I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 820: Weird situation

Taixu Dragon God's words fell in Suning's ears, like a thunderbolt on a blue sky, unable to let go for a long time, and all the previous things echoed continuously in his mind.

In the spirit store, the big stone in the hearts of the beasts such as Taixu Suzaku finally put down. Fortunately, after Suning absorbed the soul blood of the beasts, the strength of the Taixu Dragon God was restored to some extent and could be transformed at will in the outside world. I'm afraid this kid Suning will really fall into Qin Qiong's hands.

"Smelly boy, how can you say that you are also a strong Saint-rank now, and how to do things is still as frizzy as before!" In the spirit store, the Dragon God Taixu ridiculed.

Hearing this, Suning's face blushed and her expression gradually became awkward. He looked at Feng Lingyue's situation for herself, fearing that Feng Lingyue would be hurt by this incident.

Seeing Suning's extremely worried look, Feng Lingyue felt a warm flow in her heart, touched the somewhat swollen head under the action of the medicine, and slowly got up from Suning's embrace.

As if noticing how uncomfortable Feng Lingyue was, Suning took out two rounded pills from the bracelet and took them together with Feng Lingyue, sitting cross-legged, adjusting the somewhat disordered breath in the body.

As soon as he took the medicine, Suning noticed that one day had passed. You must know that this afternoon, it was time for the finals of the Hairpin Conference to begin.

After a while, Suning adjusted the disordered breath in the body and slowly got up, looked around in the room, and then noticed Qin Qiong's body lying in a pool of blood.

After a day's time, the blood on the ground had solidified, and Suning waved his big hand and put the gold coins scattered on the ground into the bracelet, muttering in his mouth.

"You can't waste it, this is a full 70,000 gold coins!"

In the spirit store, the sacred beasts such as Taixu Dragon God and Taixu Suzaku looked at Suning's movements with contemptuous eyes, and even Taixu Baize, who had not yet transformed his form, continued to make a low voice. Yin, seems to look down upon Suning as a mockery.

"You don't understand, seventy thousand gold coins, you can buy a lot of food!"

"Hey, forget it, tell you that you don't understand, after all, you don't know how fast you can use this thing now!"

Feeling the strange gazes of the gods and beasts like Taixu Dragon God in Lingzang, Suning only felt that the atmosphere was a little awkward.

After Feng Lingyue recovered, Suning lifted Feng Lingyue up and took her to the venue of the Hairpin Conference. During the period, she kept skimming the time on her hand ring.

Outside the hairpin conference venue, Jiang Bailin and Wan'er raised their eyebrows slightly, constantly looking at the direction of their accommodation, as if they were waiting for Suning and Feng Lingyue.

"Why aren't Yue'er and the others coming?"

After waiting for a long time without seeing Feng Lingyue and Suning, Wan'er felt a bad feeling in her heart.

"Bai Pho, nothing will happen to Yue'er and Brother Su, right?"

Wan'er's expression gradually became worried.

Hearing Wan'er's words, the look on Jiang Bailin's face couldn't help but become a little dignified. After all, before they went out, they had spread the inside story of the hairpin conference with Dawei, and somebody might retaliate.

"No, Bai Pho, let's go back and have a look!"

"I always feel a little uneasy in my heart, a little worried about Yue'er!"

Wan'er raised her eyebrows slightly and took Jiang Bailin's hand and walked to the restaurant where they lived.

Suning took Feng Lingyue's gentle little hand and walked for a long time, but there was no trace of human smoke. Suning gradually felt a bad feeling in her heart. She always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell.

Outside the enchantment where Suning was located, several figures stood in the air, looking indifferently at Suning and Feng Lingyue in the enchantment, and the corners of their mouths gradually evoked an arc.

"Boy, you can slowly wander around in this barrier!"

"After this hairpin conference is over, I will release you later!"

A gloomy voice came slowly from the headed man in a robe.

When they lined up for the conference, they had already noticed Suning's realm of strength. They thought that apart from them, there would be no more holy ranks in the hairpin conference. Suning's appearance broke their original plan.

The strength that Suning has shown in the last few days of the game has completely exceeded their expectations. They know that if they fight with Suning upright, their chances of winning are actually not great, even if they attack together, they only have a 60% chance. Able to defeat Suning.

In the past few days of the game, they kept observing the whereabouts of Suning and others in secret, and through this Wu Xu incident, they laid a perfect game and trapped Suning and others in the barrier.

Even if Suning breaks through the barrier in the end, they will not be suspicious of them. They will only feel that this is what Wang Feng did. Even if Suning appears in the finals, there is still a Wang Feng to weaken Suning's strength for them.

"Xiao Ningzi, do you feel a little weird?"

Feng Lingyue followed Suning forward, while constantly looking around, gradually showing a dignified feeling between her brows.

"It's a bit different, but I can't tell."

Hearing Feng Lingyue's doubts, Suning's heart became more determined. The reason why they could not go out was because there was a problem with the space they were in now.

Suning slowly stopped, her eyes closed slightly, and the power of the world tree was used to stimulate the consciousness, carefully exploring the abnormalities around, but did not find any energy fluctuations for a long time.

Can't feel the energy fluctuations, and can't get out of this weird forest, Suning's heart is a little surprised, a little bit of time passed, and the two of them kept thinking about the scenes before coming here in their minds, hoping to find something useful. clue.

"Xiao Ningzi, I remember Wan'er and the others were there yesterday."

"It seems that from here, Wan'er and Bailin couldn't hear us talking. I seem to remember that when I called them yesterday, they ignored me."

In Fenglingyue's mind, she remembered when they and Suning first entered here yesterday.

"Well, we seem to be in an enchantment now."

"The strange thing is that I haven't detected any energy fluctuations."

Hearing Feng Lingyue's words, Suning nodded slightly and informed Feng Lingyue of his findings.

In the spirit store, Taixu Dragon God and Taixu Suzaku looked at Suning's behavior with strange expressions, especially the star travel god. Suning's eyes were the same as those of a big idiot.

"This kid, the law of space has been learned for nothing!"

"Forget it, this saint son is a waste, let's clean up."

The ridiculous voice of the starry sky traveler echoed in the soul, causing a wave of waves.

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