Li Shouwei was in a very bad mood at this time. What kind of green onions are all special, and he dares to talk to himself like this. No one in the entire East City of Jiangzhou knows his reputation! Everyone knows how hot he is, but today I am very shameless! This guy must be taught a lesson.

Only when he turned his gaze, Li Shouwei's face suddenly changed. "Master General!" He was instantly withered when he saw the person coming. This is his immediate superior's immediate superior! If I hadn't seen his photos, I would never have had a chance to see what General Wang looked like!

His humble status is not enough for him to meet the general. But he had already printed the appearance of General Wang in the depths of his memory! Now seeing a real person is not excited but shocked! He knew about the incident a year ago. That night, it can be said that countless people were washed away, and these people were all officials who had affair with major families!

They knew the strategy of the central government. The officials must keep a good distance from the family, but this time he stepped on the red line. This time, he must not let General Wang know the inside story! "My lord! Hello! May I ask what's the matter?" Li Shouwei said solemnly. "What's going on? What happened?" Suning frowned and said.

Seeing this young man by General Wang's side and speaking like this, his heart was immediately shocked. It seemed that this young man's status was simply extraordinary! You can even speak before General Wang! And looking at the appearance of General Wang, there is no such thing as angry, as if it should be so!

"My lord, this group of people gathered in the East City to fight, and we are now planning to take them back for interrogation!" Li Shouwei said neatly in salute. "Then why do you only catch people on this side?" Suning said with a smile. This sentence almost stopped Li Shouwei's heart.

He didn't know why the young man in front of him knew who he was arresting! "Mr. Su, you are here." Chen Shan said with a smile on the side. Hearing this, Li Shouwei's mood suddenly became bad. I kicked on the iron plate! The person I caught still has a background!

And it seems that the background is extremely deep. "Oh? You have already judged the problem of this matter?" General Wang on the side had already noticed these twists and turns, this kind of thing is too common. Although he has been vigorously suppressing this kind of thing, he also knows that this kind of thing cannot be completely banned.

But since he had already bumped into this kind of thing today, he couldn't leave it alone. General Wang looked at Li Shouwei, with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth and said directly, "Tomorrow I hope to see you explain it to me, do you understand?" Seeing General Wang's smile, Li Shouwei's heart sank instantly and he understood himself. His career has come to an end.

"Yes, I understand." He said while his voice was heard. "Everyone of today registered for me once, and then took them away for me!" After giving Chen Shan a relieved look, Suning directly took them away. Suning could completely describe them as guests of Kuntianyu, so they would not have the opportunity to persecute them.

But even now, they dare not do anything to Chen Shan and others. They can only serve them deliciously and deliciously. After all, it is the honeymoon period between them and Kun Tianyu, and they have just signed a series of contracts. Naturally, it is impossible to offend Suning. Leading them out of the room, Suning smiled and said to Chen Shan, "It's been a long time."

"Long time no see, Mr. Su." He was very excited when he saw Suning. After all, he hadn't seen Suning's backbone for so long. Now that he finally saw him, everyone was very happy. "Mr. Su, what should we do now? I plan to change my name to Su Ji Commercial Bank when I go back to Chen Ji Commercial Bank." Chen Shan said with a smile.

Now that Chenji Commercial Bank can develop to the present level, a large part of it is relying on Suning’s power and a large amount of assets left over, and it has grown rapidly. It can be said that if the current Chenji Commercial Bank does not have Suning, it will not There will be today's scale! This year, it has gone from a small shop in a city to a huge commercial chain that spans the entire central three states.

Although it only developed with the large sums of funds left by Suning, Suning knew that without the leadership of Chen Shan, it would naturally not be possible to develop to this scale. "No, this is your own ability. This is what you deserve. I promised you that I will come to you today."

"Give you a chance, come back to Kuntianyu with me, go there and I will give you an errand. You can still take care of the entire Chenji firm, but you must give me the right job. How about you agree?" Su Hao smiled Said. Hearing Suning's words, he suddenly breathed heavily. "Yes, of course I do!"

He said immediately. He knew that such an opportunity was extremely desirable! He must cherish this opportunity! Not everyone can enter the Kuntian Territory, but he can enter with Suning behind him, and he knows that his status and identity will not be too low! Entering official career to serve Suning, then the Chen family can only look to him in the future!

"Okay, you hand over in a short time, and then go back with me directly the day after tomorrow. Work hard, I believe you." Suning said with a smile. For such a capable person, he will naturally not let it go. Although he has a seed of vengeance in his heart, it is not necessarily a bad thing. It is just used properly and he can operate it well and let the hatred. Become motivation!

After solving this matter, he returned to his room to handle everything, Suning returned to the room, and Suning began to plan carefully. "Let's have a good time here for a few days. I'm afraid we won't be back here again. Suning smiled and said to the girls around him. The girls laughed beside Suning and made trouble with the family.

Suddenly Feng Lingyue's complexion changed suddenly and she vomited. For a while the whole room was in chaos. "Lingyue, what's wrong with you?" Suning hurriedly stepped forward to penetrate Feng Lingyue's spiritual veins, and probed carefully. "What's the matter?" Suning quickly asked the Taixu Dragon God and the others in the divine consciousness.

"Ah, I think, I should congratulate you." Taixu Dragon God said with a smile, and the four spirit beasts looked at Suning with a smile. At first, Suning hadn't realized what happened, but it was very Soon he reacted, combined with Feng Lingyue's physical reaction, the big thing is that he is going to be a father!

Suddenly, he was stunned in place, a little at a loss. His appearance made the women a little worried, and everyone was afraid of what happened to Feng Lingyue.

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