I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 863: Endangered

Accompanied by the sound, the terrifying spirit source fluctuations scattered around this center, stirring up ripples in the air visible to the naked eye.

"This, what happened!"

"Who would dare to make trouble in my Wang's house!"


Feeling the aftermath of the battle between Suning and Wang Tianyuan, the disciples in the inner and outer courtyards of Wang's family raised their heads and looked in the direction where they were, their expressions became surprised.

Facing Suning's increasingly fierce offensive, Wang Tianyuan couldn't help but his expression became a little serious, and his hands holding the spear trembled.

"The old immortal, didn't you still clamor just now? Why, don't you just have this strength!"

Seeing Wang Tianyuan, who was getting a little more strenuous, the corner of Suning's mouth curled up, taunting.

As Suning’s words fell, Wang Tianyuan’s eyes suddenly became a bit sharp. The spear in his hand broke away from his palm and floated in front of him. The palms were folded together, and the black flame gradually diffused from his body. Behind him gradually solidified and turned into a round of pitch-black sphere.

An extremely large spiritual source force suddenly erupted from his body, like a volcanic eruption. At this time, the full force of the spirit source in the body was mobilized, and it seemed to have reached the peak of the fourth stage of the Holy Order, the Void Saint Realm.

At the same time, Suning seemed to have noticed the sudden increase in Wang Tianyuan's strength, his pupils suddenly shrank, his figure suddenly retreated, his eyes fixed on the movements in Wang Tianyuan's hands.

"This volatility..."

Wearing a black robe, Wang Feng stood on the eaves of the main hall. Wang Pengyu and several other elders stood beside him, with dark eyes.

An indescribable terror pressure permeated the sky above the courtyard. In the Wang family, countless eyes stared at the huge black sphere in the sky in amazement.

"Boy, I have to say that you are very strong, but this trick was created by the old man with great care. If you can take it, the old man will stop worrying about the things between you and my disciple!"

Wang Tianyuan uttered a whisper, and with a move of his wrist, the huge black ball behind him slowly rose, and the huge pressure seemed to tear the space where they were.


Following the movement of Wang Tianyuan's hand, the black flame ball swelled at an astonishing speed and pressed down towards the place where Suning was. Suning's clothes were tightly attached to his body under the terrifying pressure.

Seeing the enlarging black flame ball in front of him, Suning's pupils gradually shrank and his expression was extremely dignified. Facing this terrifying blow, he was not sure that he could retreat all over.

"Sword Art! Four swords into one!"

Following Suning's loud shout, the spirit source power in his body continued to infuse the Excalibur Sword in his hand, and the body of the Excalibur was gradually covered by it, emitting a trace of gray spiritual origin light.

In an instant, a gray lightsaber soaring into the sky appeared in front of Suning, exuding an aura of horror, as if to divide the world into two, and in the sky, black thunderclouds gathered together.

"Break for me!"

Suning uttered a stern shout. In the thundercloud, a series of terrifying silver-white thunders kept smashing on the black flame light ball. With the bombardment of the thunder, the black flame light ball seemed to gradually shrink.

Seeing that the attack had an effect, Suning's eyes flashed with joy, and with the wave of the Excalibur, the huge Spiritual Lightsaber in front of him suddenly moved and hit the black flame ball directly.


The moment the gray lightsaber collided with the black flame ball, an extremely violent spirit source wave broke out. The two forces turned into two huge cross sections of incomparable light, and the violent energy wave directly shattered the thunderclouds in the sky. Opening, the whole sky was filled with two colors of gray and black.

The horrible fluctuations caused by the battle between Suning and Wang Tianyu spread out in the sky, not only in the royal family, but throughout Shanglin City, they felt this horrible energy fluctuation.

The two majestic spiritual forces collided, and the figures of Suning and Wang Tianyu were shocked by the energy fluctuations and flew out.

A dash of blood spilled from the corner of Suning's mouth, looking at Wang Tianyu's direction, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, both of whom were holy steps, but he didn't expect that just a Wang Tianyu would have made him a little bit overwhelmed.

In the sky, the figures of Wang Pengyu and several other elders appeared one after another, and a vast spirit source wave radiated from their bodies, and their dark pupils stared at Suning in the sky.

"My Wang family treats each other sincerely, is that how you return it!"

Wang Pengyu's voice suddenly sounded in the sky.

Suning wiped off the trace of blood that overflowed from the corner of her mouth, and a sarcastic smile appeared on her face. It seemed that the Wang family had taken advantage of Wang Tianyuan's matter and wanted to put him to death.

Fan Shengyun naturally sensed the movement on Suning's side, but he did not choose to take action. He just silently looked at the direction Suning was in, as if he was waiting for something.

Facing the pressing of the Wang family, the expressions of Suning and Jiang Bailin gradually became serious. I believe that Li Qi also felt the previous energy fluctuations, and I only hope that he can come as soon as possible.

"Old immortal, what you have done yourself, you know in your heart that there is no need to find these high-sounding reasons!"

A wicked smile evoked at the corner of Suning's mouth, and he let out a soft drink, pointing sword at Wang Pengyu and others.

"Very well, my king's family has been established for many years, and no one has dared to make such trouble in my king's family. Today I will use you to alert the world!"

After the words fell, Wang Pengyu had a meal with the elders around him, carrying a terrifying power to attack both Suning and Jiang Bailin.

Just dealing with Wang Tianyuan's fourth-tier holy rank has already injured him, and now everyone in the Wang family, with the strength that he has just stepped into the holy rank, how can he be an opponent, in the spirit store, the gods such as Taixu Dragon God The look suddenly became solemn.

Suning and Jiang Bailin each paid a mixed-element pill, stimulating all the spiritual power in the body, and seemed to be preparing to break a blood path.

"You dare to be presumptuous!"

With a loud shout, behind Suning, the golden beast of Taixu Dragon suddenly appeared. On both sides of him, the huge bodies of Taixu Suzaku and Taixu Xuanwu protected Suning in it, seeming to be protected by Taixu Dragon. God's call, the ancient unicorn in Jiang Bailin's body suddenly appeared in the sky.

In an instant, four huge bodies suddenly appeared in the sky. In front of them, Wang Pengyu and others looked like ants.

"Boy, you can't die yet!"

Taixu Dragon God said softly toward Suning.

The movement within the royal family quickly attracted the people in Shanglin City, and they all looked at the scene above the Wang's house with amazement, seemingly unbelievable.

Looking at the four huge beasts beside Suning and Jiang Bailin, Wang Pengyu and the others were all taken aback, a flash of astonishment flashed in their eyes.

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