I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 712: Learned of the death

Long Xiaoyao hugged Feng Lingxing and walked out of the Feng Family's gate. People on the street watched him enter the chariot, his eyes were full of surprise.

"Hey, isn't that the second lady of the Feng Family? Call it, what is it."

"Feng Lingxing! How come she has a knife on her stomach!"

"Hush, it seems that something terribly important has happened to the Feng Family. We'd better stay away to avoid harming ourselves."

"Yes, yes, just hide."

People on the street talked a lot, and soon, the Fengjia incident spread among the streets and alleys of Shangjin City.

"Hey, have you heard? The famous Feng Family, happy events have become funerals!"

"Isn't it? It's a pity that the second lady of the Feng Family has a beautiful face, hey."

"Shhh, keep it quiet!"

"What are you afraid of? Everyone knows about this now, even if we look for it, we can't find it!"

In the Vatican Tower, several waiters stood in the corridor and talked.

Suning and Feng Lingyue were discussing when to return to Kuntianyu, and vaguely heard voices outside the house.

"Xiao Ningzi, go and see if something happened outside." Feng Lingyue felt something wrong in her heart, and said softly to Suning.

"Well, good!" Suning responded, got up and walked outside the house.

Seeing someone coming out, the waiters looked at each other and dispersed. Suning grabbed one of them by the arm and asked, "Brother, what were you talking about? What happened?"

"Hush, sir, be quiet!" The waiter looked around and reminded him in a low voice.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Suning asked with interest when he saw his reaction.

"Mister does not know that something happened to the famous Feng family in this city! Today the Feng family originally married his daughter, but later I don’t know what happened. It is said that a man came out holding the body of the second lady of the Feng family. Don't talk everywhere!" the waiter whispered.

Suning frowned slightly, and the waiter looked at Suning carefully, and wondered: "Does the gentleman have anything to do with this Fengjia? I advise him not to go to Fengjia again, so as not to get bad luck!" Leave.

Suning stood in place, a little stunned, unexpectedly Feng Lingxing couldn't think so much.

"Xiao Ningzi." Feng Lingyue shouted from inside the house. Suning heard Feng Lingyue calling him and responded, then closed the door and walked to Feng Lingyue, pretending to be happy.

Seeing Suning's appearance, Feng Lingyue smiled and asked: "Xiao Ningzi, what's so happy! Tell me too!" Suning took a sip of his tea and said with a smile: "Hey, it's not Feng Lingxing's business. I just heard from the waiter outside that Long Xiaoyao later brought Feng Lingxing back to Long's house, which is a wonderful thing."

When Feng Lingyue heard this, a gratified smile appeared on her face, and she said softly: "Also, I hope my sister will be well in Long's house in the future, I will rest assured!".

Su Ning immediately got up and said to Feng Lingyue: "You, let's worry about yourself!" Then she helped Feng Lingyue onto the bed and skillfully covered her with a quilt.

"You, take a good rest here, and I will give our sister a pressure on the place, so that the boy Long Xiaoyao will not bully her in the future!" Suning said with a smile.

Feng Lingyue smiled slightly, "It's rare that you can agree with my ineffective sister, go!" Suning continued: "It's windy outside, you're in the house, don't walk around, don't you know?", and then passed the quilt. He touched Feng Lingyue's belly and said: "Little guy, listen to your mother, don't move!"

Feng Lingyue twisted Suning's arm and said angrily: "You, the child hasn't been born yet, so strict!"

"Hey, okay, I'm going first, and I'll be back soon!" Suning said, Feng Lingyue nodded, closed her eyes and rested, and then Suning got up and left.

After leaving the room, Suning breathed a sigh of relief, and at last she concealed it. Feng Lingyue's current state is really not suitable for hearing these things, otherwise it will affect the delivery and it will be bad.

When Suning came to Feng's house, seeing that the door of Feng's house was closed tightly, she was sure that what the waiter said was true, and then knocked on the door of Feng's house.

"It is inconvenient to entertain guests today, please come back!" Aunt Fang said from the outside door.

"Is it the housekeeper? It's me, Suning!"

When Aunt Fang heard that it was Suning, she was overjoyed, and quickly opened the door to let Suning in.

"Auntie, you can count on coming, second lady..." Aunt Fang seemed to find her spiritual sustenance.

"Well, I've heard all about it. Father-in-law and them!" Suning nodded slightly and said.

"The Patriarch is now in the ancestral hall. Let all of us not tell others about this."

"Also, Patriarch Long, Patriarch Long took away the body of the second lady, and Patriarch is angry now!" said Aunt Fang.

Su Ning frowned slightly, how did she forget about it, then smiled, and said to Aunt Fang, "Don't worry about the housekeeper, go tell your father-in-law, I'll bring back my sister's body."

After learning about Long Xiaoyao's whereabouts from Aunt Fang, Suning circulated the spiritual source in his body, rose into the sky, and chased him in the direction of Long Xiaoyao's carriage.

In the spirit store, Taixu Dragon God ridiculed: "I didn't expect you kid to be very eager to help others!"

Hearing the voice of the Dragon God Taixu, Suning smiled helplessly and said, "Hey, it's not for the silly girl in my house."

"That's right, she is nearing childbirth now and cannot be stimulated." The two of you chatted.

After chasing for ten minutes, Suning has not seen Long Xiaoyao's car wheel, frowning, mobilizing the power of the world tree in the spiritual hide, the divine consciousness and the surrounding plants are merged into one, and the scanning range gradually expands. After that, Suning's mouth turned into a smile.

"It's quite fast!", then he ran after him.

In the chariot, Long Xiaoyao held Feng Lingxing’s body in his arms, full of remorse. The bits and pieces of his previous stay with Feng Lingxing appeared in his mind. Although Feng Lingxing deceived him, he was together for so long. Feng Lingxing's eyes were full of him, and he had never done anything to apologize to him. Thinking of this, the corners of Long Xiaoyao's eyes became wet again.

Long Xiaoyao touched Feng Lingxing's cold face, choked and said: "Xing'er, don't be afraid, I will be with you", and said that the hands holding Feng Lingxing harder.

"Squeak...squeak...", with the sound of a sudden brake, the body shook.

Long Xiaoyao frowned and shouted, "What's going on!"

"Master, there is someone blocking the road ahead!" The driver replied nervously, and then he cursed Suning.

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