I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 878: Reach an agreement

Yao Lao's words continued to reverberate in the chamber. Although the conditions were attractive, the price to be paid was also great. Everyone looked a little uncertain. After all, Zhongsanzhou had existed for a long time, and naturally he was unwilling to let others interfere.

"This... this matter involves too much, let me think about it, can I?" Several representatives of Zhongsanzhou said one after another.

"It's okay, you can give me a reply after careful consideration."

Suning and Yao Lao looked at each other and said with a smile.

The attraction of the Gathering Pagoda is very strong. Although Zhongsanzhou has advanced psionic technology, in this respect, they have no ability to build it independently.

Suning and Yao Lao looked around the people in the hall and walked outside the hall. After all, they can't be anxious, and they still have to think about these things by themselves.

"Domain Lord, can this work? Although the Spirit Gathering Array does have a lot of appeal, they are afraid they can't accept this condition."

Li Li looked at Suning and Old Man Yao with some doubts, and said with some worry.

"It's okay, if they can answer, there will be no loss for us, just the size of the territory."

"Even without the borders of their three continents, my Kuntian domain is still large enough."

Seeing Li Li's appearance, Old Man Yao shook his head helplessly and explained softly.

With the passage of time, night gradually arrived, the entire Kuntianyu was brightly lit, and there was noisy noise. Suning and Yao Lao came to Pang's house with several representatives from Sanzhou.

"Lao Yao, Mo Li, I will trouble you to take good care of these few people." After the voice fell, Suning walked in the direction of Panghe and others.

"Welcome everyone to the dinner hosted by my Pang's house!"

"After today, my Pang family will settle in Kuntianyu. In the future, please help me!"

Seeing the arrival of Suning, Dawei slowly walked onto the stage and announced the start of the dinner.

Those who came to the dinner, except for the people from the Nangong and Qilin Ancient Clan who followed them to Kuntianyu, are more of some family powers in the Kuntianyu. These people have a deep sense of the strength of the Pang family. , Even if you don't mention the relationship between Pang family and Suning, just talking about the Ningxiang Pavilion that Pang Dao is in charge of is enough for them to establish a relationship.

"Pang Family?"

"Could it be the Pang family in Shanglin Province. It is rumored that the Pang family has put down the historian in one fell swoop and became the overlord of Shanglin City. Unexpectedly, they will also settle in Kuntianyu." The representatives were a bit surprised.

"Hehe, it seems that your news is out of date!"

"These are all things before, now the Pang family and Kun Tianyu are in-laws!"

Old Yao stroked his gray beard, said with a smile, and looked at each other with Mo Li. There was an inexplicable meaning in it.

"This is nothing, you guys, look at the few people next to Master Domain."

"On one side is the young master of the Nangong clan, and the other is from the ancient clan. Behind these two is the real big family, big power!"

Mo Li continued Yao Lao's words, pointed at Suning, and said with a big smile.


"Who is talking about me behind my back!"

Nangong Lingqing and Jun Xinghe said in unison, glanced at the people around them with some doubts.

"Brother Su, the two-day period has come. Tomorrow we will bring Jiang Bailin back to the ancient Qilin tribe, so we won't delay doing more in Kuntianyu."

Jun Xinghe returned to his senses, looked at Jiang Bailin beside Suning, and said with a smile.

"Brother Jun, Brother Su and I also have the same intention. We are going to go to the ancient Qilin clan with Brother Jun tomorrow. I wonder if Brother Jun is willing?" Nangong Lingqing said before Suning, fearing Jun Xinghe would refuse, so In the name of the Nangong clan.

A smile appeared on Jun Xinghe's face, "It's so good!"

Even if Nangong Ling didn’t say anything, Jun Xinghe wanted to invite the two of them to go together. The ancient Qilin tribe was hidden for many years. If you want to reappear in the world, relying on your current strength is far from enough. If you can be with the Nangong clan. Good friendship will only benefit the ancient Qilin people more than harm.

"Haha, let's just say so, tomorrow we will set off together!" Listening to Jun Xinghe's words, Nangong Ling Qing let out a burst of laughter.

Yao Lao and Mo Li sat at the table with a few people from Zhong San Zhou, and looked at Suning from time to time, seeming to think about what the representatives of Zhong San Zhou suggested.

"Come on, everyone, drink this cup together!"

Old Yao stood up and said softly to the representatives of Zhongsanzhou.

As soon as the voice fell, the bracelets of several people sounded at the same time. Everyone looked at the content on the bracelets, their expressions gradually changed, and it seemed a little unbelievable.

"Several people, is there something wrong?", seeming to notice the slight change in the faces of everyone, Yao Lao and Mo Li looked at each other, raised their eyebrows slightly, and asked in confusion.


"Old Yao, I have already reported the things I said before. No, I just sent us a message." Representative Jiangzhou responded with a smile.

Hearing the words of Representative Jiangzhou, Yao Lao and Mo Li glanced at each other, their expressions changed slightly, "Oh? I don't know what your decision is?"

"Haha, this glass of wine should be a celebration of our happy cooperation!" Representative Jiangzhou slowly got up with several other people, and laughed at the old man Yao and Li Li.

Old Man Yao and Mo Li looked a little surprised. Although the result was the same as they expected, it did come too soon.

The information received on the wristband of the representative of Zhongsanzhou is not only about the result of this cooperation, but also some information about the Nangong clan. The reason for agreeing to the conditions put forward by Yao Lao is mostly because of Nangong Lingqing Their existence.

"In that case, let's draw up a contract tomorrow."

"As for the Spirit Gathering Array, it may take a while. After all, the Spirit Gathering Pagoda has just been established and it will take some time to prepare." Old Man Yao said with a smile.

At the same time, Li Li told Suning the news through the bracelet. If the spirit gathering array system is to be established, Suning also needs to tell them the arrangement method of the gathering spirit array.

"Bai Pho, does Wan'er know about the ancient clan and his party?"

Suning had already anticipated the outcome of the incident early in the morning, just glanced at the bracelet, did not make much reaction, just thinking about Jiang Bailin's trip to the ancient Qilin tribe.

Seeing Suning's expression, Jiang Bailin's eyes flashed with brilliance, and his lips moved slightly.

"Well, I have already told her. Although I don't know what will happen, she expressed support for me to do so."

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