I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 851: The strangeness of the square gold wing cover

The Quartet Gold Wing Hood hovered over Suning and Jiang Bailin's heads, and it turned steadily. The dazzling brilliance on it gradually weakened, as if they did not want to attack Suning and the other two.

Suning and Jiang Bailin looked at the somewhat strange square gold wing cover, and their expressions gradually became a little confused. They looked at each other and couldn't believe the scene before them.

What Suning didn’t know was that the square golden wing cover was one of the many innate spiritual treasures sacrificed by the Holy Spirit King with his own blood thousands of years ago. It has been warmed in the body of the Holy Spirit King for nearly a thousand years. The bloodline of the first line is extremely familiar. If Suning was not present today, I am afraid that Jiang Bailin would have disappeared in the square gold wing cover.

When Suning and Jiang Bailin were puzzled, the square gold wing cover above their heads let out a soft moan. As the square gold wing cover slowly fell from the sky, the huge body gradually shrank, sinking and floating in front of Suning. .

Looking at the four-sided golden wing cover that was floating in front of them, Suning and Jiang Bailin looked at each other, tentatively taking off Xuan Yu Ling in front of them.

"What's happening here!"

"Could it be that some expert saved us? It's impossible. People from the royal family hate us to death. How can they save us?"

Facing the sudden change of the situation, Jiang Bailin was a little confused, and looked a little confused.

Suning's deep eyes stared at the square gold wing cover in front of him, and an abnormal feeling suddenly surged in his heart, as if the square gold wing cover existed as one with him.

"This thing, how come I feel so familiar."

"It's like it has been waiting for me, is it my illusion?"

Facing the square gold wing cover that was floating in front of him, a strange look flashed in Suning's eyes, and he slowly stretched out his hand as if to touch the square gold wing cover.

Seeing Suning's movements, Jiang Bailin's eyebrows frowned, his face gradually showing a trace of color, and he quickly grabbed Suning's outstretched hand, looked at Suning and shook his head, beckoning him to be more careful.

The Quartet Golden Wing Cover seemed to feel the power of the blood of the Holy Spirit. Accompanied by the light trembling of the body, it made a clear sound, and suddenly submerged into Suning's palm. The sudden strangeness made Suning and Jiang Bailin stunned.

In Suning’s spiritual possession, the square golden wing cover slowly appeared in front of the beasts. Taixu Dragon God and Taixu Suzaku looked at each other. They all felt extremely surprised, and a very familiar feeling flooded them. In my heart, I recall a trace of memories from thousands of years ago.

"This, isn't this the innate spiritual treasure of the Holy Spirit King!"

"How would it appear here!"

The spirit Tibetan crowd, the square golden wing cover made a crisp sound, turning around the big beasts such as Taixu Dragon God and Taixu Suzaku, like a child.

Looking at the four-square gold wing cover rotating around the beasts such as Taixu Dragon God and Taixu Suzaku, the faces of the starry sky travel **** and the black and white impermanence all showed a look of surprise. Ten thousand years ago, they followed the Nether Emperor and the Holy Spirit. When the line was fighting, it was this thing that had harvested many of their Nether line of powerhouses.

Taixu Dragon God's expression gradually became a little dignified as he watched the Quartet Golden Wing Cover. After all, this was the innate spirit treasure of the Holy Spirit King, and he was extremely resistant to the power of the Nether vein, not to mention the strong Nether vein of the year. The person stood in front of it, fearing that the Quartet Gold Wing Cover would cause trouble in Suning's body, and then he waved his hand and put the Quartet Gold Wing Cover into his palm.

"What the **** did this brat do? How could he meet this thing."

The Quartet Golden Wings gradually became quiet in the hands of the Taixu Dragon God, seeing this, the Taixu Dragon God slowly raised his head, looked around the surrounding gods and beasts, and whispered in his mouth.

"No, it is impossible for the Holy Spirit King to appear here. With the strength of the Holy Spirit King, it is impossible for the heavenly laws of the human world to let him come over."

A ray of light flashed in Taixu Suzaku's eyes, squinting slightly.

When the Sifang Golden Wing Cover was submerged in the body, instinctively, Suning subconsciously unfolded the power of divine consciousness, and scanned himself carefully, but for a long time there was no discovery. Faced with unsolvable things, Suning immediately Thinking of the Taixu Dragon God in the Lingzang.

"Smelly snake!"

"I set it up, something big happened!"

Suning condensed his mind and consciousness, sinking into the spirit reservoir. She wanted to ask the Taixu Dragon God for help, but the scene in the spirit reservoir fell into his eyes, and his body was shaken.

"This this…"

"Wait, what the **** is going on! Are you not going to explain it to me!"

Su Ning's surprised voice suddenly sounded, echoing continuously in the spiritual space.

Hearing Suning's voice, Taixu Dragon God and Taixu Suzaku slowly raised their heads and stared at Suning's transformed spirit body.

"Boy, aren't you in Shanglin City! How did you get this stuff!"

Seeing Suning's spirit body, Taixu Dragon God raised his eyebrows and shouted sharply.

"Your uncle, you still ask me, how do I know what this thing is!"

"Something special just now, a personal disciple of the Wang family chased me with this thing, are you blind?

Suning was also full of fire in his heart at this time. Originally thought that during this period of time, he could find Pang Jiu'er's whereabouts in the Wang's house at ease. I never thought that the two **** Wang Wenxuan and Wang Chen would dare to come and look for things, and also used such a powerful one. Lingbao.

Suning’s angry rebuke fell into the ears of Taixu Dragon God and other sacred beasts. Taixu Dragon God and other sacred beasts were all taken aback. They seemed to be their pot, patronizing their pastimes without paying attention to Suning’s movements. .

Taixu Dragon God looked at Suning's eyes a little bit, his face gradually became a little embarrassed, and he coughed slightly, "Cough cough, anyway, he is also a person who has broken through to the holy rank, and he is chased and killed by a group of ineffective disciples, so he is embarrassed to say it. ."

Taixu Suzaku and Taixu Baize and other divine beasts quietly watched the two people quarrel, and the corners of their mouths gradually evoked a curve.

"Go Dragon God."

"Suning, you mean this thing was discovered in the hands of a disciple of the Wang family?"

Taixu Suzaku and Taixu Xuanwu said separately.


"Yes, I heard that this thing is called the Quadrilateral Golden Wing Cover, but I was about to meet Jiang Bailin and me just now. I don't know why it stopped suddenly, and it is still here!"

Suning explained softly, telling the beasts about what had just happened.

Listening to Suning's words, the gods and beasts in the spirits looked at each other, their expressions gradually becoming a little dignified, it seems that the current situation is a bit bad for Suning.

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