But obviously they still underestimated the intensity of the tsunami that might occur this time. At this time, the entire Kuntian Region has all appeared in the sky. Behind the huge continent is a huge portal, and the horrible suction is transmitted from it. Came out. "Go **** back! Tell the headquarters, prepare to resist the tsunami!"

This sudden appearance in the heavenly continent really shocked all many people. Many of them did not know what they were doing today. Only the top of the three fleets knew some of the information, but the current situation is also It has exceeded his expectations, what is the situation?

The governors didn't tell them that it was a whole continent! The only person who knew some inside information was the fleet captain of Jiangzhou, and now he was shocked to see the entire continent appear out of thin air. However, such a large piece of land directly hit the sea, I am afraid the tsunami caused will destroy all the warships in an instant!

After the huge tsunami wave reaches the coast, it will sweep the entire coastal city! At that time, deaths and injuries were not a decimal! Especially Jiangzhou and Lingzhou, their two states are directly facing the impact, and only Leizhou can stay out of the matter. After all, it is impossible for the tsunami to cross the two continents and then hit them.

However, the situation is still very critical. At this time, in Kuntianyu, Suning has fallen into the arms of the women, unconscious, and the four sacred beasts around him are also languishing, especially the starry sky tour. God and Taixu Dragon God, the two divine beasts, have put too much pressure on Suning, and now they are all in a coma.

Seeing the blood and flesh in her arms, she can no longer see the original Suning, the women suddenly felt very uncomfortable, "Hurry up and come!" Feng Lingyue yelled out of shape, and everyone who found that something was wrong rushed. Entering, the headed old man Yao looked at Suning's situation and quickly took over.

"Where's the doctor? Call them!" The team of physicians that had been prepared finally rushed over, quickly put Suning on the ground, started emergency treatment, and then lifted Suning away. The most difficult step has been completed. The next thing is to rely on the Liuli Pagoda to slowly drop the entire continent on the seabed.

Suning has already felt that the Liuli Pagoda has become different from others, but I don’t know what point it has reached, but he actually felt the existence of divine consciousness fluctuations from the Liuli Pagoda, I am afraid that the Liuli Pagoda now has its own. God knows it! Of course, the mark of Suning on his body could not be erased.

Seeing that the continent in front of me was slowly descending, the fleets of the three states all hurriedly evacuated, leaning on the drone from a distance to look around. After all, the only way to obtain first-hand intelligence is now. Of course they still dare not go deep inland, after all, they don't know what's going on inside, they can only wait for the orders from the headquarters.

At this time, the old man Wang of the Jiangzhou headquarters was sitting in the office. All the high-levels in Jiangzhou were all gathered together, frowning tightly. The table was filled with countless facts about this continent that appeared out of thin air. The data showed it It is slowly descending, and at this rate, it will land on the seabed tomorrow morning! At that time, this continent will completely appear on the sea five hundred miles away from Jiangzhou!

This distance can be said to be quite advanced. The battleship is cruising at full speed and can reach there in just half a day, but relatively speaking, the opponent can also reach the Central Three States in a short period of time. You must know the Transformation Realm. And the speed of the holy order is very terrifying. "Go ahead and let the mission make preparations. Let's leave the port now, and we will log in directly tomorrow morning!"

Everyone looked surprised when they heard the words of General Wang. "Big brother, aren't you thinking about it? Isn't it a bit risky to venture like this?" "We have no choice, do you understand? The group of guys in Leizhou have definitely set off, we occupy the land and people, and we must not let them Go ahead!"

"Go tell Ding Ming, let him take someone there. He knows the way and knows people. He is very suitable to be our liaison officer. Let him pick people and things, and set off in an hour!" Soon Ding Ming After receiving the news, he quickly began to prepare a large amount of equipment, and then the ship began to move towards Kun Tianyu.

This time, in the ammunition depot on the ship, what is stored is not ammunition, but countless various equipment and things that Kuntianyu lacks. Ding Ming has lived there for so long, so he naturally knows what they lack. Let him take people to naturally bring countless good things to negotiate, and soon the battleship opened the sea and sailed towards Kun Tianyu.

There is Jinshan Yinshan! They are sure to get! At the same time, ships from Leizhou and Lingzhou also dispatched one after another, bringing countless negotiators to Kuntianyu. They originally thought that someone from the other party would send it over, but they didn't expect that the other party would send home directly! Who can stand this! All previous plans were invalidated, and they had to start preparing new plans.

As a result, the pace of the two states was naturally slow for Jiangzhou. At this time, Suning in Kuntianyu slowly opened his eyes, looked around and found that everyone was guarding near him. "Are you awake?" The five women who had been guarding Suning immediately noticed Suning and opened her eyes.

Feng Lingyue rushed forward instantly. "How is it? How do you feel? Tell us if you feel uncomfortable." After that, her little hand quickly touched Suning's body. There is nothing wrong, don't worry. Suning smiled and touched her head and said, in fact, his injury was really serious, but it still did not exceed the endurance of his body.

This time Suning consumed the most not his spiritual power, but his divine consciousness! His divine consciousness received a violent impact this time, and Nebula is still asleep now. Erha on the side is not too strong. He slept sweetly wherever he fell, but this place is very good, his **** Consciousness recovered very well here.

After talking to everyone, everyone hurriedly opened the room. After all, they also knew that they were not suitable to stay here. "Wait, wait for the old medicine." Suning said quickly, and said slowly when everyone left Suning. "How long have I slept?" "Ten hours." Old man Yao replied.

"Presumably they are coming soon, you must pay attention." Suning thought for a while and said. The old man Yao also reflected in an instant and quickly said, "What should I do?" Suning had already introduced him in detail about the situation of the entire Zhongsanzhou, but he still didn't know how to face this group of people.

"It's very simple, shop around." Suning said with a smile. "For the entire Kuntianyu, only psionic technology is useful."

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