I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 834: Jealous

At the end of the final, Suning appeared in the center of the venue.

"Xiao Ningzi!" Feng Lingyue yelled to the center, waving her hands, Pang Jiu'er sat next to him and wanted to stand up, but it was not too direct.

"I'm great!" Suning walked over quickly, and said somewhat proudly.

"Yes, yes, you are the best!" Feng Lingyue said with a smile. Seeing Jiang Bailin next to him, she also quickly congratulated, "Brother Jiang has worked hard too."

"Wan'er." Jiang Bailin walked to Wan'er's side, hugging her shoulder affectionately.

Glancing sideways at Pang Jiu'er who was sitting, Suning bowed his hand and said, "Patriarch Pang."

"Hello, Mr. Su."

The two of you come and I are extremely polite, and since Feng Lingyue decided to match the two, she suddenly couldn't understand their polite appearance.


"Yue'er, let's go back." Suning thought Feng Lingyue was jealous, so she quickly retracted her eyes and prepared to go back.

Unexpectedly, Feng Lingyue stubbornly took his hand and stopped him, "What is the hurry? Patriarch Pang might as well go back with us? Even a cup of tea is fine."

Pang Jiu'er moved his lips and nodded with a smile.

Several people hurriedly left the venue, as if the victory in the finals was not a big thing for them. At this moment, Feng Lingyue was holding another thing in her heart.

Back in the room, Feng Lingyue deliberately went to offer tea, leaving Suning and Pang Jiu'er alone. She observed the behavior of the two in the dark, and they really liked each other.

She didn't hesitate anymore, and walked in with the brewed teapot. While offering tea, she tentatively said, "Xiao Ningzi, Patriarch Pang is so beautiful. As men, you should also like it?"

When the words fell, Pang Jiu'er hurriedly lowered her head, and Suning smiled slightly, "Pang Patriarch has such a peerless face, anyone who sees it will praise her for her beauty, not to mention that she is still the Pang Patriarch, and her prominent background is a great help."

Feng Lingyue showed no signs of being jealous today, which made Suning a little dazed. He didn't expect her to be so generous today.

After a while, I Feng Lingyue spoke again, "Well, it's better to welcome Patriarch Pang to enter the door, how about you?"

The air became dead.

Suning didn't dare to answer, is Yue'er testing her true heart here? I took a Qian Linglong back with me before, but now I take another Pang Jiu'er back, which is somewhat inappropriate.

Is there nothing wrong with her being angry? But Pang Jiu'er is here, do you really want to say that you don't like her? Su Ning suddenly became very tangled.

Feng Lingyue chuckled and put the hands of the two together, "I am not a stingy person, and I am not unable to accept you. I know that you really like it. When you were in the war, Patriarch Pang was the same. I am very worried."

"I see all of these in my eyes, so you can rest assured to be together."

The surprise came too soon, and Suning was not ready yet, so he let out an ah, not knowing what to say.

Pang Jiu'er is the goddess in his heart! If he could really welcome her to get started, he would have to wake up from a dream.

"Thank you, Yue'er, you are always so gentle and kind and considerate."

"Ahem, you don't have to say such things, I'll be fake if I say too much," Feng Lingyue said.

Pang Jiu'er kept his head down, his face was already red to the root of his ears, Feng Lingyue was not an electric light bulb, and before leaving, he deliberately took away the Purple-scarred Glass Tower.

Suning hugged Pang Jiu'er and was very happy. The goddess he dreamed of finally came to him.

Feng Lingyue came to a sparsely populated place, and flashed into the Purple Mark Glazed Glass Tower.

"Mother!" Feng Lingyue yelled happily, "Suning won the top spot in the Hairpin Conference!"

"Really? That's great!" Zhou Meiniang was very happy. Although everyone knew that this hairpin conference was a small competition for Suning, it was a good starting point after all, and everyone was really happy.

Qian Linglong's daughters also became happy, with a smile on their faces.

I think you won't be able to laugh in a while, Feng Lingyue glanced at Qian Linglong sideways, a little disgusted.

"Mother, there is another happy event, I want to tell you together." Feng Lingyue said happily.

Zhou Meiniang and the women were also slightly taken aback, "Is there a happy event?"

"Yes, Suning and Pang Patriarch like each other, and I have brought them together."

When the words fell, Zhou Meiniang glanced at Qian Linglong and her expression was somewhat complicated. Of course she knew what it meant.

She didn't object to Suning being with Pang Jiu'er. After all, Pang Jiu'er had a good character and would be a good wife, but being with Suning at the moment would mean that she would probably have a happy event with Qian Linglong.

The women who were also aware of this problem looked at Qian Linglong and Qian Linglong's stalker, not only Feng Lingyue didn't like it, they didn't like it either.

Pang Jiu'er appeared more decent in comparison with the dignified head of a thousand families.

Their hearts are similar to those of Feng Lingyue, and they are willing to let Suning and Pang Jiu'er be together.

Qian Linglong's expression was stagnant, and she was a little embarrassed to stand where she was. Qian Tingting stomped her feet with anger and whispered, "Miss! Isn't it clear to bully you?"

"It's all a family, talk about bullying and not bullying." Qian Linglong whispered.

Fortunately, these words didn't reach the ears of the other women, otherwise I didn't know what quarrel would be triggered.

Suning and Pang Jiu'er like each other, and Feng Lingyue helps to make the merger together. There is nothing wrong with it. At the same time, it can show her generosity. But if Qian Linglong jumps out and says she doesn't want to, then she will become the target of the public, and the days will only change. It's not easy.

Although Feng Lingyue did not take the lead in squeezing her out, she knew in her heart that she was always separated from them.

"So Suning should be very happy." Qian Linglong smiled forcefully.

Seeing that Qian Linglong showed no signs of anger, Feng Lingyue was a little displeased, and curled her lips, "I just want to wrong you, because of my pregnancy, you have never performed the wedding ceremony."

"Suning is very busy at the moment. There shouldn't be much time to prepare for the two big weddings. I am afraid that you will be wronged to get married with the Pang family."

"The Patriarch of the Pang family is a good-talker, so he shouldn't account for this, just don't know if you can accept it."

Qian Linglong was stunned, all these words stuck in her heart, Feng Lingyue was deliberately embarrassing her.

Is she saying that their Qian family is not as good as Pang family? First of all, we must consider the mind of the Pang Family Patriarch, and then she will get Qian Linglong.

She squeezed a smile extremely reluctantly, "Since the Patriarch of the Pang family doesn't think there is anything, what should I care about?"

Feng Lingyue said, "That's good, I'll go out first."

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