to enter the gate. These people are all the elders and beasts who stayed with it back then! Could someone betrayed? ! At the thought of this, it was struck by lightning! But after thinking about it, I feel that it doesn't make sense. They can't rebel. If someone really rebels, they would definitely not be killed by them so easily just now!

Unless... The Hundred Faces are just a **** that Li Qi uses to distract them! The real dark hand is not him at all! Thinking of this, it suddenly felt its back soaked. This guess is terrible! But now Suning is fighting the puppets, and there is no way to tell him what he thought of. What can I do!

Suddenly, it flashed, suddenly remembered something, and ran towards another passage. There is the central control room of the entire ruins! Just go there and he can shut down the energy system of the mechanical puppet! As long as the energy system is shut down, this mechanical puppet will no longer be an obstacle to them! Now it can only pray that the door of the central control room has not been changed.

As the most important core position, the central control room is very tightly guarded. Only two people know the way to get in. Now it can only pray that the dead spirit beast is not an insider. Fortunately, the door to the central control room of God's favor could still be opened, and Huang Shan rushed in to urge the formation inside.

Here you can open the final door, immediately activate a formation in the central control room, it pressed the stop formation, listening to the sound of fighting inside the tunnel has stopped, it took a long breath, presumably Suning and the organ The battle of the puppets is over. Slowly controlled the gate formation method, pressed it down, but found that there was no response.

"What's the matter?" Huang Shan was stunned. I pressed it several times in a row, but the rumbling of the door did not sound. At this time, Suning was standing in front of the door with a masked face, slapped. He and the puppet were anxious when they were fighting, but the other party suddenly stopped, and then he called Huang Shan but did not answer.

"My lord, I am here." Huang Shan, who came from the central control room, said quickly. Seeing his appearance in the dust, Suning knew that the mechanical puppet suddenly stagnated, I am afraid it is related to it. "How is it? Is the door still not open?" Suning asked. Huang Shan shook his head and sighed.

"My lord, there is no way, I can't open the door." Huang Shan said in a low mood. "What's the matter? Isn't this gate yours to take care of?" Suning asked suspiciously. Upon hearing Suning's question, Huang Shan slowly said, "A ghost has appeared among us. The formation of the gate has been changed, and the connection between the gate and the central control room has also been cut off."

Hearing what it said, Suning let out a sigh, and then stepped forward slowly, carefully observing the formations depicted on the gate. "This formation is really subtle, can you see where the problem is?" Suning asked. "Yes, right here, the access here has been changed, it should lead directly to here, not here." Huang Shan stepped forward and said.

Under Huang Shan's command, Suning understood the problem a little bit and what was wrong, "Is there a way to fix it?" Suning asked. "Yes, but I don't have materials and tools." Huang Shan said with a small hand. There were tools left, but after so many years, those tools have long since turned into fly ash.

"It's okay, I have it here, you come to direct me to change it." Suning said with a smile, if you don't get started to portray this, he really can't help it! This is a god-level formation! Although it is only a small part of the modification above, it is also an unprecedented event for Suning!

For a Array Mage, this kind of desperate opportunity is really silly if it is wasted. So under the command of Huang Shan and the observation of Taixu Dragon God, Suning began his first modification on the God-level magic circle. "Here, here is this, oh, let me go, what are you doing!"

For a while, Huang Shan and Taixu Dragon God had forgotten their identities and missions, and they stayed behind Suning and started frantically stabbing them. However, in the exclamation and scolding of the two beasts, Suning still completed the match. Although the modification of the gate was not smooth, there were even a few times if it weren't for the too virtual dragon **** and the emperor to make a sudden move, it must have happened.

Fortunately, everything is okay. Suning has had an addiction, and Dazhen has been repaired. Once again standing in front of the door, Suning muttered the door opening formula given to him by Huang Shan, and watched the door slowly open in front of him. For a time, countless stars burst out, drowning Suning. .

"Heaven Luck Meteor, this is it." Taixu Dragon God said with a smile. "What are they? Suning whispered slowly. The reality in front of him was too shocking. This was the first time he felt such a terrifying feeling. The endless and vast starry sky made him instantly feel as if he was in In the stars.

Back then, Suning felt the vastness of the starry sky only when the Dragon God Taixu was born, but that time I patronized the shadowy figure of the Dragon God Taixu, and paid little attention to the starry sky behind it. , But now this time the meteors of heaven and luck made him feel the huge starry sky.

That kind of ant-like feeling gave it a great shock, and that kind of indescribable feeling made him stay motionless. "Hey, silly, what are you doing here?" Taixu Longshen's voice came over and said with a smile. "Do you think I can do this in the future?"

Seeing Suning's cautious look, Taixu Dragon God smiled and said, "Shock, it's the first time. Just get used to it. In fact, this is just the daily routine of the gods. I heard them say that human beings have now begun to practice. I've traveled in the starry sky. To be honest, none of our Protoss thought of it."

Taixu Dragon God said with a smile. "In fact, I really admire you humans. You can create so many miracles with a short life. This is something that the Protoss can never match. Your creativity and imagination are beyond our imagination. Taixu Dragon God smiled Said.

"Wait! You just said you?" Su Ning suddenly reflected and said suspiciously.

"Yes, you guys." Hearing his question, Taixu Dragon God also turned around and slowly said, stretched out his small hand, an invisible wall wrapped him and Suning instantly. Huang Shan on the side knew that something was going to happen, so he hurried to the side and crouched.

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