I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 818: Gold ore

"Xiao Ningzi, the finals will be ready soon, and I always feel uneasy." Feng Ling Yuekuan walked behind Suning, his eyebrows full of worry.

As a woman's instinct, she seems to think that this final will not be so smooth.

"What's upset? Now Wu Xu is dead and Wang Feng has fallen. We have no enemies." Suning said, nonchalantly.

After coming here, they provoked a total of three people, Lin Yichen, Wang Feng and Wu Xu.

These three people are no longer in the Hairpin Conference, and he really doesn't understand who else would be against him.

"Smelly boy! I think you are swollen, be careful, it's better than anything!" Taixu Dragon God vomited.

Suning waved his hand, "Don't worry, what else can happen? None of the spirit beast masters present has reached the holy rank, and I still have five divine beasts!"

Feng Lingyue didn't speak any more, I hope she raised a smile as Suning said, "Let's go out and stroll today, so we can celebrate and celebrate entering the final."

"Alright." Suning nodded.

"Then I will call sister Wan'er!" Feng Lingyue happily ran towards Jiang Bailin's residence.

The rooms of the two were adjacent, not very far away. As soon as Feng Lingyue ran to the door, she ran into Wan'er.

Several people took the passable tokens and strolled on the street. First, they had a drink at the Zuixian Pavilion in the city. Feng Lingyue and Wan'er bought several small and exquisite spirit instruments on the street.

"Xiao Ningzi, what do you think of this?" Feng Lingyue raised her hand and shook the bell on her wrist, smiling brightly.

"It's pretty good-looking, and it will be of great benefit to your cultivation," Suning said.

Jiang Bailin was also dragged to a spiritual tool shop by Wan'er, and selected a few spiritual weapons to be called hands. The two men looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

"Stay in the venue every day, so bored is almost suffocating!" Feng Lingyue vomited.

Think about it, when they were in Kuntianyu, at least they moved freely. Unlike here, they were restrained at any time. Suning rubbed her hair with a face of doting.

"The best gold ore! The best gold ore!"

Suddenly hearing a shout, Suning became interested and took Feng Lingyue to the gold ore shop.

Originally planned to call Jiang Bailin to go together, but seeing that the two of them were staying in front of the spiritual tool shop very seriously, it was hard to bother.

"Yue'er, let's go and see that gold ore shop." As he said, he didn't forget to look for the source of the sound.

"Why are you going there? You still have to buy gold coins, it's better not to buy, but it's just money for money!"

"Oh, I think you are pregnant and stupid!" Suning pretended to be angry.

After a long pause, Feng Lingyue suddenly realized that she patted Suning's arm, "I see!"

"You know, why hit me? It hurts!" Suning grunted in pain, and looked at Feng Lingyue crying.

She almost blurted out, noticed the scattered people on the street, and hurriedly leaned to Suning's ear, "Do you want to see the texture of those gold ore, and then buy a place to go back and study these gold ore by yourself!"

"It's not Yue'er who knows me!" Suning said with a smile.

With the experience of alchemy, Suning has a good understanding of the terrain and soil. After finding a gold ore and researching it, he can guess the approximate origin of the gold ore.

If a gold mine can be found, Kun Tianyu will become more prosperous, and it will not be so distressed when buying high-tech equipment.

After all, gold coins, of course, the more the better!

Suning couldn't contain her excitement anymore, pulling Feng Lingyue and ran to the shop quickly.

Both of them were thinking about the gold mine, and they didn't notice that they had gone more and more biased, and quietly entered an enchantment.

A transparent barrier surrounded an alley, and people outside couldn't see what was inside, nor could they hear the sound inside.

Jiang Bailin and Wan'er came back to their senses, did not see the two of Suning, they were taken aback.

"It should be to go shopping elsewhere, don't worry." Jiang Bailin comforted, Wan'er nodded, and the two of them shuttled through various spiritual tool shops.

It is worthy of being the heart of Shanglin Province. There are many spiritual weapons and high-tech equipment that even Kun Tianyu can't match.

At this time, deep in the alley, Suning and Feng Lingyue came to the gold ore shop.

It is an extremely hidden shop, interspersed in an unpopulated shop, with a small crack in the door.

"Is this for business? How can someone yell and close the door?" Feng Lingyue pulled Suning next door, stopped not far from the door, and he was reluctant to go in.

She looked outside along the alley, and the two of them had come to such a remote place unknowingly.

The outside vision was clearly visible, and someone could be heard yelling. She saw Jiang Bailin and Wan'er passing by the alley holding hands.

"Wan'er!" She yelled, and the two passed by directly as if they hadn't heard.

No, Feng Lingyue thought secretly, there seemed to be something wrong.

"Oh, don't hesitate, this kind of gold ore shop is not an ordinary shop! How can it be possible to open the door to do business, what if those scattered people come to grab it?" Suning said.

When the voice fell, he took Feng Lingyue and walked inside.

As the person who founded Kuntianyu, gold ore is too tempting for him!


The door was pushed open, making the sound of the old wooden door.

There was only one middle-aged woman in the room, standing dignified in front of the counter, where various gold ores were displayed.

"Madame, are you selling these gold ore?"

"Yeah, boy, look? My gold ore is of high quality, even if it is placed in the entire Shanglin City, it is one of the best!" The middle-aged woman has a normal appearance, a slightly fat body, and some familiarity between her eyebrows. .

Suning only glanced at it, too late to think about who was similar to her, and focused on the gold ore.

He took out a miniature magnifying glass from his wristband, put it in his pupil, and carefully observed the gold ores.

The proprietress is right. The quality of these gold ore is indeed quite good. It can produce such gold ore. If you want to come to the production area, there should be many better than this!

Then isn't he going to make a fortune! At the thought of making Kuntianyu more prosperous immediately, Suning couldn't wait, "Take this out and let me see."

A triangle-shaped gold ore is regular, but it can be clearly seen that it is by no means artificially polished, but produced naturally.

Even this one is invaluable, and Suning is very happy.

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