I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 570: variable

As long as the first serve, then the opponent is definitely injured, even if it is not seriously injured, it is absolutely impossible to take it well, maybe it is dead! But he still didn't dare to carelessly yelled "Fire! Fire!" The people of the Gongsun clan behind him were not all fools, although they could not keep up with the speed of the holy order, but they still rushed over at an extremely fast speed.

The three compression cannons hurriedly turned their muzzles and fired at the group of Gongsun clan who rushed up, but they had consumed too much spiritual power in order to give the holy rank a ruthless one. The shells that were now fired were far less terrifying than the first time. In addition, Gongsunmeng even equipped all the Gongsun clan with a personal shield.

Although several people were directly injured, they did not receive any serious injuries! Something that made the people of the historian desperate happened, the holy rank powerhouse who had just been hit by the compressed psychic cannon directly rushed out! And it doesn't seem to be a big deal!

All of the historians were shocked at this moment, "Impossible!" Shi Wen shook his head in an unbelievable manner. He knew the effect of the compression gun and he hadn't fired it when the main gun was tested. He was almost severely injured with all his strength! How is this possible!

In an instant, the two historians who controlled the turret went crazy and continued firing at the shadows, but at such a close distance, they almost reached the blood on the white sword tip in an instant. A historian who had exhausted his spiritual power was instantly pierced through his heart and lost his vitality.

"No!" The other historian guard on the side directly got up from the fort and rushed out towards the holy step. Although he knew that the mortal transformation realm that had exhausted his spiritual power was just floating for the holy step, he still Still rushed forward, of course, the final result was no different from the Shi family who had just been killed!

Both of his subordinates were killed and the three subordinates on the side also injured their hands and fell down. Knowing that he had no capital to continue to support him, he flew directly to the compressed fort and sat forward frantically. The holy class started a fire. But how can a person who has lost his mind still beat someone.

Countless cannonballs carrying huge energy directly flew at the black shadow, smashed into the wall, splashed countless rubble, but this could not stop the strong sages from coming in. "Die." Shi Wen's eyes widened instantly like a howling evil ghost in the abyss. Blood slowly flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"No, it's impossible, you won't succeed." The vitality disappeared from his body, and his corpse with remaining warmth hit the ground heavily. So far, all the people left behind by the Shijia were killed, and the leader Shi Wen was killed! Looking at the corpse in the place, the sage powerhouse of the Gongsun family slowly took a breath and took out a bottle of pill. The shot just got hurt him, and something really terrifying could cause him such damage!

"All these things are rushed down and we take them back!" Gongsun Meng said with a wave of his hand. These are all good things, even public relations dreams that are not sold in the black market. It is speculated that these are probably secretly developed by their Shi Jiazi. ! They naturally can't miss such things.

"Come on, quickly control the portal to me." Gongsun Meng said with a smile. Today's battle made her Korean style very happy and initially completed the goal. Generally speaking, it is not bad! After seizing a lot of good things, let’s not say the most important thing is that they killed the most important military division of the historians today!

This will be a disaster for the entire historian. Two people behind them took a crystal ball and walked towards the portal. The portal was still open at this time. The blue ripples inside were very weird. The two came to the portal, joking and thinking about throwing their things into the door. Zhong found that his neck was pressed by a pair of big hands and then his body was lifted.

"Hehe, little bug, what do you want to do?" The cold voice immediately made everyone tremble. Everyone looked in the direction of the portal, and the sacred step of the Gongsun family directly spoke as a black shadow flying over the portal, condensing the spiritual power in his hand and blasting out directly. "Oh? Who are you? Why are you here?

"You don't need to ask so much, you just need to know that today is your death date!" said the Saint-Rank powerhouse of the Gongsun family coldly. "Oh? It's not a small tone, let me see how strong you are." Shining, who just came out of the barrier, said with a warlike expression. Obviously he has already regarded the other party as the object of his own practice.

"With a big blow, they slammed towards each other, and the two of them swept back. The complexion of the people in the Gongsun family suddenly changed. The strength of the historical family in front of them was really terrifying, and the people on their side could not beat each other.

"Damn it, hurry up to contain him." Gongsun Meng said quickly. Now if you don't hurry up and help, maybe something will happen once your own holy rank dies, then they will have no way to survive! And this is only the second holy step of a holy step historian who hasn't appeared yet!

"Go on, the rest of you will come and blow up the portal with me!" The current situation no longer allows them to take the portal, they can only blow up the portal directly, otherwise the next thing will be big! "Oh? It's not good to do this." Realizing the intention of PR Meng, he directly put down his opponent and rushed toward Gongsun Meng.

"Your opponent is!" The Holy Order of the Gongsun family just wanted to step forward and stop, but found that he couldn't catch up with the opponent at all! "Boy, you are not qualified enough." As he said, Shining jumped over the opponent and rushed towards Gongsun Meng. "Patriarch! Be careful!" But obviously the speed of the holy rank is not comparable to that of people like Gongsun Meng. She was chased up in an instant, and then a terrifying wave flew from the side.

With a bang, a light blue protective shield gleamed from her body and immediately blocked the damage. But this blow still made her very uncomfortable, and she was directly hit and flew out. Blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. But Shining didn't have the chance to hit the Saint-Rank powerhouse who hit the opponent second, and there was only one dead end if he came behind her and didn't look back!

Seeing that Shi Ning was restrained by others, Gongsun Meng hurriedly got up from the ground and continued to rush forward, and finally just a few steps before he could climb the steps and throw the things in his hands, suddenly a terrifying energy came from the portal She rushed out and flew out suddenly.

"Who, what do you want to do?" A cold voice came out from the portal, and then a man in black came out slowly, it was the Patriarch of the Shi Family! History vibration!

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