I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 824: The final begins

Gradually it won't be so powerful.

"The finals officially started. In the first round, Xu Yi played against Su Yu!"

Except for the person who was shouted, the others were relieved. Suning and Jiang Bailin stood in a pile and began to complain about this inhumane competition system.

"I don't know how the king's family got the level of holding the hairpin conference. They are both practitioners. Don't they understand the issue of spiritual restraint?"

"Why don't you understand, but I don't want to understand."

Among the younger generation, even if there are people with good foundations and talents, who have long been selected by the major sects, they will not choose this hairpin conference.

The contestants of the Hairpin Conference decided the organizer's attitude towards them. In the eyes of the Wang family, it was nothing more than a competition among a group of weak people.

Compared to some large-scale competitions, the Hairpin Conference is nothing more than a mere illusion, but the organizers of any previous event have never been so negligent as the Wang family this time.

Xu Yi and Su Yu had already arrived on the stage, the spirit beast masters who were both in Lingtian realm were the same, and the two had a relationship. After a battle lasted for nearly half an hour, Suning dozed off watching.

"Even if you are a strong spirit beast master, you can't disrespect other people." Someone caught a glimpse of Suning yawning and said sarcastically, attracting the attention of a group of people.

"If you have time to watch me yawn, doesn't it mean that you haven't watched the game either? You are also a two-legged spirit beast master, so why are you talking so much bullshit!" Suning said.

There are so many people who stand on the highest point of morality and criticize others. There are too many to count! Obviously so ordinary but so self-confident, I don't know how long I can last when I play.

"In the first round, Xu Yisheng!"

The man wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the voice from the scene, gave Suning a vicious look, and turned his head.

"This Xu Yi has something!" Jiang Bailin said leisurely, ignoring Suning's quarrel with that person.

In this hairpin conference, many people are people who have cultivated to this level by accumulating foreign objects. Once they don't have these foreign objects, they are no different from ordinary people.

But this Xu Yi is a rare person who reaches the Lingtian realm through cultivation. His foundation is very deep, only a little inferior to Jiang Bailin, and he will stick to it even if he thinks about it.

Although his strength is strong, Xu Yi is quite polite, and he did not arrogantly show off after winning. He stood on the stage like a gentleman, and Suning also had a good impression of him.

There should be more such people in the Hairpin Conference, so that they can have the strength to fight.

Xu Yi persisted on the stage for a long time, until halfway through the finals, a stronger young man came out.

Although Xu Yi is strong, he does not rely on spirit weapons and medicine pills, but the person on the field now is not only proficient in various spirit weapons, but he has also cultivated to the Lingtian realm.

Suning looked dizzy, and it seems that these people were invisible in the first two competitions!

As long as he hasn't called Suning and Jiang Bailin, he doesn't want to watch this game. If a few people of the gods are fighting here, then he must watch it with gusto, and he won't leave for a moment!

But watching these people who are weaker than him fight the battle is really meaningless, and there is no practice that he likes. Even when there are people off the court cheering, he is not interested in watching it.

"It's boring!" Suning complained.

"Didn't you know when you came? Why? Did you regret it?" Jiang Bailin chuckled slightly, but he looked very excited.

Although none of the people on the field can beat them, it is good to see how these people fight against lightning.

The finals are just a bit less people than the first two games, but they are not much better, they are more enjoyable.

Suning: "..."

He didn't expect that these people would be so tempted to fight! In other words, the current atmosphere is really bad, and it's hard to see a few who are practicing on their own foundation. It's no wonder that the Wang family treats all the participants with this attitude.

While the two were chatting, the young man who had just attacked Suning came on stage. Xu Yi had been defeated by another person, and the people on the court were still a little bit strong.

"Let me take good care of you! See how I clean up him, and I will clean up you in a while!" Before taking the stage, the man provoke Suning.

Suning chuckled, "Okay, it depends on your performance."

I don't know how dare this person, he is a holy rank...Is he so ignored?

"In the next game, Ye Qing will play against Yellow Crane!"

"It turns out that this person is called Huang He, really a different name." Suning smiled, and Jiang Bailin shook his head helplessly.

I hope this Huang He will not insist on Suning come to power, otherwise Suning will definitely beat him until he can't find his way home. He has already started to regret Huang He in advance.

When he first entered the finals, Jiang Bailin was a little worried. What should I do if the two of them meet against each other? Doesn't it mean that one of them must step down?

Seeing that the first half of the final was very few, his hanging heart finally fell.

"Wan'er, Big Brother Jiang and Suning shouldn't have played against each other so early!" Feng Lingyue shook her arm and said happily.

Wan'er smiled, "Yes."

"I want to come, Suning and Big Brother Jiang are rare masters at this hairpin conference. It would be a shame if they were put together in advance."

If Suning and Jiang Bailin fight, no matter who wins or loses, it means that there will only be one strong player in the top three in the first half. What everyone wants to see most is that Suning and Jiang Bailin both enter the top three.

Most people in the finals already understood that apart from Suning, there was only one place in this game, but at the same time, there were many people who couldn't figure out their identity.

For example, Huang He is quite arrogant, and even Suning doesn't pay attention to the provocation just now. Everyone saw the provocation just now, and they all mourned him in their hearts.

But I have to say that as the mood of the people who eat melons, they really want to see Huang He and Suning fight. Maybe it will be quite interesting.

"Bring your horse here!"

The corners of Huang He's lips twitched, standing still in place, the aura of his body surged, the powerful aura was considered the strongest among the people who had already appeared, even Ye Qing hesitated.

In such a battle, whoever does it first has already lost half of it. The real powerhouses either control the enemy with one move, or they all observe in secret, looking for a chance to win.

"What? The cowardly spirit beast master actually dare to participate in the hairpin conference?" Huang He provocatively said again.

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