I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 873: Moved to Kuntianyu (Part 2)

"You kid don't talk to me about this!"

"Don't think that if you make these conditions, I will promise you!"

Dawei turned his head and stared at Suning. Although his mouth was saying rejection, he was already a little shaken in his heart. After all, Kun Tianyu's strength was in front of him.

"Uncle, have you really thought about it?" Suning said with a smile, showing that he was ready to stop and no longer persuade him.

"No, no, absolutely no. My Pang family is here for generations. I can't set this precedent for me. Besides, big brother...the rest of the Pang family can't agree."

Dawei said, suddenly remembering Pang Jiu'er's father, and his voice gradually became sluggish.

Suning didn't realize who the big brother Dawei was talking about, she just thought it was Pang Wen, the corner of her mouth couldn't help but a curve was drawn, and she turned slightly, pretending to leave.

"Hey, if that's the case, then forget it."

"Originally, Yao and I were always planning to open up a cultivation site in Kuntianyu, and it was still the kind that would make the cultivation speed twice the result with half the effort. I also thought about the help of Ningxiang Pavilion, which can save a lot of materials. funds."

"That's all, it's just a few materials, and Kun Tianyu is not unable to get it out."

Hearing Suning’s words, Huge was taken aback by his stature, and a little surprised. You must know that this kind of cultivation place that can increase the speed of cultivation, even the Wang Family of Shanglin City, does not have the resources and strength to build up. The entire upper three continents have The family of this kind of cultivation site mentioned by Suning can be counted with both hands, and it is not even up to this number.

"Wait, what did you just say? Say it again?"

Dawei suddenly let out a loud shout and stopped Suning.

"Ah? I just said nothing?"

Hearing the sound of Dawei, Suning's heart was filled with joy. Sure enough, as long as the conditions were sufficient, he would still be tempted.

"No, you just said, what did you just ask me?"

Seeing Suning pretending to be stupid and stunned, Da Dawei couldn't help but feel a little anxious. He was afraid that Suning would really regret it. Then he really missed a great opportunity.

"Huh? I just?"

"By the way, did you really think about it? That's how I asked."

After the words fell, the corner of Suning's mouth evoked an imperceptible arc. Originally, he was going to go to Tianyuanzong to establish a place for accelerating cultivation in Kuntianyu. He was just using this as an excuse to lure the giants into action. Got.

"Think about it, I decided to go to Kuntianyu to take a look after the things here are over, and collect the land!"

"By the way, Kun Tianyu is not expensive right now? How come you are also the landlord. As a relative, should you provide me with land for free?" Pangda pulled Suning, fearing that he would slip away.

Seeing Dawei's appearance and behavior, Suning almost couldn't help but laugh out loud. For him, without any loss, Dawei could be allowed to settle in Kun Tianyu willingly.

"I'll give it a try. I'm also a domain owner in reputation. Elder Yao should give me this privilege!" Suning said with a smile, acting slightly embarrassed. After all, acting still has to perform a full set.

"The deal, I'll go tell Pang He!"

Hearing Suning's voice, Da Dao released the hand that was holding him, and hurriedly walked to Ningxiang Pavilion.

"Eh, uncle, banquet! Don't forget!"

Seeing the huge thing that disappeared in the blink of an eye, Suning's figure was taken aback, and she shouted in the direction of the door.

"Boy, you really dare to say it!"

"Why didn't you know you had this plan before?"

Su Ning's mind suddenly sounded the voice of Taixu Dragon God.

"Ahem, this is what I planned, isn't this about to tell you?" Suning couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when she heard Taixu Dragon God's voice, and coughed slightly.

In the spirit hiding, the corner of Taixu Dragon God’s mouth curled up, and a mocking expression appeared on his face, "Smelly boy, the idea is good, but do you think you can complete such a complicated formation with your strength?"

"Isn't there a record of this formation in the Chaos Holy Spirit Record? It shouldn't be too difficult~" Suning cast a glance at the Dragon God Taixu, and whispered.

Listening to Suning's words, Taixu Dragon God chuckled and rolled his eyes at Suning, "Smelly boy, take a closer look and take a closer look!"

Suning glared at Taixu Dragon God. If he hadn’t read the Chaos Holy Spirit Record carefully, he wouldn’t have said that he would be sure to establish a cultivation site, but after hearing Taixu Dragon God’s words, it seemed that there were other things in this formation. Some requirements.

With a thought, all the information of the Chaos Holy Spirit Record kept flashing in Suning’s mind. They were all materials needed for the formation. Although these materials are rare, they can always be obtained through purchase. When you read about the formation, On the last page, Suning's brows could not help but become a little dignified.

A line of small print records that if it is necessary to open up such a formation, it needs to be able to reach the **** rank, but Suning is still only a holy rank.

"Isn't this cheating? Who can notice such a small word?"

While browsing the Chaos Holy Spirit Record, Suning's lips moved slightly and let out a sharp shout.

"Smelly boy, you can settle this matter yourself, I don't care!" Taixu Dragon God looked at Suning with interest, and said softly.

Suning's expression gradually became dignified. Now that everything has been said, it is not easy to take it back. He can only bite the bullet, and there is no other way.

"Don't, smelly snake, are you going to watch me make a fool of yourself?"

"Smelly snake? You actually call me stinky snake? Forget it, forget it, I can't control this matter, and I don't want to control it, you can play it slowly, ah!"

Originally, Taixu Dragon God didn't like Suning calling him this way, but this name made him lose face in front of the gods and beasts. With these two words, Taixu Suzaku and Xuanwu laughed at him for a long time.

"Hey, forget it, after all, the relationship between us is alienated!" Suning sighed after listening to the words of Taixu Dragon God.

Taixu Dragon God and Suning are the kind of people who don't take the initiative to bow their heads. Taixu Suzaku and Taixu Xuanwu looked at them with great interest, almost like melon seeds and peanuts.

Seeing Suning who was sluggish in the courtyard, Jiang Bailin raised his eyebrows slightly, seeming to have some doubts, and whispered, "Suning, what are you doing!"

Hearing Jiang Bailin's voice, Suning's consciousness retreated from the spiritual space, smiled at Jiang Bailin, and said what had just happened.

"Yes, there may be few opportunities to return to Kuntianyu in the future. Why don't we go back and have a look today?"

Jiang Bailin said with a smile.

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