I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 870: Ancient people

The founders of their four dynasty families all came out of Tianyuanzong.

"Huh? Brother Ling Qing, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing the shocked expressions of Nangong Lingqing and Nangong Xun, a trace of doubt flashed in Suning's heart. Could it be that Tianyuanzong's rules for accepting disciples are very strict?

Knowing that Suning was about to enter Tianyuanzong, Nangong Lingqing felt a touch of jealousy in her heart, but more of them felt grateful. Fortunately, there was no hostility between the Nangong family and Suning. Otherwise, Suning would be successful in the future. Their Nangong line will be ruined in Suning's hands.

"Brother Su, you don't know anything. Even the ancient books of our Nangong clan have no record of the position of Tianyuanzong. I only know that Tianyuanzong is not in the world where you and I are at all."

"The reason why the upper three cities hold a Habayashi list every 100 years is actually based on the ancient records of our four major families. It is said that if you get the top of the Habayashi list, you have the opportunity to be selected by the Tianyuanzong to enter the practice."

Nangong Ling Qing's expression changed slightly and explained to Suning.

Hearing Nangong Ling Qing's words, Suning stood up abruptly, her mouth slightly opened, and she was very surprised.

"If I remember correctly, Brother Nangong seems to have participated in the Habayashi rankings. Then the one who won the ranking at that time, could it be..."

Suning raised eyebrows slightly, his expression gradually changing.

Nangong Ling Qing shook his head slightly. In fact, he didn't know whether the top of their ranking was taken away by the Tianyuanzong, because they had not found the information about the top of that ranking, and after the end of the Yulin list, that The person disappeared without a trace, and it was precisely because of tracing that person that the prophet of Nangong's line perceives a strange energy fluctuation that does not belong to this world.

"Brother Su, I don't know the specifics, but since the ancient books are recorded like this, the person who wants to come should have entered the Tianyuanzong."

"It's just that you didn't expect Brother Su to have such an opportunity to fight, which is enviable!" After the words fell, Nangong Ling Qing took a sip from the wine glass on the table.

"Hehe, this..."

"I will first represent the Nangong clan and congratulate little friend Suning, haha"

Before Suning’s words were finished, Nangong Xun stood up fiercely, and said to Suning with a big smile, originally came over with Nangong Lingqing, but just wanted to draw Suning into the line of Nangong. With Suning’s talent, maybe in the future What's the use, what he didn't expect was the choice of Tianyuanzong that Suning had actually obtained.

Although a little drunk, Suning's heart is like a mirror. The reason why Nangong Xun mentioned the Nangong clan is because he saw his future achievements, and wants to pass him in the future so that the Nangong family can have better achievements. Of course, he also wanted to use the strength and prestige of the Nangong family to support Kun Tianyu and the Pang family during his absence.

"What Mr. Xun said, Brother Ling Qing and I were born and died together, so don't be so polite." Suning responded with a smile.

"Who is Jiang Bailin here?"

An unfamiliar voice slowly entered the banquet hall from the door, and a few sturdy men stood outside the banquet hall, looking around the crowd with a bit of majesty.

The expressions of several people headed by Suning gradually became solemn, urging the spiritual source power in the body, and as the spiritual source wandered through the body, a scent of alcohol was slowly expelled from the pores.

"Who are you, why did you suddenly break into my Pang family?"

Su Ning raised her eyebrows slightly, staring at the door, attracted by a strange pattern on their arms, "This thing is so familiar." His lips moved slightly, and there was a low murmur in his mouth.

"You don't need to know this, just tell me who is Jiang Bailin!"

The headed man stared at Suning proudly, as if he didn't pay attention to him at all.

Nangong Xun looked at the tattoos on everyone's arms, and constantly searched for information about this tattoo in his mind.

"Everyone, today is a day for Mr. Su to be overjoyed. If there is something, can you come down and talk about it?"

"Just treat me as a face to Nangong Lingqing."

Nangong Lingqing stood up abruptly while holding the table, patted his chest, and said to a strong man at the door.

Seeing Nangong Lingqing's appearance, Suning shook his head helplessly, and with a wave of his hand, two pure spiritual powers were input into Jiang Bailin and Nangong Lingqing's bodies. The whole body of the two of them, a pale white wine smell. Gradually volatilize.

"People of the ancient Kylin tribe?"

After waking up from the wine, Nangong Lingqing looked at the tattoos on everyone's arms and exclaimed.

"Yes, ancient Kylin! I remember it!"

Nangong Xun stood up fiercely and roared. As soon as he finished speaking, his body fell limp again, and everyone watching couldn't help being speechless.

"Nangong clan, um, no wonder."

"By the order of the elders, we are here to take Jiang Bailin to my ancient Kylin tribe!"

"Please also Nangong clan not to interfere in this matter!"

The headed sturdy Jun Xinghe looked at Nangong Ling Qing with a bit of surprise, and even after returning to normal, there was a hint of majesty in his words.

"You mean, what is the relationship between Jiang Bailin and your ancient Qilin tribe?"

"How do you confirm that Jiang Bailin is the person you are looking for?"

Suning's expression gradually became solemn, questioning Jun Xinghe.

If it weren't for the elders of the clan to confess not to run into trouble, Jun Xinghe would have solved Suning's question a long time ago, and there was so much nonsense with Suning and the others.

Jun Xinghe shook his head slightly, "I am also on the order of the elders. As for the reason, when I wait for Jiang Bailin to be in the clan, I will naturally know."

Jiang Bailin, who had already woken up, had been observing the situation on the court. Seeing Suning and Nangong Ling Qing both had a dignified expression, Jiang Bailin slowly stood up, "I am Jiang Bailin, are you looking for me?"

"I can go with you, but I still have something to deal with. Can I wait for two days?"

Jiang Bailin had already guessed in his heart that the appearance of the ancient unicorns might have some connection with the ancient unicorns in his body, so as long as he indicated that he would go back with them, these people would not do anything too much. thing.

"White phosphorus! You!"

Suning looked at Jiang Bailin in surprise. Now they don't know what the other party's background is. Now they have rashly agreed. If all this is a situation, how should they respond.

Hearing Jiang Bailin’s answer, Jun Xinghe thought about it for a moment, and then said softly, “Okay, then I will give you two days later!” The order they received was only to bring Jiang Bailin back to the clan safely. Regarding the duration of the mission, Jun Xinghe had to agree in order not to cause trouble.

"Today I took the liberty to wait, and when the matter is over, I will definitely come and apologize!"

Jun Xinghe still has some scruples for those who can let the Nangong clan come to congratulate him, and does not want to cause trouble. Although it is a little cumbersome, it will not offend too many people.

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