I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 560: Arrested

As the most powerful of the six provinces, Shanglin is naturally stronger than the other provinces. In addition, the Wang family already has no rivals in Shanglin, so naturally I want to be one step closer! Then there is only one way, which is to directly start moving towards the upper three cities. There is now the secret place of the entire Upper Three States.

Of course, there are still better places than the three cities, but that is not something that Suning should consider now. Now most of the agencies in the three cities have begun to migrate to other planets, and only a few remain. Authorities control the entire upper three cities.

Suning's wish is to board other planets and ride the battlefield among the stars! Of course he is not suitable for going to that kind of place now. Back on his bed, Suning was dreaming about these things while sinking into a dream. Early the next morning, Suning and Pang Jiu'er and others embarked on the way back. Before leaving, they saw the Shijia motorcade which was strictly protected.

Hearing rumors outside, Master Shijia has been in depression since he came out of the ruins, depressed all day, and often furious. Yesterday, he was rumored to have injured many people in his house. He is now a servant of the historian. We **** together and started going home. Of course, in the gossip circulated outside, it is still unknown whether it is true or not, but this does not prevent everyone from eating melons and watching the show.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? I heard that the young master of the historical family was made up by the concubine of the young lady of the Pang family. I don't know if this is true or false." Hush, brother said carefully, you can't talk nonsense what. "Someone on the side said quickly." Why? Doesn't Psionic Network all say that? What's wrong with this? "The man said with a puzzled look. This gossip has indeed been circulated in everyone's mouth, but the source is a small newspaper that is unscrupulous for the sake of fire.

The identity of Suning and the affairs between him and Miss Pang Jia and Master Shi Jia made this group of reporters find a breakthrough. So the whole newspaper collected all kinds of lace news from Case City overnight, and then polished it up. Immediately a huge and terrifying conspiracy theory came into being. Suning, a guy from Kuntianyu, wanted to use Pang Jiu'er to control the current Pang family and create a breakthrough for them in Kuntianyu!

However, Shi Ming was described as a poor man who wanted to pursue his own goddess, but was framed by Suning in the ruins, and now he is crazy. This kind of conspiracy theory is obviously very popular in Shanglin. For a while, all kinds of affair about Suning and Miss Pang’s family have been circulated among the people. For a while, everyone is discussing this matter. Obviously, it has become an afterthought. Of talks.

Of course, the news was blocked soon. Wang Dong naturally wouldn’t watch them discredit Suning’s image. After all, this is their partner of the Wang family, and they have been hacked like this on their own territory. It's time to express yourself!

"Naughty! Immediately arrest these people who are taking the lead in spreading rumors! It's really challenging our bottom line! I want to see who in Shanglin dares to spread rumors like this! "Obviously Wang Dong was furious. Suddenly, the huge organization of the Wang family began to operate, and soon this small newspaper office emerged.

"My lord, it's this one. Our people have found out that they issued this article last night. Since then, there have been various negative comments about Mr. Su in various places. Now we have begun to block these one by one. Say something, what should we do next?" "Send someone to arrest them immediately! Spread rumors!"

In a small old office building in Shanglin City, Yan Mu was drinking tea leisurely, watching the number of page views of his own posts in front of him, unexpectedly began to soar at a flying speed, and he felt all bright future Was beckoning to himself. This whim made him grasp such a perfect point of public opinion. Now, watching the countless incidents about Suning on Lingneng.com, and many things that seem to be out of nothing began to appear frequently, he knows that he has achieved his goal, and it won’t be long before the lace journalists in the entire Shanglin City can do it. Ranked up!

And his little newspaper will also remain famous in the industry! This is what he dreams of. When the time comes, money, power, and women can have whatever they want! The goddess who had always been in his mind would definitely bow down under him. Thinking of this, he felt his blood flow all over his body.

"Boss, our post on Lingneng.com has been deleted!" The mutation happened while he was still dreaming. "Delete the post? The administrator shot it?" Yanmu said in shock. "Yes, our brains have not been invaded. The other party did not delete posts through us, but all two keywords about Suning were deleted!"

Hearing the report from his subordinates, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. This is simply too unusual. A small public opinion post actually used the Lingneng network administrator! This sentence cannot be made by Suning! Because he investigated Suning! Have a detailed understanding of his resume!

A young man who came from a wild land like Kuntianyu could not have such energy even if he got on the big ship of the Pang family! The Pang family basically has no influence in Shanglin, and there are not many people working here! So, if it weren't for them, which big shot was it?

For a while, he fell into deep contemplation, but suddenly he thought of a serious problem. Since the other party made such a quick move, and the entire network was blocked when the move was made, he must have found his address. Then it is very likely that he might be arrested by this mysterious man next time! And this mysterious man’s eight achievements are some executives in the forest!

This conjecture made his face pale instantly, and he began to shiver non-stop, **** himself forgot to open a vest and then send the article, "You guys hold me steady, I'll be back soon after I go out and make a call." After instructing his hand, he walked out of the room slowly.

As soon as he got out of the room, he was like a wild horse. He took many of his previous objects from his office, then took off his wristband and threw it under the table aside, and then directly took out one. The new bracelet was put on his arm.

He picked up the briefcase and turned his hair into a chicken coop, and put on the black-rimmed glasses he had never worn before. He hurriedly came to the back door and pushed it towards the outside, but he did not expect a sudden violent The white light flashed, and then he felt that he was flying, and then patted on the ground and passed out into a coma.

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