I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 855: Take control of the king

Wang Feng's tone gradually became indifferent, two cold glows shot from his eyes, and the gilt token was tightly held in his hand.

"Since there is only family in your eyes, then I will destroy this family by myself!"

As the voice fell, Wang Feng suddenly burst into a powerful spirit source fluctuation. With the injection of the spirit source, strands of divine glory gradually appeared on the gilt token in his hand.

As Wang Feng continued to input spiritual power into the token, the divine glory emitted by the gilt token gradually became solid, slowly floating in the air, and faint black mist overflowed from the token. Permeated in the secret room.

Wang Pengyu and the several elders in the secret room looked at Wang Feng and the gilt token floating in the air with a strange expression in their hearts.

After a while, the black mist enveloped the entire secret room, and the already dim secret room became invisible. In this black mist, even the power of divine consciousness was blocked, and it was impossible to detect the surrounding situation.

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of Wang Feng’s mouth. With a wave of his arm, a few dark shadows appeared in the secret room, instantly submerged in the bodies of Wang Pengyu and the elders. At the same time, the minds of Wang Pengyu and others were completely suppressed by the dark shadows. , Lost control of the body.

"I said, I want you to see the decline of the Wang family with your own eyes!"

"However, before that, there are still some eye-catching people to deal with."

As the black mist in the secret room gradually dissipated, the gilt token slowly fell into Wang Feng's hand.

The gilt token in Wang Feng's hand is a weird spirit treasure refined by Tagil. Unlike other spirit treasures, the function of the gilt spirit treasure is that it has a shadow guard that can control others. The strength of the shadow guard is different at different levels. The shadow guard in the gilt token in his hand, even a high-ranking powerhouse of the holy rank, can't get rid of it without warning.

At this time, in the Wang Family, except for the second elder who went out, everyone including Wang Pengyu was under Wang Feng's control.

In the purple-marked colored glass tower, Pang Jiu'er, who had been repaired by Suning using the power of the World Tree, gradually awakened, and the scars all over her body disappeared. It was only the continuous torture that left a deep wound in her heart.

"Brother Su, miss, she will be fine, right?"

Pang Hongya looked at Pang Jiu'er worriedly, raised her eyebrows, and said lightly.

As soon as the voice fell, Pang Jiu'er's weak voice slowly sounded, falling into everyone's ears, hearing Pang Jiu'er's voice, the expressions on Suning, Pang Jiu'er and Da Dawei's face gradually eased.

"Jiu'er, you are awake."

Suning slowly helped Pang Jiu'er up.

Pang Jiu'er raised his arm and stroked Suning's face. A smile appeared on his face. Looking at Pang Jiu'er in his arms, Suning felt a burst of heartache.

"Blame me, if I go back with you that day, these things won't happen."

"it's all my fault!"

Suning held Pang Jiu'er's small hand in the palm of his hand and said lightly.

"Don't worry, Jiu'er, I will make the Wang family pay for it!"

With that, Suning's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness.


As soon as the voice fell, Suning's bracelet suddenly sounded, making a crisp sound. Looking at the name displayed on the bracelet, Suning's wrist moved and a screen appeared in front of him.

"Suning, old man, I have arrived in Shanglin City, where are you now?"

On the screen, Li Li stroked his gray beard.

"Well, find a place to live now, and send me the address later!"

After speaking, Suning hung up the communication.

"Jiu'er, you guys are taking a good rest here now. As for the Wang family's affairs, I will take care of it!" Suning looked at Pang Jiu'er in his arms softly and said softly.

"Xiao Ningzi, be careful of Wang Feng!"

"The current Wang Feng seems to be a little different from him during the Hairpin Conference. You must, be careful!"

Pang Jiu'er sat up from Suning's arms with difficulty, and said with a solemn expression.

Hearing Pang Jiu'er's words, Su Ning's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, his expression gradually became solemn, and he nodded slightly, looked at each other with Jiang Bailin, and left the space of the Purple-scarred Glass Tower.

Wang Wenxuan was looking for traces of the Sifang Golden Wing Cover everywhere in the Wang family. He wanted to put the Sifang Golden Wing Cover back into the treasury as soon as possible before his master Wang Tianyuan returned. He did not know that the Square Gold Wing Cover had fallen into Suning’s hands at this time. Even if he turned the entire Wang family upside down, he would not be able to find it.

In the deserted courtyard, the figures of Suning and Jiang Bailin gradually appeared in the air.

"Suning, what to do next."

Jiang Bailin put his hands around his chest, and he was ready to fight with Suning.

Su Ning thought a bit in his heart. Now that Li Li has brought people to Shanglin City, they can be considered as powerful as the Wang Family, but the things Taixu Dragon God said before have been pressing on his heart. Before figuring out the true identity of Wang Wenxuan and the second elder of the Wang family, he would not act rashly towards the Wang family.

"Next, keep lurking."

"Wang family, sooner or later, you will have to pay the price for this matter, but there are still some things that have not yet revealed their true colors."

When the words fell, Suning and Jiang Bailin suddenly disappeared, completely forgetting the previous betting agreement with Wang Wenxuan and flying towards the residence that Wang Pengyu had arranged for them.

"Little friend Su, it happens that the old man wants to come to you!"

Fan Shengyun's voice suddenly sounded in front of Suning and Jiang Bailin, and the two slowly stopped.

"Oh? Venerable Venerable, did you ask me for anything, my brothers and sisters?" Suning and Jiang Bailin looked at each other, both faces showing a look of confusion.

"Haha, it's not a big deal, just staying at Wang's house all day, it's too boring, I just happened to meet two little friends, how about accompany the old man to walk outside?"

"I heard that there is a kind of wine in Shanglin City. The old man hasn't tasted it. Today, I invite two friends to taste it together!"

Fan Shengyun said with a smile.

Su Ning smiled slightly, he naturally knew that with his and Jiang Bailin's strength, it was not enough to get Fan Shengyun close. The reason why Fan Shengyun would take the initiative to show his favor was nothing more than fancying their talents.

"How embarrassing is this? In any case, our brothers and sisters should invite Mr. Vatican!"

"After all, before the finals of the Hairpin Flower Conference, it was Mr. Van Lao who helped our brothers and sisters seek justice."

Suning and Jiang Bailin looked at each other and responded softly.

"Hahahaha, it's just a small effort."

"Walk around, follow the old man to taste some wine!"

Fan Shengyun let out a burst of laughter. Not only was it talent, but in terms of temperament, Fan Shengyun was also very satisfied with Suning and Jiang Bailin, and his desire to bring the two into his sect was even greater.

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