I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 720: Juying Court

Su Ning's face was startled, and then returned to normal, revealing a satisfied look.

One of the supervisors took the control panel in his hand and walked to the old man Yao and whispered softly in his ear. The old man Yao looked back at Suning and let out a hearty laugh.

"How about it, I'm satisfied!" Old man Yao said with a smile.

"Well, very good, are these people their own people?" Suning nodded in satisfaction and asked.

"Don't worry, these are the people selected by Mo Laogou and I personally. They are all selected from the core members." Old man Yao stroked his gray beard and said with a smile.

Suning nodded and let out a sigh of relief. The big rock in his heart finally let go, and said, "That's good, these core secrets can't be leaked out, otherwise people outside will laugh at our Kuntianyu. "

After all, in this room, the detailed information of all the forces in the Kuntianyu is stored. If it is leaked by someone with a heart, the things that will be caused can be big.

After reading this institution, the three of Suning and Yao Old Man Mo Li slowly exited the room and entered the lounge, the door of the room closed automatically.

"How about, if there is any dissatisfaction, we can point it out and we can correct it." Old man Yao smiled and said softly.

Suning shook her head and said softly, "That's not true. You guys do a lot better than me. I don't have much to say about safety."

"But I just took a cursory look. It seems that most of the auction houses currently owned by Kuntianyu were founded by Zhongsanzhou people. If possible, we can also set up independent auction houses to speed up the circulation of goods and profits. Can be higher!"

"Secondly, there is the military aspect. In this aspect, you still have to worry about it!"

Suning said softly.

Old man Yao and Mo Li were deeply thoughtful. What Suning said was what they wanted to do next. Most of the things that Mr. Yao dealt with recently were also paving the way for the establishment of an auction house.

"Of course, the establishment of the auction house can be put off for a while, the resources required in this regard are really huge." Suning said lightly.

Old man Yao and Li Li nodded.

With the rapid development of Kuntianyu, many people with advanced cultivation have entered Kuntianyu and founded their own factions.

Now in Kuntianyu, plus the dozen or so Saint-rank experts that it has, there are already close to 30 in total.

But these people are not Kun Tianyu's own people after all. If something really happened, it would be impossible to expect them to take action. After all, a perfect military system must be created.

"There are still some problems in the military department that I am in charge of."

"Now we have independently developed a large number of psionic mechas, and the combat effectiveness is quite optimistic, but..."

As Li Youyou said, his expression was embarrassed.

"Mold Mo, if you have any questions, you can bring them up and think of a solution together!" Suning said with a smile.

"Well, if we build our own defensive forces, with the resources currently reserved by our military department, we can first form a small-scale team. If we want to develop vigorously, one is economic resources and the other is human resources."

"In terms of economy, Yao Laogou and I sometimes collide. The auction house I mentioned earlier is one of them. There is nothing to worry about in this regard."

"What worries me is the manpower part. At present, the core members of Kuntianyu are basically in the military department, but the current personnel are still insufficient. If you use outsiders, I am afraid it will cause unnecessary disputes."

Li Li said worriedly.

Suning raised her brow slightly when she heard Li's question, and fell into thinking.

His considerations are not unreasonable. To build a complete military defense force, people who can be trusted must be used. Nowadays, most of the foreigners are from Zhongsanzhou. The bottom line is that they are not clear. If they are used, they will be used later. What's the problem with the unevenness.

"I will figure out a solution for this matter." Suning said with a serious expression.

Li Li nodded slightly.

At this time, Old Man Yao's communication token suddenly sounded.

Old man Yao smiled awkwardly. After all, they are now discussing important matters. This is a little disrespectful to Suning and Li, but Suning just smiled slightly. The three of them are acquaintances. Suning didn't think there was anything.

"Okay, I see!" Old man Yao said to the communication token.

Seeing the old man Yao's expression of joy, Suning smiled and asked: "What's the matter, what good thing makes you so happy?"

"Haha, you'll know later." Old man Yao pretended to be mysterious, said with a smile, and then took Suning and Mo Li into the chamber.

"Sir, please sit down for a while, Master Yao will come right away." The beautiful-looking maid put tea in front of the man, said respectfully, and then exited the room.

As soon as the maid walked out of the room, she ran into the old man Yao and Suning.

"My lord, people have been arranged inside." The maid bowed and said respectfully.

"Okay, I see, let's go down!" Old man Yao waved and said lightly.

Su Ning was puzzled as to who was inside, and then he thought about it, and the consciousness unfolded and scanned into the room.

On the rooms and walls of the chamber, a series of silver threads loomed, isolating Suning's consciousness.

Old man Yao and Li Qi noticed the activation of the formation, and looked at Suning with unclear expressions. Old man Yao asked nervously, "How is it, what do you perceive?"

Suning shook her head in embarrassment, and said, "You are doing a good job, and the Chamber has also made up the formation."

In the spirit store, Taixu Dragon God grinned and snickered. This was the second time Suning that he saw today was deflated.

Hearing the slight whisper of Taixu Dragon God, Suning said: "Ugly snake, what are you laughing at!".

"Puff, hahaha, I didn't expect your kid to have a slump too!"

Taixu Suzaku and Xuanwu on the side also covered their mouths and couldn't help laughing.

Suning was speechless for a while seeing a few sacred beasts like this.

"What kind of formation is this, I can't even detect the power of my consciousness!" Suning asked solemnly.

Taixu Dragon God laughed for a while, then returned to normal, and said: "It is normal that you can't perceive it. This formation is called Absolute Spirit Restraint, and it should be arranged by the holy ranks. I feel several different spiritual sources on it. power."

"Although your power of divine consciousness is at the top at the same stage, there is still a gap in the face of the holy rank."

Taixu Suzaku slowly said.

Immediately, he glanced at the Taixu Dragon God and said: "It seems that he still needs more training!", Taixu Dragon God and Taixu Suzaku two divine beasts talked in a low voice, making a wretched laugh.

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