After all this, they suddenly realized that they were hungry! How could this be possible? Compared to the ease of Suning and others, they were more panicked. They had no food reserves! Now everyone lied.

"Big brother, what should we do!" The Long family said anxiously. After shopping here for so long, they didn't find any food! But the terrible negative effect brought about by hunger is that they have no strength!

Without strength in such a place, there is no life! Hunger will completely incapacitate them! "Brother, I can hold it, let me go and see!" someone stood up and said. Long Jue knew that staying here was waiting to die, and he might die when he went out, but death in battle was better than starvation!

He nodded and watched several people go out. Such a scene is not uncommon in the entire ruins. Everyone has encountered the same thing, and everyone is working hard to live!

At this time, on the hilltop palace in the ruins, two **** of light were suspended in the sky, and suddenly a black ball of light said, "The things on these people are quite interesting." "Well, it's similar to our portable space back then. "

"No, this kind of thing seems to have a much wider range of applications, and it's also much more convenient. It seems that there are other uses for that thing. I didn't expect that when we wake up, humans will give us a small surprise." Said the white ball.

"It seems that this group of people still have some abilities." Heiqiu said. "Yes, it is indeed possible, and it is a bit interesting personally, I can't see through him!" Bai Qiu said. Is it possible to be a lucky person?

Now the two smiled slightly and said, "It seems that we can make him a little more difficult." "Oh, that's what I meant." Bai Qiu said with a smile. At this time, Suning didn't know that all these were planned plans! Shengmen is not the easiest!

The journey in the life gate is the most difficult journey, and it is also the most difficult, but obviously there is no way to beat Suning and the others. Now they have overcome all obstacles and stepped through countless traps, but it is the fastest of all. !

Moreover, their act of taking out food from the space bracelet also made the black and white **** convulse, which is equivalent to no threat of hunger! They definitely can't let them come here so easily!

In their opinion, it is necessary to increase the difficulty for Suning. After all, they chose someone who can truly be a big responsibility! What to do if you choose a straw bag and someone who is carried over by cleverness. So it must not be careless!

If he is dead, he is not qualified! Only the strongest people are qualified to stand in front of them! Suning, who was walking on the road, suddenly felt tight, and immediately stopped the three of them.

"Wait! Something is wrong!" Suning said coldly. On the way, Suning's magic and strength let Qianjia two people know about Suning's magic. Now Suning speaks amazingly, and tells them something wrong. Very nervous.

"What happened?" Qian Linglong asked quickly. "I don't know what I feel I'm about to come!" Suning frowned and said. If this feeling is said by ordinary people, maybe no one will take it seriously.

But for masters, their feeling is sometimes better than anything else! The sixth sense is a must-have skill for every master! Sometimes you can really save your life! No one dared to conceal what Suning said.

"Enter the room!" Suning said hurriedly. A voice in his heart kept telling him to enter the room. Although he didn't know why, he felt satisfied when he entered the enclosed space. In addition, the four of them are also easy to defend, otherwise they will be threatened by guards from all directions all the time outside!

This is not a good thing for them! Just after Suning stayed in the room and began to mark the formation, a scream suddenly sounded, and Suning quickly came to the window and looked out.

I thought that these ghosts would only appear in the dark, but I didn't expect that they would appear in the day! "Be careful! They seem to have discovered us!" Suning said coldly. Now it's not Dark Night that his divine consciousness can still be used, he can clearly feel that there are more than ten energy sources rushing in his direction!

And what surprised Suning most was that more than a dozen energy sources rushed towards this place in an enveloping posture. Obviously they already knew the location of themselves and others, and the other party's IQ was not low!

"Ready to fight! We haven't had a long time!" Suning said quickly. At this moment, even if Suning didn't say anything, everyone felt the sensation of that breath coming, it was a bit scary.

But after more than a dozen breaths came to the door, they stopped and surrounded the entire room, but didn't do anything. Suning couldn't help but wonder. According to the strength of the other party, it must be easy to break through the windows and doors of this house. But the other party obviously did not intend to do so.

Just roaring and going in circles outside. Now Suning and the others understood it. It seemed that this place was very in awe of things outside and was afraid to enter here.

But always relying on such a simple and small house can be prevented for a while and not for a lifetime! Sure enough, soon these guys couldn't bear it, and they started to want to rush in! With a bang, a dark shadow rushed in instantly, but Suning was shot head-on and flew out, and then a raging flame ignited over them.

"Oh!" A screaming scream sounded from the side, and then a scream sounded. Obviously Suning himself did not expect that his attack could produce such a big effect." Come on! "With a successful blow, Suning immediately gained confidence, and pulled out the sword to rush towards the monster.

The monster that fell on the ground at this time had been burned to ashes by the white-gray flame. Seeing the appearance of the "monster" Suning, all the shadows were a little frightened. Obviously, Suning was different from the food they met yesterday!

They can feel endless pressure from each other! The sense of oppression made them very alarmed. Knowing that their Holy Spirit power can suppress monsters, Suning smiled playfully and began to experiment.

The divine consciousness burst out, but obviously it had no effect. The other party didn't even feel it. Then a gleam of green light shone from Suning's hand, and then blasted directly at a monster in front of him, and a monster instantly turned into A bunch of green flowers.

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