I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 945: Unusual thoughts

"What? Suning is a member of the dragon clan?" Xia Xiao slumped in a chair, unable to believe what he had heard.

What this means, he knows better than anyone else.

The enmity with the Nangong clan has not yet ended, and now he has offended the giant dragon clan again. If you rely on the Xia family's previous family background, you don't need to worry about offending the giant dragon clan.

But now it is different. The Xia family is in the midst of the storm, that is, the Nangong clan has not stumbled on their Xia family, otherwise, a Nangong clan would be enough for him.

That day, someone shot Suning and Xue Qianqiu's conversation. If Xue Qianqiu was also on Suning's side...

Xia Xia Xiao didn't dare to think anymore, the whole person was like a puppet with a broken line, and his mood fell to the bottom.

The Xia family, who finally calmed down, is going to make waves again?

"It's no wonder that the Nangong clan will befriend a wild boy! It turned out to be because of this!" Xia Xiao was indignant, regretting his original impulse.

If he can keep his temper... if he is not so impulsive...

"Patriarch." Xin Takitang walked in from the door and shouted respectfully.

"What are you doing?" Xia Xia Xiao was a little impatient, too lazy to lift his eyelids.

"Is the Patriarch worrying about Suning's identity?"

"If you have something to say quickly, if you have a fart, let it go!" Xia Xiao Xiao's face was not pretty when he was poked at the center.

In terms of strength, Xin Takitang is a loose person who has never practiced before, and it is absolutely impossible for him to enter the Xia family before.

But after recruiting a Xin Takitang, Xia Xiao loved the housekeeper especially, because he seemed to be able to guess his own thoughts anytime, anywhere.

This kind of ability can help him solve problems, he is quite satisfied, but if it makes him embarrassed, he will want to kick him out immediately.

"In my opinion, Suning's identity should be fake."

"Fake? How did you know?" Xia Xiao immediately regained his spirit. If Suning is not a member of the dragon clan, then everything would be easy, and he would not face the problems targeted by the big family.

"Now that the most nervous about Suning's identity is the Nangong clan, protecting Suning is protecting the face of the Nangong clan."

"Now everyone's mind is focused on Suning's true identity. How many people will care about the Nangong clan?" Xin Takitang was eloquent, as if the truth was just as he said.

Xia Xiao fell into silence, according to Xin Takitang's statement, it is not impossible.

If Suning is a member of the giant dragon clan, it is impossible to fight alone outside, at least there will be other clan members.

But Jiang Bailin is obviously not a member of the dragon clan.

If not...

"Then how to explain the sacred beast in Suning?" Xia Xiao asked. This is the point that puzzles him the most. It is because of the existence of the Taixu Dragon God that he has no doubt about the identity of Suning and the giant dragon clan.

"Perhaps... it's just a fluke. The Patriarch should know that there are many people with such good luck in Sanzhou. After they find such a beast egg by accident, they will be among the strong."

Xin Takitang has now determined that Suning is not a member of the dragon clan, so he now wants Xia Xiao to believe this.

The existence of Suning is not a good thing for him.

Xia Xia Xiao was silent for a long time. Such lucky people will indeed appear in Sanzhou. Is Suning really one of them?

If Suning really has nothing to do with the giant dragon clan, then the beast in his body, Suning is not good enough! Xia Xiao's eyes gradually became fierce.

Nangong Ruining looked at the new report in the room, her right hand unconsciously squeezed into a fist, and she was very unconvinced.

How could Suning belong to the dragon clan?

In this way, what he did was to push the entire Nangong clan into the fire pit.

The Nangong clan drove him out, but the entire Shangsan City knew about it, because he had been violently pursued and revenge by the Xia family. If they waited for the dragon clan to come from Xia Sanzhou, then the Nangong clan would still have a firm seat. ?

He kept thinking about this question in his mind, calculating the probability of the Nangong clan being defeated by the giant dragon clan.

The ancient families that never participated in world affairs have caused waves again and again because of the appearance of Suning. In the minds of Shangsanshi people, their image has long gone.

Although the Nangong clan is better than the giant dragon clan, it is all speculation.

No one has personally seen the strength of the dragon clan, this is the most terrifying thing.

It is unknown whether their strength is really under the Nangong clan.

According to Suning’s sacred beasts, they are very similar to those of the dragon family.

Countless questions hovered in Nangong Ruining's mind. He was a spirit beast master who cared extremely about his own interests. He was willing to stay in the Nangong clan before because they were extremely strong for a time, and they were equally divided with the other families.

Now the battle between the Nangong clan and the Xia family has lost a lot of popular support.

Isn't it... he is starting to find another way out? He must find a new destination before the collapse of the Nangong clan.

He can only accept to keep going up, and the Nangong clan go up again...


Nangong Ruining's eyes brightened. When he started practicing since he was a child, he had been secretly collecting information about Tianyuanzong.

Tianyuanzong does not exist in the three continents, but the legend about him has always been in the heart of every spirit beast master.

Since the first time he heard about Tianyuanzong, he had longed for it.

If he can enter the Tianyuan Sect, then the rise and fall of the Nangong clan has nothing to do with him, and when he emerges from the Tianyuan Sect, he will be the strong man who dominates the three continents.

Even the Holy Spirit King didn't dare to say anything to those who came out of Tianyuan Sect.

Since he was determined to leave, he must hurry up, Nangong Ruining walked out of the room quickly.


When the wooden door was closed, Nangong Ruining turned around and met Nangong Tongyun. For the first time, he had a cramped look on his face, who was thinking about it.

"Second Young Master." Nangong Tongyun just happened to pass by his door and greeted him casually. After seeing his look, he suddenly stopped and became interested.

What kind of things would make the second son of Gujing Wubo in their clan look cramped?

Nangong Ruining gave a hum, and wanted to leave as usual, but was blocked by Nangong Tongyun.

"What are you doing?" Nangong Ruining frowned, even if Nangong Tongyun stood in front of him, he was a little impatient.

Nangong Tongyun was stunned for half a second. She had never seen Nangong Ruining be so harsh to her, and slowly said, "It's been a long time since I had studied with the second son. I recently got a technique and asked the second son for advice."

"Your strength does not need my advice, you are already very strong."

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