I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 886: Decision (on)

The boundary stele owned by the ancient Kylin tribe has been inherited from the ancient times, and it is linked to a very mysterious secret realm. The reason why the ancient Kylin tribe is gradually declining is also closely related to the secret realm in this boundary stele. I don’t know when it started and entered the secret realm. The cultivator never returned from the secret realm, but disappeared without a trace.

Since then, the ancient Qilin tribe has sealed the place where the boundary monument is located, and it is explicitly forbidden. All members of the ancient Qilin tribe are not allowed to step into this place. Gradually, the place where the boundary monument is located has become a forbidden place for the ancient Qilin tribe, except for the great elder Jun Yuanhua , No one dares to enter without permission.

After Jiang Bailin left the forbidden area of ​​the boundary marker, he returned to the place where Suning was. Compared with the people of the ancient Qilin tribe, he preferred to stay with Suning and others. Although the people of the ancient Qilin tribe seemed quite kind to him, There is always a feeling of inexplicable inexplicableness in his heart.

"Bai Pho... Young Master, how come you want to sit here with me?"

Seeing Jiang Bailin's figure walking slowly from the corridor, Suning's eyes rolled, and the corners of his mouth curled up, arching his hands towards him, seemingly very respectful.

Jiang Bailin was taken aback for a moment. Seeing Suning's sudden movements, he felt a little dazed. He walked quickly to Suning and clamped his neck.

"Stop! I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I won't be joking with you." Suning patted Jiang Bailin's arm and let out a burst of laughter.

Nangong Ling Qing stroked the folding fan in her hand, and looked at the appearance of Suning and Jiang Bailin laughing and playing, with a look of envy on her face.

"Congratulations, Brother Jiang!"

"Although the ancient Qilin clan has fallen, it is an ancient clan after all. I didn't expect Brother Jiang that you could become their young master. It is really gratifying!"

Nangong Lingqing stepped forward and slowly walked to Suning's side, smiled and looked at Jiang Bailin on the front side, and let out a slight laughter, congratulating him on his affairs.

"Brother Nangong is too modest. If I can, I don't want to be the young master of this ancient unicorn. It is really uncomfortable to be watched by a group of old people every day. There is no room for freedom at all."

Jiang Bailin shook his head helplessly. Even he himself was not ready. Just as Nangong Ling Qing said, this young master of the ancient Qilin tribe has too much burden, and the kind of life he wants Free and unrestrained, happy days, travel the world with Waner.

Listening to Jiang Bailin’s words, Suning’s figure was slightly taken aback. Apart from Wan'er, Jiang Bailin’s thoughts were arguably the most understood. Although the appearance of the ancient Qilin tribe was a rare opportunity for him in a century, It really bound him.

"Suning, do you know where the old man took me just now?"

Jiang Bailin's figure slowly turned around, with his hands on the railing, his expression gradually changed, and there was a hint of indescribable meaning in his words.

Seeing Jiang Bailin's appearance, Suning raised her eyebrows slightly, feeling a trace of doubt in her heart, and said softly: "Why? Could it be that what the old thing said to you?"

Jiang Bailin slowly turned his head and stared at Suning's eyes. He seemed to see a worried emotion in it, and then smiled slightly, "Don't think about it, Mr. Jun didn't embarrass me."

"The old man just mentioned the boundary monument to me, hoping that I can help them solve this problem. According to him, it seems that only I can solve this matter."

The look on Suning's face gradually eased. As long as the ancient Qilin tribe didn't embarrass Jiang Bailin too much, the big stone in his heart would also be put down, but he was interested in the boundary marker he said, "Boundary marker?"

"Well, according to Mr. Jun, it seems that the current situation of the ancient Kirin tribe is inextricably related to this boundary monument." Jiang Bailin nodded slightly and said softly, with a trace of solemnity in his words.

In the spirit store, Taixu Dragon God and other divine beasts heard the word boundary stele in Jiang Bailin's mouth. They couldn't help but froze for a while, slowly stood up, staring at Jiang Bailin in front of Suning, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Dragon God, the boundary monument Bai Pho said, is it..."

Taixu Suzaku and Taixu Xuanwu looked at each other, and their expressions gradually became solemn. Even Taixu Baize, who was lying on the branches of the world, slowly came to the side of the beasts.

"Well, the boundary monument he was talking about is the secret realm that we opened up together when we became the gods." Taixu Dragon God stood with his back to the gods and beasts, holding hands.

"Suning, if the boundary monument is really as Jiang Bailin said, there are internal changes, I am afraid that he alone will be difficult to solve." Taixu Dragon God's words suddenly sounded in Suning's mind, and he had not felt it before. How serious this matter is, it wasn't until Taixu Dragon God said the same that Suning raised his spirits.

"Smelly snake, this boundary monument..."

Before Suning’s words were spoken, the Dragon God Taixu interrupted him, “The space linked by this monument was created by me and some other old folks ten thousand years ago in order to leave a legacy for myself. The decline of the ancient Qilin tribe must be closely related to this monument."

"Of course, you can also choose to sit on the sidelines, but... the supreme chance hidden in this boundary monument, I am afraid you will never get it in your life."

Hearing the words of Taixu Dragon God, Suning’s eyes flashed with a glimmer of light, and he coughed and said, "Smelly snake, I am not for the **** opportunity you said, I am for me Brother White Phosphorus!"

"If, as you said, there is a big problem with this boundary monument, I am afraid that the inheritance you have left has also been affected. Otherwise, you may not tell me about this."

Suning's words fell in the ears of Taixu Dragon God and the beasts, and everyone was stunned. Suning was right. Not only them, this boundary monument also contained the power and heritage of other beasts.

Around the deepest altar of the ancient Kylin tribe, Jun Moke and other elders appeared one after another, staring at Jun Yuanhua standing in front of the altar with solemn expression.

"Grand Elder, call me to wait here, are you planning to restart the boundary marker?" After the high-level elders in the ancient clan arrived, Jun Moke slowly moved forward and asked first. What he said was also correct. It is the true thoughts of other people present.

Jun Yuanhua slowly raised his head, took a long breath, turned around, scanned the crowd, a touch of determination flashed in his eyes, "Well, your worries are clear in my heart, but I have decided. , You guys go down and get ready."

"The opening of the boundary monument this time may solve our doubts for thousands of years, so you don't need to say more!"

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