I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 796: Bury the hatchet

Several people walked all the way to the outskirts of the city. After looking around to make sure that there were no outsiders, Suning gently waved his right hand, and a small tower appeared in his palm, muttering to himself.

"You can recuperate in the tower for a while, and we will return to Kuntianyu soon."

"what are you saying?"

Long Xiaoyao turned around and looked at the self-talking Suning puzzled. He walked a few steps forward and touched the small tower, "This is..."

From the moment it was taken out, the tower was surrounded by radiance, and the colorful rays of sunlight continued to circulate. Long Xiaoyao's sight stayed on the tower and asked tentatively, "In the ruins of Taikun City ?"

Su Ning gave a hum, and deliberately sent the tower half a meter in front of him like a show off.

He also didn't expect that there was such a **** in the ruins of Taikun City, which happened to be obtained by him.

"Didn't you get nothing?" Long Xiaoyao asked.

When he was in the city hall just now, it was clear that Nangong Ling Qing personally pledged him as a guarantor, vowing to say that he had not obtained any gods from the ruins.

But the tower in front of him was more precious than any spiritual weapon he knew.

Seeing Long Xiaoyao's straight eyes, Suning almost laughed out loud. A purple-scarred glass tower surprised him so much. If he knew that there was soul blood of the beast in the tower, his jaw would be shocked to the ground.

"Go up, it's time to go back to Kuntianyu."

When the voice fell, Suning's mecha appeared in front of everyone. Jiang Bailin entered the cabin first, sitting by the window and closing his eyes to restore spiritual power.

Long Xiaoyao came back to his senses and walked quickly into the mecha. He didn't expect that he and Suning would have such a chance to get along alone.

"Lord Dragon God, it's okay recently."

Although the Dragon God Taixu is in Suning's spiritual treasure, Long Xiaoyao always respectfully bows his hands every time he greets him.

"You child is also a polite person. Get up. You don't need to pay such a big ceremony every time you see me." Taixu Dragon God's mood was a little low.

No matter how respected by the spirit beast master, he has only a ray of soul left.

The cabin suddenly became silent, Suning slumped in the chair, pressing the button next to it, the seat automatically flattened into the shape of a single bed, and the corners of his eyes and eyebrows revealed the joy of "I can finally go home".

After hesitating for a while, Long Xiaoyao sat on the chair behind Jiang Bailin and said softly, "Mr. Su, there are some things, I think I should explain clearly to you."

Jiang Bailin's eyes quietly opened a small slit and glanced at Suning next to him.

The meeting between the two male protagonists of this love triangle is another good show. He deliberately turned his head away from the window, his ears erected.

"What's the explanation?" Suning said lightly, without taking any action.

On the way back just now, he had already thought clearly, no matter what Long Xiaoyao thoughts about Feng Lingyue, the two of them are serious husbands and wives, besides, there is still a Su Yixing now.

I don't even care about Long Xiaoyao's careful thinking.

"I didn't handle the Feng Family's matter properly. After this period of time, I have already figured out that I will only treat Feng Lingyue as an old acquaintance, and I won't have any thoughts."

It was because of Long Xiaoyao's thoughts on Feng Lingyue that the tragedy of the Feng family came about, and now this misunderstanding cannot be continued.

Su Ning was dull, and Long Xiaoyao went on to say, "I swear in the name of the Long Family, I don't have any thoughts about Feng Lingyue."

The opposite Suning still didn’t reply. Long Xiaoyao didn’t know what to do for a while, Jiang Bailin yawned, and said leisurely, “He’s probably asleep, don’t worry, Suning is not the kind of petty person, you Needless to say, he understands his mind."

Even if Long Xiaoyao wanted to entangle Feng Lingyue again without shame, he still had to worry about the face of the dragon clan, even if he put aside his face, he wouldn't dare to make a mistake simply because the Dragon God Taixu was in Suning's spiritual treasure.

Suning didn't care about his tangled thoughts long ago.

I thought I could watch a big show, but I didn't expect the dialogue between the two to be so boring. Jiang Bailin simply blocked his ears and fell asleep.

Long Xiaoyao felt his throat dry for a while, and stopped making a sound when he looked out the window.

If Long Yujing and Long Muxue saw that the Long Family Patriarch was still so humble, they would not dare to come over and recognize each other.

The mecha shuttled in the starry sky, and the buildings on the ground were close to each other, as small as ants, passing through a few clusters of clouds from time to time, and the dark night sky was as heavy as his mood.

The sky gradually brightened, and the starlight gradually became indistinct. An orange round sun rose from the east, and the mecha was slowly descending with the scorching radiance emitted.

The outline of Kuntianyu appeared in his eyes, but the mecha flew over the Kuntianyu territory and gradually fell to the westernmost edge.

Passing through the barrier, a complex of buildings gradually appeared.

This must be the base of Suning, right? Long Xiaoyao's eyes were bright, looking at the complex of buildings curiously.

The mecha landed slowly, and Suning and Jiang Bailin woke up at the same time, "Here, go down."

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, he just walked out of the cabin, and the familiar breath came over him.

"Msang Gong!"

"Xiao Ningzi!"


The shouts of several women reached Suning’s ears. He walked quickly into the crowd and respectfully shouted, "Mother, son is back."

Zhou Meiniang held his hand tightly, her worried expression finally improved.

Since they came back from Case City, every time Suning went out, she worried that the people of the Holy Spirit King and the Nether King would be found. Only when she saw Suning standing in front of her intact, she could be relieved.

"Ling'er is worried about you." As she said, Zhou Meiniang pushed Suning into the group of women, all kinds of gentle greetings made him overwhelmed.

Jiang Bailin walked out slowly, looking for Wan'er's figure. He looked around for several laps without seeing his wife and daughter. He was a little confused.

"Wan'er didn't come?"

"Perhaps I didn't see your mecha." Zhou Meiniang's eyes dodge a little, and hesitated.

During the period when Suning and the two were away, Wan'er rarely came over, but she could also feel that her mood was not very good.

"I'll go back and take a look." Jiang Bailin constricted his expression, and didn't care about Qian Tingting in the Purple Scarred Glass Pagoda. Taking care of Wan'er's emotions was the first thing.

I thought that no one would get off the mecha anymore, and the lively crowd walked into the house one after another, until Zhou Meiniang asked first, "Why is the Long Family Patriarch also here?"

Everyone stopped and walked a few steps closer, Zhou Meiniang recognized that Long Xiaoyao was the person who had planted Suning to pretend to be the dragon clan that day, and her face was suddenly unfriendly.

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