I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 838: Taixu Baize

At this time, Suning's clothes became dilapidated under the thunder and lightning, and the skin and flesh on his body became a little scorched, covered with scary cracks, and a faint breath of life appeared in it.

In the spiritual reservoir, the spherical body formed by the branches of the world gradually eased, and the figure of Taixu Baize slowly appeared. Above the whole body, a more pure and condensed electric light drifted away from its body, exuding A dazzling light.

After a long time, the dazzling white light gradually weakened, and the figure of Taixu Baize at this time was a little bigger than before, and it looked like a beast.

"Xiao Baize, congratulations, one step closer to transformation."

Seeing Taixu Baize's changes, Taixu Suzaku smiled and congratulated.

At this time, Taixu Baize slowly landed in front of Taixu Suzaku, shaking his head, and talking.

"Hehe, Sister Zhu."

Hearing the words in Taixu Baize's mouth, Taixu Suzaku and Taixu Dragon God and other sacred beasts were shocked. Unexpectedly, Taixu Baize would be able to talk so soon.

At this time, all the gods and beasts in the Lingzang were all on Taixu Baize's body, and he had not noticed the embarrassed Suning in the purple-scarred glass tower, and had a very happy conversation with Taixu Baize.

"Hey, I can recover to this, thanks to the Son."

"I don't know how the Son of God is now."

Taixu Baize said softly, and as soon as the voice fell, Taixu Baize's figure disappeared into the spirit store.

In the purple-marked colored glass tower, surrounding Suning, the beasts such as Taixu Baize, Taixu Suzaku and Taixu Dragon God looked at Suning lying on the ground, their expressions gradually became distorted, and could not help laughing.

"This stinky boy has today too, it's really relieved, haha"

Taixu Dragon God said with a laugh while clutching his stomach.

The voice of the Taixu Dragon God caused all the beasts to cast a contemptuous look at him, as if condemning the Taixu Dragon God, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across Taixu's Baize eyes.

"Ahem, what? I'm not to blame for this."

"Who makes him so anxious, must swallow Ganoderma in such anxiousness."

Seeing Suning's tragic situation, Taixu Baize whispered softly, and then returned to the spirit storehouse, pretending that nothing happened.

"Whether there is such a release, there is an extremely pure law of heaven and earth in this thunder, and this baptism will be of great benefit to his future cultivation."

Taixu Suzaku looked at the dying Suning in the void, and muttered softly.

"That's it, brat, help you again!"

Seeing the appearance of Suning’s tragic mother, there was a strange flash in Taixu Dragon God’s eyes, and with a big wave of his hand, he sent a vast energy wave into Suning’s body, and then submerged into Suning’s spirit with several other beasts. Hidden.

After a long time, Suning's consciousness gradually recovered, and slowly opened his eyes. The severe pain from his body made him unable to move.

"Your uncle, whoever provokes labor and capital, absorbs a broken source Ganoderma lucidum, and is struck by lightning."

Suning opened her mouth slightly and said with difficulty.

Immediately aroused the spiritual source in his body, combined with the fluctuations of the spiritual source of the World Tree, a light green light continued to flicker all over his body, repairing his damaged body.

I don’t know how long it has passed, the pain from various parts of Suning's body gradually weakened, and finally disappeared without a trace. An unprecedented comfort came from his limbs. At this time, Suning still didn’t know. After the baptism of Thunder, he The body became more resistant to beatings.

Suning slowly sat up from the ground. As soon as he moved his body, there was a faint sound from all over his body. Looking at the scorched black masses falling on the ground, Suning's heart flashed with astonishment.

"I, Cao, what is this?"

There was a soft drink in Suning's mouth, looking at some white and tender skin, Suning had eyes that couldn't believe her.

"Boy, you can be considered a big bargain."

The voice of Taixu Dragon God sounded in Suning's mind.

"Smelly snake, I can't remember what happened before."

Suning raised her eyebrows slightly, and a daze flashed in her eyes.

"Ahem, this starts with your absorption of Poyuan Lingzhi."

At this time, Taixu Baize's voice gradually sounded, rushing to speak before Taixu Dragon God, to prevent Taixu Dragon God from telling Suning things.

"So it's a good thing that I was struck by lightning?"

"Ahem, you just have fun, you will know later."

Taixu Baize breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the kid Suning can't remember what happened before, otherwise...

Su Ning's mind moved, and she withdrew from the space of the purple-marked glass tower. At this time, Zhou Meiniang was sitting in Suning's house, quietly waiting for him to come out of the glass tower.

During the time Zhou Meiniang was in the purple-marked colored glaze tower, she also understood the power of the laws of heaven and earth. Although she was not in the colored glaze tower of Suning, she faintly felt some changes in Suning's side.


"Why are you here?"

Suning's figure appeared in the room, and her figure trembled when she saw the figure suddenly appeared in the room.

Zhou Meiniang slowly raised her head, and a terrifying pressure suddenly broke out, covering Suning's figure. Zhou Meiniang's sudden change shocked Suning's heart. She thought that Zhou Meiniang in front of her was a person who was transformed by that organization.

A huge coercion fell on Suning, feeling the strangeness around him, Suning was preparing to mobilize the spiritual source to resist this force, but the feeling from his body made him stop his movements, and a strange brilliance flashed in his eyes.

"Haha, yes, it seems you have made a lot of progress this time."

Seeing Suning's reaction, Zhou Meiniang put away the huge coercion and said to Suning with a smile.

Suning slowly raised his hands, seemingly unbelievable. With the strength of his holy rank, it was impossible to resist Zhou Meiniang's powerful pressure. Could it be the reason that he was struck by lightning before? There was a burst of doubt in his heart.

"Mother, what is going on."

Suning looked at Zhou Meiniang in surprise.

"My son, there are more than just techniques and spiritual sources in this world."

"There is a law that transcends everything between heaven and earth, even if it is a **** level, it may not be able to touch this layer of power."

"With your current strength, even if I say it, you won't understand it. You still have to explore these things on your own. You are better than being a mother. If you reach the **** level in the future, you will naturally understand."

Zhou Meiniang looked at Suning's surprised expression, a smile appeared on her face.

"By the way, besides this, there is one more thing to tell you."

"You and Jiu'er's wedding, the Pang family has already begun preparations. Jiu'er and her uncle have already got up and returned to Case City. Let's make preparations. We can also leave in these two days."

Zhou Meiniang's words fell in Suning's ears, making Suning's heart a touch of joy.

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