I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 536: auction

Everyone on the side was extremely envious, but he didn't expect this stupid man to succeed! That's really good tequila, and that cup is worth a hundred yuan. It seems that these two young people's requirements are not ordinary.

"Oh, I don't know what instructions the two have?" The strong man said with a smile. "What's your name?" Suning said with a smile. "Jack, you just call me Jack," said the strong man. "Oh, Jack, come and tell me something interesting will happen during this time."

Hearing Suning’s question, Jack couldn’t help laughing. "Oh, Mr. Generous, you really found the right person. Everyone here knows that Jack is the most knowledgeable person. You can rest assured that what I know You are satisfied!" He started talking to Suning on the sidelines.

Countless pieces of information have been revealed by him, and Suning and Jiang Bailin were also there to memorize them carefully. This is all precious information. Although it may not be important to others, it is the most important thing for them. Important news! Almost understanding, Suning smiled and said, "Give this one more cup of tequila." After that, he used his wristband to scan the card machine.

Although I can't tell how much Suning actually has, everyone knows that he doesn't care about the 500 yuan spent on drinking. Yes, five hundred, Suning and Jiang Bailin's wine is more expensive. Watching the two of them leave the entire tavern, it exploded again.

Countless people began to talk about the origins of the two people. You must know that a person who can treat five hundred yuan as a small amount of money must not be a waiter! You must know that five hundred yuan is already a week's meal for a family of three, but the other party is still so handsome.

Everyone gathered around Jack and joked with him. "Old Jack, you're lucky." "Yeah, yeah." "Jack, Jack, look at the relationship between the two of us. Let me taste this wine, just one sip!" The greasy Rubick rushed from the side. Came out, hugging Jack's waist and said.

"Damn it, you drunk, get out of here!" Jack broke free of Rubick and said viciously. A group of people started to fight in the bar. Of course, everyone had their thoughts and shot these two. The lavish, but mysterious guys wrote them down. They had a hunch that soon someone would pay a big price and come to them for information on these two people!

At this time, Suning has come to the street. The roads here are more sound than those in the three states, and the public transportation is much more convenient. Most of them use vehicles they don’t know, but somehow the people at the hotel told me. They have a lot of common sense, and they also know how to take public vehicles here.

Smiling and boarding the bus, Suning looked at their destination, Ningxiang Auction House. This is the largest auction house in the entire Case City, the largest **** shop, and the largest auction site for immortality. Every year there are countless immortals being auctioned out here, and this is where countless people in the entire Case city dream of wanting. Where to come.

Soon the two came to the door of Ningxiang Pavilion Auction House. There was also a flow of people in front of the door. Countless people bought what they wanted inside. This is also the largest trading place for goods in the entire Case City. "Two guests, is there anything I can help you with?" a waiter said with a smile as he watched Suning approach.

"Come on auction, do you collect it?" Suning said with a smile. "Of course, honorable guests, please come with me." The waiter said with a smile. This Ningxiang Pavilion is really the best auction house in Saskatchewan. The service here is indeed very unusual, and the things here are indeed very high-end, full of a sense of the future.

Suning likes this atmosphere very much, it really makes them comfortable, "A few gentlemen, please come here, please sit down." The waiter smiled and said to the two of them. "My last name is Luo, and the two of you can call me Xiao Luo. If you have any questions today, you can talk to me." The young waiter said with a smile.

These words made Suning and Jiang Bailin very comfortable. Now he finally understands why Ningxiang Pavilion can achieve such a scale. Such caring and meticulous service really made them very happy. "Look at this thing." Suning took out a small porcelain bottle from the ring and said with a smile.

"This is?" Waiter Luo stepped forward and took the contents in his hand and said puzzledly. Gently opened the porcelain bottle in his hand, a strange peanut fragrance floated out of it, he immediately blocked the mouth of the bottle with a brush, and then took out professional tools and began to carefully inspect it.

Unlike Suning's expectation, what the waiter took out to test was not an alchemist, but a machine! With a strange face, he placed the pill in his hand on the machine and scanned it for a while. It didn’t take long for a lot of data to appear on it. I didn’t expect that even the machine can measure the contents of the pill with such precision. Of medicinal herbs.

"Well, they are all excellent medicinal materials, and the quality of this pill is also very good, and it can sell for a good price." Although there are some surprises, it is definitely not as shocking as Suning expected. It seems that the pill is not very unusual here. Otherwise the waiter could not behave like this.

"Excuse me, how many things do you have in total?" the waiter asked carefully. "A lot." After that, Suning waved a bunch of pills and instantly appeared in front of him. Looking at this mountain-like pill, he suddenly didn't know what to say. "Is this enough?" Suning asked with a smile.

I thought that Suning would only have a few bottles of pills, but I never thought that there would be so many! What is this doing? What about the purchase? But he is still very happy, no way these are his achievements! After receiving so many elixirs for auction, he made a lot of money with his commission share!

"Of course, you can accept all of these and auction it to me." Suning said with a smile. Now that Suning confirmed the news, he almost fainted with excitement. "These, these are all heavenly pill?" He asked in shock. "Yes, all of them are, of course, the ranks are different, from the high-rank to the low-rank." Suning said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Su, please wait here for a while, so we have to apply for a big deal." The waiter said with a smile, and then began to take Suning to a small room and start arranging Served a lot of exquisite snacks. "My lord, good news, good news." Luo waiter rushed to the top of the auction house and said excitedly.

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