I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 866: Resolve misunderstandings (part 1)

Pang Jiu'er and Feng Lingyue glanced at each other, their expressions were a bit surprised. They also heard about the Tianyuanzong mentioned by Zhou Meiniang, but for them, it was indeed too far away. Their expressions gradually appeared. A little lonely, his lips moved slightly, and he didn't know how to speak.

Seeing the changes in the expressions of the two, Zhou Meiniang seemed to guess what Pang Jiu'er and Feng Lingyue thought in their hearts. They were nothing more than worrying about Suning's future visit to Tianyuanzong. If they and Suning want to meet each other, it would be as difficult as climbing to the sky. .

Zhou Meiniang smiled, holding the hands of the two, and said lightly.

"Yue'er, Jiu'er, don't think too much about it. Ning'er's ability to worship Tianyuanzong is a good thing for him, besides..."

Feng Lingyue knew what Zhou Meiniang wanted to say. Although the marriage between Pang Jiu'er and Suning has not yet been held, in their hearts, Pang Jiu'er is already their sister's family, and Suning's affairs should be told to her.

"Mother, let me talk about these things."

"Jiu'er, some things should be told to you now, Xiao Ningzi is actually in a very dangerous situation now, because..."

The light in the room of the three of them was brightly lit, and Pang Jiu'er's expression gradually became a little shocked. She knew that Suning was the master of the Kuntianyu domain, but she never thought that Suning's life experience was so huge, nor did she think of Suning and Feng Lingyue in these years. After so many life and death partings.

"Sister Yue, don't say anything, I know what I should do."

"Now that Tianyuanzong has selected Xiao Ningzi, it is a good thing for him. I just didn't expect Xiao Ningzi to be so sad all the time."

As the current patriarch of the Pang clan, Pang Jiu'er naturally understands the pros and cons.

"Jiu'er, don't worry, my mother and I are by your side. We will be a family from now on."

Feng Lingyue showed a bright smile, and the slightly upward corners of her lips contained the clarity of a spring.

Zhou Meiniang nodded slightly, and smiled at the two people in front of her. Actually, she didn't know much about Pang Jiu'er, but Feng Lingyue mentioned her cleverness and sensibility in her ear. Now Pang Jiu'er already knows these things, but already I chose to face it with Suning, and I was more satisfied with Pang Jiu'er.

"Mother, it seems that I haven't sent a message to Qianjia about this wedding."

While everyone was happy, Pang Jiu'er suddenly mentioned Qian Linglong's affairs. In the ordinary days, Feng Lingyue looked at Qian Linglong's eyes, and she could notice a little bit. Now Qian Linglong is also going to marry Suning’s person, and she does not I hope Qian Linglong has any burden in her heart.

"Marriage matters, I think Linglong should have told her father and brother in the family, Jiu'er, don't worry too much about this matter, just prepare well." Zhou Meiniang was happy when she heard the word "niangqin" in Pang Jiu'er's mouth. Flower, two eyes have become two crescents.

For Qian Linglong, Zhou Meiniang and Feng Lingyue are actually not annoying. They also know in their hearts that Qian Linglong really likes Suning, but they are just dissatisfied with some of her usual actions. They heard Pang Jiu'er mention this. In a word, the two of them were also shaken.

"Mother, in fact, Linglong is no longer the Patriarch of the Thousand Family. When I came back from Kuntianyu earlier, I heard something about Linglong."

"In order to be with Suning, Qian Linglong quarreled with her father and brother in the clan. They were very unhappy, so that Qian's family was cut off. Now, only Tingting is by her side."

A trace of pity flashed in Pang Jiu'er's eyes, talking about Qian Linglong, could not help making her ring her father, feeling a little sad.

Feng Lingyue and Zhou Meiniang looked at Pang Jiu'er in doubt. They didn't know that Qian Linglong had severed the relationship with Qianjia. It turned out that Qian Linglong had silently paid so much to be with Suning.

"Jiu'er, are you telling the truth? She really severed the relationship with Qianjia?" Feng Lingyue was a little bit unable to believe what Pang Jiu'er said, exclaimed.

"Sister Yue, really, I didn't lie to you."

"Didn’t you find out that Linglong’s mental state has not been very good during this period of time. Although she always looks very happy in front of us, I know that she is actually uncomfortable, but she just doesn’t want to let her Everyone is worried about her."

Looking at the appearance of Pang Jiu'er, Feng Lingyue was taken aback, and she recalled scenes of Qian Linglong in her mind.

"No wonder, no wonder I haven't seen her go out this time."

Zhou Meiniang raised her eyebrows slightly and murmured softly.

"Mother, I want to see Linglong." Feng Lingyue stared at Zhou Meiniang and said lightly.

Qian Linglong was sitting in front of the dressing table with a lonely look. Although the entire Pang family was preparing for their marriage, she still couldn't feel happy in her heart.

"Miss, Ting'er knows what you are thinking."

"It's okay. If the lady is homesick, I can send a message to the clan and invite them to come."

Seeing Qian Linglong's appearance, Qian Tingting felt heartache. She had been with Qian Linglong since she was a child, and she had never seen Qian Linglong like this before.

"Tingting, no need, I'm fine." Qian Linglong squeezed out a smile and said lightly, but the sadness in her eyes really couldn't hide.

"Linglong, can I come in?" Feng Lingyue's voice came slowly from outside the door.

"Sister wait a minute, it's okay."

Qian Linglong sorted out her mood, showing a smile on her face, "Sister Feng, Auntie, why are you here so late?"

Feng Lingyue and Zhou Meiniang entered the room and looked at Qian Tingting behind Qian Linglong, her mouth opened slightly, but she didn't say anything.

"Tingting, you go out first."

As if noticing the difference between the two, Qian Linglong turned away and said softly.

Qian Tingting obediently walked outside the room, glanced at Feng Lingyue in the room, and a trace of dissatisfaction passed through her eyes.

"Linglong, I'm here today, actually..."

After Qian Tingting went out, Feng Lingyue slowly spoke, a hint of apology was revealed in her voice, but she was interrupted by Qian Linglong's words before she could finish her words.

Facing Feng Lingyue and Zhou Meiniang visiting late at night, Qian Linglong thought that she was talking about her and Pang Jiu'er being married at the same time.

"Sister Feng, Auntie, it's okay. I voluntarily married Patriarch Pang to Suning."

Although Qian Linglong was talking with a smile, she felt very uncomfortable in her heart. After all, no one wanted to marry another woman. It would be bad for anyone's reputation if it spread out.

Feng Lingyue felt even more guilty when she heard Qian Linglong's words. For Qian Linglong, she owed too much. If she knew these things earlier, she would not be too embarrassed by Qian Linglong.

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