I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 840: A mess

During the period after the hairpin conference, the atmosphere in Shanglin City was extremely lively. The families were immersed in the joy during the conference and celebrated for the people who ranked well in the conference.

In the entire Shanglin City, only the Wang family has been closed to the outside world, and Fan Shengyun, who is in the Wang family, naturally noticed the strangeness of the Wang family, but as an outsider, he couldn't interfere.

At this time Pang Jiu'er, Pang Hongya and Pang Dawei have fallen into the hands of Wang Pengyu and detained them separately. He knows the marriage of Pang Jiu'er and Suning, so as long as Pang Jiu'er is captured, Suning will definitely fall into his hands. .

After Pang Jiu'er was imprisoned into the Wang's house, Wang Feng also quietly returned to the Wang's house, and sent a message to Wang Pengyu through the bracelet, learning that Wang Feng was back safely, Wang Pengyu's hanging heart finally let go, and hurried to the secret room where Wang Feng was located. in.

"Feng'er, you..."

Wang Pengyu, who rushed to the secret room, saw Wang Feng's figure in a black robe, and was taken aback. From Wang Feng's body, he felt a sense of strangeness that he had never felt before.

Wang Feng slowly turned around and took off the hat on his head. In just a few days, the changes in Wang Feng's whole person were huge, the edges and corners of his face were more distinct, and the body exuded if there was nothing. With a weird breath, he looked at Wang Pengyu indifferently.

"Why, did I surprise you so much when I came back?"

Wang Feng's indifferent voice sounded in the silent secret room.

"Feng'er, it's all right, it's all right."

Although Wang Feng in front of him gave him a strange feeling, Wang Pengyu obviously didn't think much. As long as Wang Feng could go home safely, he would be relieved, afraid that Wang Feng's disappearance this time would disappear from this world.

"Oh, it's okay? Do you think I am okay now?"

"Father, what I have will fall to where I am today, isn't it you caused it alone?"

Seeing Wang Pengyu’s appearance, Wang Feng felt a little disgusted in his heart. For the sake of his position as the head of the family and not to be shaken by the position of the Wang family in Shanglin City, he was able to cruelly expel his own son from the family. , Wang Pengyu, his father, is dead.

When he returned to the Wang family this time, Wang Feng had only one thought in his heart, and that was revenge, revenge against Suning, Wang family, and even the entire Shanglin City. If it weren't for these people's troubles, he would have a bright future.

Wang Feng's words fell in Wang Pengyu's ears, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day. Wang Pengyu's figure halted, looking at the extremely cold Wang Feng in front of him, unconsciously a trace of sadness appeared in his heart.

"Feng'er, being a father is compelled to do this."

"You know how anxious you are for your father after you disappeared. In order to find your whereabouts, for your father, you haven't had a good sleep for a few days."

Wang Pengyu shook his head helplessly and explained softly. He knew in his heart that no matter how he explained it now, in Wang Feng's heart, he was a person who was extremely ruthless for the benefit, but he still wanted to say what he wanted in his heart. Only in this way can he feel better in his heart.

Wang Feng looked at the former father in front of him, with an imperceptible arc in the corner of his mouth, which was fleeting.

"Forget it, these things are over, you have your own problems, old man"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Wang Pengyu thought he was willing to forgive these things he did, a long-lost smile appeared on his face, and he threw a big embrace to Wang Feng.

In Taikun City, the Pang family has now become a mess of porridge. Pang Wen vented the anger in his heart in the mansion. The owner of his family was taken away at the door of his home. If this matter spreads out, their Pang family is in Taikun City. The majesty that is easy to operate may be gone from now on.

"Go, find me!"

"Even if you turn the entire Taikun City upside down, you must get them back for me!"

Seeing the people waiting in front of him, Pang Wen felt a boundless rage in his heart, and he couldn't control his whole body exuding a terrifying murderous intent, and the roar of anger continued to echo in the hall.

"Elder Wen, we have been searching for a day, but we haven't found a clue until now."

"Will the person who took the lady abducted is not from Tai Kun City."


When everyone heard Pang Wen's roar, his frightened figure trembled, and his mouth groaned softly.

Hearing a low groan from below, Pang Wen's anger in his heart increased a little. He clenched his fists, his deep eyes looked at the dozens of people standing below, and a huge murderous aura was in the hall. Suddenly broke out in it.

"Don't you understand what I said?"

"If you can't find the lady, you all die for me!"

The disappearance of Pang Jiu'er and Pang Dawei directly collapsed Pang Wen’s last little tolerance. Moreover, the three of them were still kidnapped at the door of the house. So blatantly, none of these people in the family resisted. This is what caused Pang Where Wen is angry.

Since the historian’s affairs last time, the subordinates in the family have changed. The quality of these people is completely different from that of the former hometown Ding. There is no respect for the family at all. This may also be because Pang Jiu'er usually It was so good to them that it made them forget this family and who was the one who was the matter.

The huge killing intent exuded by Pang Wen's body enveloped the entire hall. Where did these newly promoted families have seen such a terrifying power, their frightened figure constantly trembled, their lips tightly closed, and they did not dare to rush Pang Wen forward.

"What are you doing so dumbfounded!"

"Look out for labor and capital!"

Following Pang Wen's anger, everyone was frightened and hurriedly squeezed out of the hall, as if fleeing for their lives.

In addition to Pang Wen, Suning and Jiang Bailin's team also split up, inquiring about Pang Jiu'er's whereabouts. After Pang Jiu's disappeared with Pang Jiu'er, the Ningxiang Pavilion in Taikun City was also closed to thank guests, and they were too busy to meet.

After searching for a day without any clues, Suning returned to Pang's house and sat in his room with frowning brows. After calming down, Suning thought calmly.

Not to mention that Pang Jiu'er has a near-shen beast Yinyijiao in his body, and the huge cultivation base is not weak. It is impossible for ordinary people to quietly take them away under the eyes of the Pang family. Moreover, the Pang family is now in Taikun. The strength of the city, there should not be families or scattered people who dare to act on them.

Suning recalled all the things that happened during this period. The only thing that could be connected with this incident was the Wang family where Wang Feng was located, and the group of people who trapped him and Feng Lingyue in the space barrier before the final.

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