I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 574: Dragon Clan

"Mother, you know where my dad is locked up, right?" Suning said slowly. The memory of his father is still very deep. The person who used to play with himself when he was young told him that he had grown up. He will never forget the person who wants to protect his mother.

He still remembers how Zhou Meiniang cried and told her when he asked his mother where his father had gone, that his father had just gone out to explore the world, and it won’t be long until he grew up and could protect his mother. Will be back.

At that time, Suning still thought it was a very simple thing. He felt that his mother was an ordinary woman and he could protect herself very easily, but now it seems that these are all jokes. Her mother's strength is at least God level! This was a goal he could not achieve in a short time.

God order! After the Great War, the disappearance of the God Realm made it impossible for everyone now to take that step. If they could not become a God, then they would not have endless lives! Will die one day! This is why Shangsanzhou began to expand frantically towards the stars!

Because they feel that as long as they become god-like people, master the truth of time, and can manipulate everything in the world at will, they will become new gods! Now for them, immortality is not a tempting thing anymore. They can also do this with the top psionic technology but at a high cost!

And they know that human beings are now far from discovering the truth of the world. Today they just conquered a few ruined planets. This is not difficult for the gods. Even the Taizu Dragon God could easily swallow the planets back then. Create a planet, let alone a stronger god.

"Your father is now in the prison of the Holy Spirit Realm, but we have no way to save him. The chaos of the gods has been going on for too long, it is time to end, and you are the only one who can do this! You are us The only hope."

"The great sage of the Protoss once told me that in the future my child will be the one who will end the unrest in the gods, so don’t worry, don’t panic, go on according to your own ideas, mom and dad will always stand by your side. Supporting you behind you, you must understand our painstaking efforts, remember, before reaching the **** level, don't go to your father, promise your mother, OK?"

Seeing Zhou Meiniang's pleading look, Suning nodded quickly and said, "Yes, I understand my mother." He knew that with his current strength, even if he found his father's whereabouts, he would not be able to rescue him.

And now it is not only the Holy Spirit line that wants his life, but the Nether line also intends to kill him! Suning couldn't help but have a headache. What did she do to make both parties want to kill herself.

The most frightening thing is that the person who wanted to kill him said that one was his grandfather and the other was his grandfather in terms of blood relationship. It was really speechless. Suning wondered what he did in his previous life to torture him so much!

The conversation with Zhou Meiniang made Suning's heart sink. Now his task is too heavy, but he needs a bite to eat and he has to walk step by step. If the step is too large, it is easy to break.

Now let's solve the immediate problem. With this own mother guarding Feng Lingyue, he can also relax and go out for a while.

Within a few days, Gongsun Meng, who had been training in the Pang family, came to visit the man who saved her life but looked at her body again. She couldn't hate it, but she always felt that Yue was very embarrassed and angry.

Now she must also go home quickly. I don't know if the family will be messed up because of her disappearance. The whole Gongsun family is now completely reimbursed. If she doesn't hurry, it is very likely that the family will have fallen apart when she goes back.

Seeing Gongsun Meng who left, Suning shook her head and didn't think about her. It was not easy. A girl supported a family like this, because this time it is very likely that they will suffer severe damage. The fate of the girl is hard to say.

However, the Pang family looked at Suning's face, sponsored her for free, and gave them a place to enter the secret realm for cultivation! If it weren't for the face of Suning, the Pang family would never let it go easily.

Although it can be said that the Pang family belonged to the mantis hunting the cicada and the oriole, the final result was that the Pang family won a complete victory and put me in his own hands. Compared with the leisurely leisurely historian of the Pang family at this time, it can be said that it is extremely bad.

Many people in the family were puzzled because a person left from Case City. However, Shi Zhenzhen was the man who brought the historian to the top all the way. His actions naturally had his intentions, since He let the family leave from Case City, it proves that there are people there who can't afford them!

"Uncle is in front of Sky City. Why are we going back?" said a younger disciple of the historian. ""Don't ask if the little child shouldn't ask.

Someone on the side said quickly. "But I think Case City is very good, there are everything there, not here, and I want to know who actually makes us so scared?" What this kid said is what all historians want to ask, so For many days, I hurried to leave.

Even the country that was struck down hard is gone, what is it so terrifying? "Remember, they are called the Dragon Clan. If you meet the Dragon Clan in the future, you must have a good relationship with them, and you can't offend them at will.

Otherwise, you will look like an uncle and can only take you out of there. Shi Zhenzheng said gloomily. They left here while talking. It's just that they didn't know that the conversation just now was heard by others!

"Case City? The Dragon Clan? When did the family send someone out?" A young man in blue clothes on the side of the road asked in confusion, then he took out his wristband and began to inquire, but he got the result. But no!

So this means that someone is now in Case City using their dragon's name to slander and deceive, and they are also forcing their wives to disperse! This is unbearable. He doesn't allow anyone to bluff and deceive outside in the name of their dragon clan!

After thinking about it, standing up, he embarked on the road to Case City, he must rush there, let the person who dared to bluff and deceive in their name kill the public and tell everyone in the world that they are the dragon One family should not be discredited!

He is in the dragon clan, this year is just the age of adulthood. In addition, when he was a child, he used to watch all kinds of weird knights and justice stories from his parents and brothers, which made him a younger generation of the dragon clan. Wonder in the.

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