The Pang family compound is said to be a compound, but it is actually a huge tall building. This is the center of the entire Pang family. All the upper floors of the Pang family are located here. The entire building is eighty-eight stories high, from one to sixty-six floors. They are all offices of the Pang family industry, and the 22nd floor above is where the real high-level Pang family is located.

At this time, on the eighty-eighth floor, a young girl sat at the table and slowly nodded the table in front of her, lost in thought. "Miss, the treasurer Pang has sent you a piece of confidential information." Pang Jiu'er closed the documents in the waiter's hands and looked at it carefully. "What did Uncle San say? Is it the pill matter? Hearing him said that he had gone to Zhongsanzhou before, but there was no result. How is it now?"

The information in the file made Pang Jiu'er a little bit unable to believe his eyes. He must have seen it wrong, rubbed his eyes, and looked at it carefully again, but it was still the same. He snapped and threw the file in his hand. When she reached the table, she yelled happily, "It's great! God has eyes!"

The thing that has tortured her for more than a month has finally been resolved. This one comes from Kuntianyu’s assistance, which made her give a big breath. Since this time, she has been worried every day. The big stone was finally put down. "Call Sanshu, I want to talk in person." Pang Jiu'er said with a smile.

"Uncle San, are these two people innocent?" Pang Jiu'er said solemnly. "Miss rest assured, you can rest assured of their origins. The first batch of pill medicine has already arrived in our hands, and we have checked the quality of all the pill medicine. Everything is normal and there is no problem." Da Dawei said with a smile.

"That's good, I don't worry about Sanshu's affairs." Pang Jiu'er said with a smile. "The safety of the two guests depends on your third uncle's arrangements. You must protect them. The lunatics of the Shijia family will definitely make trouble for them. Let the other party see our strength and don't let them down." "I understand you can rest assured." Da Dawei said quickly.

He had already arranged his subordinates and stared at every move of the historian. As for the personal protection that the eldest lady said, he felt that Suning did not need them, and even he could not see through the cultivation level. I can't imagine how strong he is and how big he is.

Although they have begun to implement the route of strengthening themselves in the Upper Three States, how can it be compared with people like Suning who walked out of the land of Gods and began to practice since childhood, Kuntianyu is a real good place, listen It is said that there are countless miracles inside, and there are countless magical artifacts and god-level techniques left over from ancient times.

So Kuntianyu is such a small place, which is only half the size of Shanglin Province, and there are more than a dozen strong holy ranks. This has to surprise them. You must know that there are also between holy ranks and holy ranks. There is such a big gap, the existence of holy ranks like Shang Sanzhou that is achieved by acquired means, in the eyes of everyone in Kun Tianyu, is not a true holy rank at all.

Perhaps only by relying on human tactics and many psionic technologies can there be a way to fight against the holy ranks of Kuntianyu. On that day, Suning easily settled the amount of hundreds of thousands of pills per year. If Suning came from an ordinary family in Kuntianyu, no ghost would believe it.

"I hope that the lunatics of the historian will not embarrass Mr. Su." In fact, he hopes that the historians will really start with Suning. Based on his understanding of Suning during this period, he will definitely not hold his breath, and he will definitely not. If the matter is rushed, then their Pang family can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and take advantage of the fishermen's profit. Of course, they can step on the Shijia's feet when necessary.

As for Suning, who had left the auction house at this time and returned to the street to stroll, she didn't know that he had been spotted. Su Ning suddenly stopped in his footsteps, and then slowly began to walk towards an alley. The corner of Jiang Bailin's mouth rose slightly and followed him into the alley.

Just a few seconds after the two went in, they watched them disappear around the corner. Suddenly, a citizen dressed in ordinary clothes also turned into the alley, carrying a bag of fresh vegetables in his hand. It looks like a harmless petty citizen. He finally found the target, so naturally he couldn't let it go. He believed that his level of disguise was absolutely impossible for the other party to discover himself so easily.

And these things in hand, and good disguise, are his greatest source of confidence. Even if his superiors come, he will only be mistaken for a citizen who has finished buying food and went home. That's why he put the boss' warning aside and followed in. But the more he walked inside, the more he felt something was wrong. There were no residents here, and cold objects had been placed on his neck.

"The amount Aa ah." He instantly began to violent acting just like an ordinary man in the street the same. "Okay, do you intend to continue to pretend to me?" Suning said coldly. "Don't kill me, don't kill me, do you want money? Just in my pocket, you take whatever you want. Brother, we have no grievances and no grudges. You take the money and go. of!"

Seeing the guy performing wildly in front of him, Suning suddenly laughed. He is really an interesting guy. He is really a fool, but his disguise is really good. If Suning had long been eyeing this guy, he must have been too I think this is just an ordinary citizen. "Stun and take it away, don't talk nonsense with him." Suning said with a cold smile.

Seeing Jiang Bailin who was gradually walking towards him, he just wanted to start resisting, he realized that he couldn't move, his whole body seemed to be locked up. Seeing the smiles on the faces of the two targets in front of him, he instantly reflected it, and it seemed that this time he really kicked the iron plate.

"Set up." Suning said slowly, Jiang Bailin nodded, and covered the man's mouth, then swiped the tip of his finger on his neck, and blood spewed out instantly and spread on the wall. This suddenly caused the **** man to twitch frantically, but then he found in despair that he could not call for help at all, his voice seemed to be controlled by someone, and there was no way to make a sound.

Soon, the two Suning who had arranged everything, waited for their trophies to leave. For a long time, a rustling sound rang on the ground, and then a sound like "Vulture, vulture, please answer." But no one answered him. , After two minutes, the voice sounded again but still no one spoke.

A few minutes later, a group of people cautiously walked in, then dispersed and started searching.

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