I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 876: Ju Ling Tower

Under the gaze of everyone, a milky white mist gradually appeared around the tower. In the milky white spirit source mist, several dazzling golden rays of light continued to flicker, and the few spiritual gathering stone pillars that did not enter the eyes, with the pulse of brilliance , The milky white spirit source mist around the entire tower body gradually shrank and gradually sank into the tower body.

Everyone present, including the Nangong family and Jun Xinghe and his party, all looked shocked. They could feel that inside the huge tower in front of them, there were endless spiritual sources flowing in it, just around the tower. , It makes people feel the body is light, the spiritual source in the body echoes with each other, it seems that there are some complementary flavors.

"This...this is...attributeless spirit gathering!"

Nangong Ling Qing was a little bit surprised. The general spirit gathering formation only has the effect of boosting and assisting the single-attribute spiritual source power, but the spiritual gathering tower in front of him does not emit the slightest spiritual source fluctuations. Carrying any attributes, primitive and pure, even as huge as the Nangong clan and the ancient Qilin clan, the clan has built different spirit gathering arrays for different attributes.

Old man Yao and Mo Li looked at the spirit gathering tower in front of them for a while, and they were very clear about the construction conditions of the gathering spirit formation. Although the materials can be satisfied, they need considerable spiritual power and spiritual source power to support it. It is the two of them who cannot guarantee 100% success.

Feeling the spirit source power constantly pouring into the tower, the corner of Suning's mouth evokes a curve. He clearly felt that the spirit source in the body and the spirit source in the tower echoed each other. If you practice here, the speed of the spirit source can be It doubles as fast, and even worse than it is.

"Smelly boy, you can do it! You are sure I will make a move!" Taixu Dragon God's voice slowly sounded, seeming to complain about Suning.

Suning, who regained control of the body from the Taixu Dragon God, gradually showed embarrassment on his face. He was also betting that the Taixu Dragon God would help him when he couldn't stand it. If not, at this time He was already backlashed by this huge spiritual source power.

"Hey, don't be angry, I know that you actually support me in your heart." Suning's face showed an inscrutable smile and responded softly.

"With this Spirit Gathering Pagoda, I believe that Kun Tianyu and the Pang Family will grow faster by more than a little bit in the future. Even if I am not there, no one will dare to pick things up in the future."

Listening to Suning’s words, the Dragon God Taixu shook his head slightly, and a ridiculous arc appeared at the corner of his mouth. This level of spirit gathering formation was nothing in his eyes. At best, it was just a small formation. If Suning really wanted to expand his strength on this basis, it would be too far-fetched.

"Boy, you, I still see too little."

"Although after my improvement, this spirit gathering formation has become a non-attribute spirit gathering formation, but it can only support the current use of Kuntianyu, and it will definitely not be enough in the future."


Taixu Dragon God’s explanation seemed to open the door to a new world for Suning. He had never thought before that the Spirit Gathering Array could be made into a huge Spirit Gathering System through some special methods.

"Listening to what you said, I have some new ideas, but time is running out, so let's leave these things to the old man and Li Qiye to handle them."

After speaking, Suning expanded his spiritual consciousness and felt it along the direction of the spiritual source in the tower. After the transformation of the Taixu Dragon God, the spirit gathering formation at this time not only transformed the spiritual source between heaven and earth into a non-attribute spiritual source. , And when they are condensing, they are also feeding back to the heavens and the earth. In this way, the spirit gathering formation they build here will not be paralyzed because the spirit sources of the surrounding heaven and earth are exhausted.

In the eyes of everyone, in front of the Spirit Gathering Pagoda, a brilliance flickered, and Suning's figure appeared outside the Spirit Gathering Pagoda. Nangong Lingqing and Jun Xinghe were both stunned, their expressions were a little bit unspeakable. This formation was actually completed by Suning alone. They thought it was a certain powerhouse in Kun Tianyu who was setting up the formation here, and they had the shocking movement before.


Nangong Ling Qing and Nangong Xun said in surprise.

"Young Master, what is the origin of this person? Although this spirit gathering formation is nothing, but to complete the formation with his own power, I am afraid that the power of divine consciousness has reached the holy state!"

A small voice sounded in Jun Xinghe's ears.

Looking at Suning in front of the tower, Jun Xinghe's doubts disappeared. As for why the Nangong clan favored Suning so much, he seemed to have an answer in his heart. At such a young age, his divine consciousness has reached the holy state, which represents Suning's formation. There are considerable attainments in law and medicine.

"Congratulations to the domain owner!"

The old man Yao and Mo Li looked at each other, both of them couldn't hide the joy in their hearts, arched their hands in the direction of Suning, and their voices resounded across the sky.

The voices of the two drew everyone back from their stupefaction, and bursts of congratulations continued to sound. Both Dawei and Pang He looked at the Spirit Gathering Pagoda, and both gave a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they made the right decision earlier.

"Hey, Brother Nangong? Brother Jun? Why are you all here?" Suning said with a smile.

Nangong Ling Qing played with the folding fan in his hand, and a ray of light appeared in Suning's eyes. He seemed to be completely subdued by Suning's strength. He was also a holy step, but he did not have the strength to achieve Suning's level.

"Unexpectedly, Brother Su, you should be able to lay such an exquisite spirit gathering magic circle with your own power. I, Nangong Lingqing, I am ashamed!"

"Indeed, even though I come from an ancient clan and have a good sense of formation, I am far behind this Mr. Su!"

"I don't know which expert is pointing to Mr. Su?"

Jun Xinghe stepped forward, and then Nangong Ling Qing said that he seemed to be quite interested in the existence behind Suning.

"Hehe, I can't tell you this!"

"My master specially asked before leaving that he should not tell others about his identity casually. Please forgive me, Brother Jun!"

Listening to the words of Nangong Lingqing and Jun Xinghe, Suning rolled his eyes and made up an excuse to round the matter. If there is no tyrannical existence, everyone will only think that there is something treasure in him, saying Uncertainty will cause some trouble.

"Uncle Dawei, how is it, I didn't lie to you, haha!"

After the words fell, Suning slowly walked to Dawei's side, put one hand on his shoulder, and let out a burst of laughter.

"You kid, I didn't expect you to be there!"

Pang Dawei punched Suning's shoulder lightly, his words revealed a touch of joy and admiration.

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