I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 739: Prepare for treatment

After the three had a conversation, they led the team to liquidate the historian's stronghold. Although the Pang family had lost some people, most of them were peripheral children, and the core members did not lose much, which made Da Da feel relieved. In one breath.

In the early morning of the next day, when the sky just showed the white fish belly, Suning and Mo Li and his group took Pang Jiu'er on their way back to Kuntianyu. Before leaving, Dawei gave everyone a silver badge, using the Ningxiang Pavilion. The badge regulation of the Pang family depicts the words of the Pang family, which means that they are all important figures in the Ningxiang Pavilion and the Pang family.

Pang Jiu'er dressed in white, sitting on Suning's side, looking at the sky outside, a flush of blush appeared on her white face.

"Huh? What are you looking at? It's so amazing."

Suning took the lead in breaking the silence between the two and asked softly.

"Ah, nothing. It's just been a long time since I came out. The sky outside is really wider than Case City."

Pang Jiu'er said meaningfully.

Since Pang Jiu'er's father disappeared, Pang Jiu'er has been the head of the Pang family for several years. In the past few years, Pang Jiu'er has been making plans for the Pang family's affairs day and night, except for activities in Shanglin Province, almost never came out.

"Yeah, the sky outside is very vast, and that's how it is, it's a lot more exciting, isn't it?"

Suning smiled and responded softly.

Pang Jiu'er turned her head and looked at Suning with an unclear expression, her mouth opened slightly, she wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to speak.

"Are you still worried about your father?"

"Well, after so many years, I don't know if my father is still alive. Anyway, I must find him."

"It's just that now, my cultivation has been exhausted, and I am afraid it is even more difficult to find him."

Pang Jiu'er shook his head and sighed.

"Don't worry, I promised to help you find your father."

A touch of perseverance flashed in Suning's eyes.

Pang Jiu'er met Suning's eyes, shyly, and said softly.

"Thank you"

After that, he didn't speak any more, just stared at the clouds outside the window blankly, and the time her father was with her in the past came to mind.

Suning looked at the goddess in front of him so lonely, without the vivaciousness of the past, Suning couldn't help but sigh.

"everything will get better!"

Su Ning comforted her softly, and then she didn't say anything. Now Pang Jiu'er can only digest slowly by herself. As long as she doesn't give up, Suning will definitely help her and restore her strength.

At this moment, in Suning's spiritual treasure, Taixu Dragon God and Taixu Suzaku gathered together, staring sinisterly at the Silver Winged Dragon in the light ball.

"You guys, what are you doing!"

Silver Wing Jiao said with a trembling voice.

"Hey, haven't you said it?"

"We are also doing well for you, your body is not good, you should practice more, then resist creation!"

Taixu Dragon God smiled slightly and said softly.

The smile of the Dragon God Taixu fell in the eyes of Silver Wing Jiao, like a life-killing demon, and the words and words were like swords, which made it tremble. At any rate, it is also a near-shen beast. It has never felt so suffocated. A few big beasts, it can't beat and beat, can't run and can't run, despair in heart.

"You guys... kill me!"

Silver Winged Jiao let out a painful roar, instead of suffering all the humiliation in their hands, it is better to die.

"Hey, don't, what do we kill you for?"

Taixu Dragon God said with a smile.

"As long as you are obedient and obedient, I promise to let you soar into the sky in the future! If you recognize me as the eldest brother, you will be right!"

The corner of Taixu Dragon God's mouth was curved, and he looked at Silver Wing Jiao with an unknown expression.

"Recognizing you as the big brother? What good can I do? Being tortured by you every day? Impossible!"

A touch of determination flashed in Silver Wing Jiao's eyes, and he said in a deep tone.

The Taixu Suzaku and Taixu Xuanwu couldn't help laughing while covering their mouths. Since this day, Taixu Dragon God has been torturing the Silver Winged Flood Dragon, wanting to beat it to suit, but this Silver Winged Flood Dragon is surprisingly proud. Would rather die than agree to the Dragon God Taixu.

"What are you laughing at? You can do it, come and come!"

Taixu Dragon God felt a little annoyed. As an ancient divine beast, others had always flattered him. Now there are spirit beasts who dare to refute his face, and said to Taixu Suzaku and Taixu Xuanwu.

"Don't don't don't, Brother Dragon God, we can't do it! You should come yourself!"

Taixu Xuanwu quickly declined, and then hid aside with Suzaku, slanting his eyes to look at Taixu Dragon God.

Soon, Suning and his party returned to Kuntianyu. Suning took Pang Jiu'er to the city lord's mansion. After explaining to Old Man Yao, he got up and returned to the mansion.

After all, he has been out for two days, so Feng Lingyue and Zhou Meiniang are not worried, so it's better to go back and take a look.

"Brother Suning!"

As soon as Suning returned to the mansion, Qian Linglong ran all the way.

"Why did you get up so early!"

It's only 7 o'clock in the morning, and all the shoppers on the street have just started business. Qian Linglong is the person who likes to sleep in the most on weekdays. At least at Suning Mansion, he always sleeps until noon.

At this time, Qian Linglong had completely lost her previous cold look, and looked like a little girl in front of Suning.

"Aren't you worried about you? I didn't say a word when I left. Sister Feng told me!"

Qian Linglong complained, her mouth pouted slightly.

"Ahem, come on, I'd better go see Yue'er first!"

Suning was worried about Feng Lingyue in her heart.

"Huh, don't say stay with others first!"

"Hey, wait for me, why go so fast!"

Suning also didn't expect Qian Linglong to change so much now, and he was a little uncomfortable, so he quickly walked into Feng Lingyue's room.

At this time, in the city lord's mansion, the old man Yao hadn't seen Suning so solemnly arrange these things for him for a long time, and the look in Pang Jiu'er suddenly became a little more profound.

"Patriarch Pang, wait for a while. I will let someone check your body carefully before making the next step."

Yao Lao said with his hands behind his back.

"So there is Mr. Lao, I don't know what his name is..."

Pang Jiu'er bowed slightly and asked respectfully.

"Patriarch Pang is a good friend of Mr. Su, just like Mr. Su, just call me to be old!"

Old man Yao stroked his gray beard and said with a smile.

"Okay, then thank you for being old!"

Pang Jiu'er said immediately.

"Haha, Patriarch Pang, please wait a moment, I will arrange it!"

The old man Yao walked out of the room and gave a few instructions to the maid outside the door. Soon afterwards, the maid brought the two to Pang Jiu'er's room and made a diagnosis for her.

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