I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 634: Return to the cave

When is the injustice reported! Su Mu looked at Su Qing's desolate back, his expression was unclear. He wiped the blood from the corner of the elder's mouth and put him on the bed, looking from a distance, as if he was asleep.

"Why so suddenly!"

"The great elder is fine in the morning! Why died at noon!"

"What should I do!"

The front hall of the Su family was noisy, and they were all talking about the death of the great elder. Only Su Mu sat in a chair without saying a word. This is what the great elder owes Su Qing's family of three. He can no longer stand on the side of the great elder. Up.

A cyan figure came out of the other courtyard and walked slowly to the front hall, "Are you talking about the death of the Great Elder?"

"Why are you here? Don't you know what your identity is? The parents of Su are here to discuss matters, how can you allow you to indulge! Come, family law..." The fourth elder glared at Su Qing and shouted sharply, before finishing his words. Interrupted by Su Qing.

"Is the family law? You have used the family law on me all these years. What happened? Did you use the spiritual power you absorbed? Oh, I forgot, you are the horrible old men, no matter how high your spiritual power is. It's useless!" Su Qingyouyou said, smiling disdainfully.

"You!" The four elders were anxious. He had never seen Su Qing like this. The former Su Qing was a soft persimmon, just squeeze it. Now I don’t know what’s going on, the arrogance is so high. For a while, I don’t know how Okay, "Three brothers, are you sitting and living? The eldest brother just left, this evil obstacle provokes us like this."

Su Mu: "..." He glanced at Su Qing, his mouth tightly closed, as quiet as it had been many years ago.

"The third elder is a kind-hearted person, but unlike you, don't think about pulling him out to stand in line." Su Qing said sarcastically. He really had enough of these people in the clan!

No one in the hall talked anymore, and looked at Su Qing incredulously. They had cultivated for so many years and they did not cultivate in vain. Naturally, they could perceive that Su Qing's spiritual power was not as good as before, except for the three elders to stand with. The rest are at best 50-50 against him. It's unclear who will lose and who will win!

"Why? Afraid? Didn't you still say that you want family law?" Su Qing sneered, went straight to the position of the elder and sat down, brushed his sleeves, his tone was light.

"This..." The elders looked at each other, and they didn't dare to do anything.

"Since you don't have the ability! You will listen to me! From now on, the entire Su family, I have the final say!" Su Qing raised his eyebrows, domineering and cold.

Su Mu remained silent, feeling panicked, strode out of the front hall with his hands back, and let Su Qing sit there.

Seeing that Su Mu had acquiesced in this matter, the other elders did not dare to provoke. Although they had guessed that the death of the elder was probably related to Su Qing, they knew that they did not have that strength.

After living and working in peace and contentment for so long, they have long been greedy for pleasure and have not devoted themselves to cultivation. What's more, they have not forgotten what happened back then. Even if they handed the Su family to Su Qing, they could only accept it. After all, Su Qing back then The father should have been the successor of the Su family, but there has been no one who can support the Su family, and this is the position of the elder.

After so many years, it's time for a replacement. They can't manage the future of the Su family. The crisis in Gentian City hasn't been resolved yet, so the Su family has had such a big trouble first. At this juncture, they are already exhausted enough. , Take the opportunity to hand all the mess to Su Qing.

If Gentian City can survive this crisis safely, they will stay in seclusion for a long time. If they can't...it's the destiny, several elders walked out of the front hall with their heads down.

They are getting old after all.

"I finally took revenge for you, dad, mom, have you seen it?" Su Qing stood in the front hall, looking at the empty courtyard, with a lonely expression, and he could finally worship them brazenly.

Su Qing walked slowly into the yard and knocked his head three times.

"Come here!" Su Qing said coldly while looking at the subordinates in the corner, with a glimmer of cold light flashing in his eyes. Only then did one thing have been resolved, and there was still a major issue left.

"Master, please tell me." The servants were shaking all over, thinking that he was the sacrifice chosen by Su Qing.

"You order to go down and let the people in the mansion release the news. Just say that the Sheng family conspired to destroy the entire city of Gentian and collude with the dark forces." Su Qing's tone was cold, and the biting chill made the subordinates shiver. Nodded quickly and ran out.

With the spirit beast, Suning and several people soon arrived near the cave. They lurked around carefully, and set out in pairs to spy on the surrounding situation. According to previous memories, the cave is likely to be guarded, and they must first find out the situation.

Suning and Qian Linglong, Jiang Bailin and Qian Tingting set off from the left and right, and agreed to meet in the cave.

Suning and Qian Linglong crouched forward, carefully watching the outside of the cave.

Four people guarded the cave, standing side by side at the entrance, looking around.

"Brother Su, there are four guards here, how about one of us?" Qian Linglong whispered in Suning's ear.

"These are just people at the entrance of the cave. What if there are other people ambushing in the cave?" Suning gave Qian Linglong a white look. If they can solve it by rushing to stun them, why are they still lurking here?

"That's right, then we..." Qian Linglong was interrupted before she finished her words.

"Shut up!" Suning covered Qian Linglong's mouth. Just now, Qian Linglong accidentally touched the bushes and made a rustling sound. The person guarding the entrance of the cave moved the realization to them and stepped closer to them. .

Qian Linglong held her breath for an instant, and she didn't dare to let out the atmosphere. Suning inhaled, and her spiritual energy surged, and she spoke through her internal force, "Brother Jiang, it's now!"

Jiang Bailin nodded, took out a bottle of Ecstasy from his cuff, and whispered Qian Tingting to cover his mouth and nose.

Immediately activating the spirit source, a light blue spirit flame rose from the palm of his hand. Jiang Bailin placed the Ecstasy incense in his palm, and with the help of the spirit flame, a white smoke rose in the air instantly. Upon seeing this, Jiang Bailin transported the spiritual source, wrapped it in white smoke, and put it into a circular device.

Pushing with both hands, the smoke drifted away, and the four people who were about to walk to Suning inhaled the fragrance.


The four suddenly fell to the ground. Suning raised her eyebrows and smiled at Jiang Bailin appreciatively. The four jumped out of the bushes, patted the dust on their hands, and quickly changed into the clothes of a few people on the ground.

Qian Linglong looked at Qian Tingting dressed in men's clothing, and laughed out loud.

Suning raised his hand and made a gesture of hitting someone, frightening Qian Linglong, and whispered, "I told you to keep your voice down!"

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