I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 683: Nengren Temple

"Patriarch Pang, are you okay?" Suning heard the movement and walked slowly to the tent.

The sob stopped abruptly, Pang Jiu'er quickly wiped away tears, and threatened Pang Hongya in a low voice, "Don't tell anyone."

"Yes, Patriarch." Pang Hongya nodded.

"Patriarch Pang?" Suning asked again.

Isn't it because Qian Linglong's words just made Pang Jiu'er upset?

Jiang Bailin walked slowly from the side, "Two beauties, which one do you like?"

There are five more wives outside the secret area, and there are two more here. Jiang Bailin wants to see what Suning will do. Moreover, the child in Feng Lingyue’s belly is about to be born in two months. If it is short of breath, If the child is difficult to give birth, tut...

"Are you my brother? You don't help me think of a way, and I'm still gloating here, a thousand family owners, a Pang family owner, even if you offend one of them, do you think we can still stay in Case City?" Suning is not angry Squinted.

Jiang Bailin quickly helped, "Patriarch Pang, are you okay?"

Pang Jiu'er stood up slowly, used his spiritual power, looked at himself in his glasses, and took a deep breath, "I'm fine, but what's wrong with Mr. Su and Mr. Jiang? Why are they outside my tent?"

Sitting on the stone pier, Qian Linglong glanced at Pang Jiu'er, holding a wooden stick and squirming on the ground.

"Aren't you crying? Let me see what's going on." Suning said lightly, and Pang Hongya immediately looked at Pang Jiu'er, saying that she didn't say this.

As the head of the Pang family, she could not show her fragility in front of outsiders. Pang Jiu'er gritted her teeth and said, "You got it wrong."


"Now that you have a good rest, we should move on. Looking at the scene in front of you, it should not be far from the exit." Pang Jiu'er raised her white and slender neck, arrogantly cold.

Suning's mouth was upset, and she didn't say anything more.

Because of his devastation, everyone stopped in place for a day.

"Don't take a break here? We should start." Pang Jiu'er glanced at Qian Linglong who was depressed.

Qian Linglong was speechless, they had just returned from elsewhere, and it wasn't long before they sat down, and Pang Jiu'er was about to set off. Isn't it clear that you don't want to follow her? Qian Linglong is also a more serious person, and immediately replied proudly, "We have enough rest, so let's walk together."

"Ah? I just sat down." Long Jue looked at Qian Linglong sadly.

Ding Ling leaned against the banyan tree, watching the farce between Qian Linglong and Pang Jiu'er, maintaining a neutral attitude.

Without much delay, Pang Jiu'er raised his hand and put the tent into the bracelet, leading the Pang family members in front, and Suning and Jiang Bailin also followed when they saw it.

All the troops left, Ding Ling immediately followed. She originally came for Suning, so naturally she would not choose to be with Qian Linglong.

"Miss." Qian Tingting looked at Jiang Bailin's figure, reluctantly.

Qian Linglong's eyes rolled for a moment, and her innocent big eyes blinked, "You want to be with Brother Jiang, right?"

Qian Tingting glanced at Qian Linglong in surprise, buried her head with a shy face, a blush on her white face, and answered everything with silence.

Holding Qian Tingting's hand, Qian Linglong chased to the front of the team and deliberately curled her lips. "Tingting said that she hadn't seen Brother Jiang for too long and wanted to go with Brother Jiang."

"Miss!" Qian Tingting frowned slightly, her face reddened even when she lowered her head.

Long Jue sighed and dragged his exhausted body to the end of the team. He was no better than this group of people. Naturally, his spiritual power was not as good as theirs, and his exhaustion would be heavier than them.

Pang Jiu'er glanced at Qian Linglong sideways, feeling unhappy, secretly complaining that Qian Linglong was a piece of chewing gum that could not be shaken off.

After walking on the grassland for about two to three kilometers, I finally saw a ruin of broken walls. Even though I was far away, I could see a thick mist covering a temple-like building.

Walking a little further, I could see a big gossip array on the ground, dark brown and gray-black intertwined. Most of the dust accumulated over the years covered the original color, which should have been black and red. Suning squatted down and touched A handful of dust on the ground.

The dust is about three centimeters high, and there are no footprints any further, presumably they are the first team to arrive here.

The gossip array is a neat and perfect circle with a diameter of nearly 100 meters. It must have been a large altar before. It is very likely that a **** was worshipped here tens of thousands of years ago. When I think of this, Suning is even more interested. , Stood up and said, "Let's go further. This is a gossip formation used for sacrifice. The gods are likely to have appeared here, and we may be able to find some traces."

"Yes, this kind of gossip array is a long time ago, and it's not what people do now." Pang Jiu'er glanced at the place Suning had just touched, nodded and said.

They have lived in the city for so long, and the gossip arrays they saw were made by the ancients before. These families desperately wanted to find traces of the gods, but they did not expect to find them here.

No wonder this ruin is so terrifying, and the people in the team burst into noise all at once, cheering, and trotting forward.

The closer you walked, the outline of the temple became clearer, the plaques were covered with dust, and the three words "Nengren Temple" could be vaguely seen. There were spider webs everywhere in the temple. When you lift your foot a little, there will be dust in the sky. Then, in the corner of the ceiling, some small black bugs ran away panicked upon hearing the movement.

"It should be a long, long time no one lives here." Suning stared at the Xumi seat in front. The place where the Buddha was originally supposed to be placed is now empty, with only a pure gold base left, and the surrounding candlesticks fell on the periphery. There are some unknown objects that are black and muddy on the table.

I think it should be the traces left by the decay of the things that people worshipped before. The futons are scattered in various places, old and dry, and when they are picked up, they are full of dust, which makes people uncomfortable.

"There is a wooden fish!" Long Jue ran out happily, staggered, and fell to the ground. The dusty wooden fish in his hands fell to the ground, emitting a faint glow.


There was a crisp sound, and it walked around the beam for a long time, like a divine sound, everyone only felt that the whole body was comfortable, as if the whole body had been purified, and the rest of the people ran inside, trying to find some gods.

They wanted to prove the traces of the existence of the gods all their lives. They were all intrigued when they saw this temple. They suddenly forgot the exhaustion on their bodies and searched everywhere.

The sound of clanking and searching came from the whole temple.

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