I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 516: method

"Take someone to make arrangements first. If you have anything, just use this to contact me." After all, Suning threw a sound transmission spirit stone to Mo Li and said. Then he directly pulled the old man Yao and left. "Why is Su Xiaoyou like this?" Old man Yao asked with a puzzled look.

"As a descendant of those great wars, you should also know something." Suning said slowly. Old man Yao nodded and said slowly. "In fact, in Kuntianyu today, everyone doesn't care about the so-called gods anymore. After all, they are young people born in Kuntianyu, and human beings don't have much favor for the gods."

Only old people like us were instilled with the thought of the Holy Spirit when they were young. Most Kuntianyu people don't know what the Holy Spirit Realm is, but they know who you are. Old Man Yao said with a smile. This sentence gave Suning stunned, what does it mean to know who he is?

"Everything you have done for the whole Kuntianyu, we all understand that in fact, you can leave directly. Whether everyone in the whole Kuntianyu is dead or alive has nothing to do with you, but you still keep people with you. I came down to help us. If it weren’t for you, the space shock that day would have taken hundreds of thousands of lives."

You have completed the restoration of the Great Array, giving Kun Tianyu a little chance to breathe and giving us hope of living. I can't leave the people alone, and the creation of the two-world channel is up to you. This is about the lives of thousands of creatures. We don't worry about other people even if it is me, but I believe you.

I don't care about Li Qi, but from today onwards, Akao's people can do anything wrong according to their rights. If any Akao's people continue to do their previous activities, don't blame me for being cruel. Speaking of this, the old man Yao's tone was full of solemnity, and Suning knew that this was not a joke.

"Don't worry, I won't be there. Our only task now is to evacuate everyone with everyone before the space node collapses." Suning said slowly. But they both understand that this is simple to say, but it is not so easy to do. "The population of the entire Kuntianyu is about 50 million, which is not considered a variety of spirit beasts." Old man Yao said solemnly.

"Moreover, many people are ordinary people, and there is no way to withstand the impact of passing through a crumbling node." Hearing the old man Yao say this, Suning fell silent. Originally, he wanted to build a large number of stable wormholes at each node, and then let everyone enter the main world through this worm bridge, but he still thought about this too simple.

As the old man Yao said, no matter how good the stability of the wormhole is, it is no different for an ordinary person to pass through the gate of life and death, and the entire Kuntian realm, the wormhole node found by Jiu'er now is only There are only more than a dozen, and more than a dozen have to evacuate tens of millions of creatures. This is simply a fantasy!

"This plan won't work, we must find another way." Suning thought for a while and said. The passage is too late to evacuate, so there is only one way left. Choose a node, expand it, and then move the entire Kuntianyu to the main world, but this method reveals the two characters of madness from top to bottom.

Except Suning, I am afraid that no one can think of this horrible method anymore, and the old man Yao is also shocked. This is not a village or a town! This is a continent! Although it is not as huge as Kyushu in the main world, it is also the size of Zhongjiangzhou in the three states.

The tens of millions of creatures above, as long as one is accidentally transported, it will be all finished. If there is a problem when traveling through the wormhole, none of these tens of millions of creatures will survive! This is not a joke! But looking at Suning's steadfast look, Old Man Yao swallowed as soon as he reached his mouth.

"There is no other way, right?" He said slowly. Although he already had the answer in his mind, he still wanted to ask again. Seeing Suning slowly shaking his head, he was silent. For a long time he raised his head and said to Suning, "I believe in you, I think all of us believe in you! Do what you think, if we are dead without you, since we have the vitality, we will only be grateful to you!"

"We are all dying, don't think too much!" Old man Yao said seriously, he didn't want Suning to bear too much, after all, this is tens of millions of lives, not tens of millions of grains of sand that can be easily raised. , One can imagine how heavy Suning is now.

How could he continue to increase his feelings. "I understand, I will ask you for help if necessary." After that, Suning left and returned to the room. Old man Yao sighed deeply when he saw Suning leave, and then left. "How's it going? How is Old Man Yao?"

Many people asked through communications when they first entered the house. The old man Yao slowly shook his head and said, "It's not optimistic." Then there was no more. Everyone looked at each other and didn't know what to say. "Master Su, does he have a way?" Many people asked eagerly. "Yes, but only one."

"Move the entire Kuntian Territory back to the main world." This sentence suddenly felt like a huge boulder was thrown into the calm water surface. With a bang, everyone blasted the pot. This is just another joke! Moving the entire Kuntianyu? Does he think this is a small island? Just want to move?

"It's just fooling around! Is he really the Son of God?!" Many people couldn't help but question. "Do you have any better way?" Old man Yao looked at the talking Patriarch and said coldly. "You have to understand that our life and death have nothing to do with others!"

"They can come and have a way to leave directly! Whether we die or live has nothing to do with others! He can just abandon us and let us fend for ourselves! But he still chooses to stay and help us, even if this method is very difficult. Risky, but this is the only way we can survive today!"

Hearing what the old man Yao said, all the people who had just been filled with outrage became dumb. What the old man Yao said are facts that cannot be changed! They are desperate! Now Suning said that is the only way, they can't tolerate being picky! "Remember it all! Those who don't want to cooperate are those who want to die! Then I will give someone a ride in advance!"

"Now that the big threat of Akao has disappeared, the only thing in front of us is the difficulty of living! I hope everyone can work together to overcome the difficulties!"

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