I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 902: End abuse summer sun

The moment the terrifying energy wave was shot out, a strong wind wave shook, rustling Nangong Tongyun's clothes, and her black hair floated in the wind.


Feeling the sense of oppression coming from behind, Xia Yang's heart surged with a sense of crisis, his eyebrows frowned, and before he could react in the future, the terrifying energy fluctuations fell on him, driving his figure into the ground.

Along with the huge sound resounding through the sky, a cloud of dust suddenly rose and filled the entire street. Nangong Tongyun waved his hand slightly, and the dust and smoke on the ground dissipated. A huge pothole appeared in everyone's eyes. In the middle of the pothole, summer Yang's body was stained with blood, there were some bruises on his face, and half of his body was sunken underneath.

Looking at Xia Yang in the pothole, Nangong Xun's figure trembled slightly, as if feeling a little horrible, "I won't play with you anymore, go with your boss!"

The corners of Nangong Xun’s mouth curled up, his body moved, and his speed was more than several times higher than before. He appeared behind the two under the surprised eyes of the two gods, two fists carrying the sky full of divine glory, heavy The bombardment was on the two backs.

Accompanied by two muffled hums, the figures of the two of them turned into a stream of light, slamming heavily into the pothole, blood constantly overflowing from the corners of their mouths, falling into a coma.

"I said Xiaotongyun, can't you wait for a while to fight again? I've just got the energy." Nangong Xun's figure slowly fell beside Nangong Tongyun, and said softly.

Listening to Nangong Xun's words, Nangong Tongyun looked cold, rolled his eyes, and then looked at Xia Qingtian and Xia Qingyi standing far away.


Feeling Nangong Tongyun's attention, Xia Qingtian's expression suddenly became dignified, and his pupils suddenly shrank, urging the power of the gods in his body, leading Xia Qingyi to continue to retreat.

"I want to go, do I agree?" Nangong Tongyun stared at the two, with a slight movement of his fingers, a sharp source of God condensed at the fingertips and turned into several small swords.

call out!

Several small swords whizzed past, making a slight noise, directly hitting Xia Qingtian and Xia Qingyi who were fleeing.

"Today's affairs are both provoked by you two. As punishment, let's break off!" Nangong Tongyun's words just fell, and several gods of origin small swords sank into the void and suddenly appeared behind Xia Qingtian. Cut off his right arm directly.


Before Nangong Tongyun arrived, Xia Qingtian had been severely injured in the fight with Nangong Xun, and now she was severed by Nangong Tongyun, with a burst of red blood spurting out of her mouth, and her face gradually changed. Pale.

In Xia Qingtian’s eyes, a sharp glow flashed past, resisting the severe pain from the broken arm, and with a heart move, a Hunyuan sphere appeared from the bracelet, connecting him and Xia Qingyi. The figures of the two were wrapped in it and fled at a very fast speed.

"Xiao Tongyun, you are so cruel." Nangong Xun watched Xia Qingtian and the two flee, and did not do much to stop him, and said with a smile to Nangong Tongyun.

"If it weren't for some scruples, just rely on them to besiege my Nangong clan young master, and I can directly obliterate him!" Nangong Tongyun said, slowly falling to the ground, looking indifferently at the people in the pit. Xia Yang three people.

Above the tall buildings in the distance, Suning, Jiang Bailin, Nangong Lingqing, and Jun Xinghe all looked shocked. Although Nangong Lingqing knew the strength of Nangong Tongyun, she didn't expect them to end the battle so quickly.

"Hey, isn't the person sent by the Xia family a god-level? How come I was beaten to the ground by Elder Tongyun so quickly?" Nangong Ling Qing murmured while holding the folding fan in his hand tightly.

As if feeling the end of the movement outside, there were a few people on the surrounding streets cautiously walking out of the building, their heads stretched out to look at the huge hole in front of Nangong Tongyun.

"Hehe, brat, do you have a new understanding of the strength of the strong gods?" In Suning's mind, the voice of Taixu Dragon God slowly sounded.

Suning stared at the dilapidated street in the distance, her eyebrows frowned, "Well, after just observation, it seems that after the strength reaches the **** level, the spiritual source in the body has undergone a qualitative change."

Hearing Suning's words, in the spirit storehouse, Taixu Dragon God and a group of divine beasts looked at each other, except for Taixu Baize, they all showed the appearance of ruins.

"Good boy, I can observe this through battle, my understanding is pretty good!" Taixu Dragon God said with a satisfied expression, laughing.

"Ugly snake, is the gleam of brilliance emanating from their bodies, is it the manifestation of the spiritual source after it has deteriorated?" Suning kept recalling the battle just now, her lips moved slightly and asked softly.

The divine beasts such as Taixu Dragon God and Taixu Suzaku in the spirit store were surprised when they heard Suning’s words. Although they admitted that Suning’s understanding was good, they knew the existence of Shenhui just by observing and fighting. The gods and beasts felt very pleased.

"Well, what you kid said is right, God Rank is an extremely powerful existence for people in this world."

"At the same time, it also confirms how difficult it is to promote to the **** rank. From ancient times to the present, countless spirit beast masters can only stop at the holy rank, regretting for life." Taixu Dragon God's expression gradually changed, and his eyebrows were slightly raised, as if It is a little solemn.

"But it's too early for you to know these things. You should have felt in the previous battles. Although you are a holy rank now, you don't have enough spiritual sources in your body. You can only face other people who have been promoted to holy ranks for a long time. Means, otherwise it's impossible to win." Taixu Dragon God said softly, pointing to Suning.

Listening to the words of the Dragon God Taixu, Suning's eyebrows were slightly raised, and his heart sank. Indeed, since he was promoted to the Holy Order, he had not exercised his spiritual source properly, which led to the phenomenon of spiritual source exhaustion in the battle.

"Suning, Suning." Nangong Lingqing saw Suning's face gradually become solemn and fell into a dullness, swaying his shoulders slightly, and whispered.

"Ah, what's the matter?" After returning to his senses, Suning turned to look at Nangong Ling Qing, with a confused expression on his face, and a whisper in his mouth.

"Let's go, let's hurry up to meet the elder Tongyun and the second uncle. There are more and more people around here, so as not to have some unnecessary troubles."

Nangong Ling Qing played with the folding fan in her hand, with a serious expression on her face, standing on the edge of the building, watching more and more people downstairs, and said softly.

When Nangong Tongyun and others fought, they didn't dare to come out easily, fearing that they would be affected by it. Now that the movement outside is gone, they all came out of the building, looking at the dilapidated streets, all with a look of horror.

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