I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 955: Murder with a knife

"How? Have you contacted the Holy Spirit King?" Xue Qianqiu raised his eyes, looked at the person in front of him, and put aside the information files in his hand.

The man didn't answer, just shook his head slightly.

"I see, you can go out." Xue Qianqiu raised his hand with a serious expression.

He has not been in contact with the Holy Spirit King for hundreds of years. Although he has been working for the Holy Spirit King, he has long since broken contact.

If the Holy Spirit hadn't suddenly appeared in the upper three cities, he still didn't know when he would contact the Holy Spirit King.

He wanted to confirm Suning's identity. Before he was personally recognized by the King of the Holy Spirit, Suning's identity as the Son of the Holy Spirit could only be guessed, and could not be confirmed.

"Suning..." Xue Qianqiu got up and paced, thinking a lot.

"Go and call Xia Xiaoxiao." Xue Qianqiu suddenly shouted. The guard at the door was taken aback for a moment, and didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly nodded and left.

After half an hour, the tea on the table had been drunk several cups, and Xia Xiao Xiao was not seen.

As far as the distance from the Xia Family to the City Lord's Mansion, the most time for a stick of incense was up, even if it was walking.

As time passed, Xue Qianqiu's originally calm heart was a little sulky.

"Come here, you go to see where the Patriarch of the Xia family is?" Xue Qianqiu asked, with a sense of irritation in his words.

As soon as the guards left, they saw the guards who had gone out slowly walking in with Xia Xiaoxiao.

"City Lord, Patriarch Xia is here," the guard said.

Xue Qianqiu nodded and turned her back to look at Xia Xiao Xiao.

Xia Xia Xiao's pleasing smile froze for a moment, and stood there a little embarrassed after handing over his hands, and said angrily, "I wonder if the city lord is looking for me today?"

"Patriarch Xia is in such a big posture, it takes half an hour to travel for ten minutes!"

"Some changes happened suddenly in the clan, so it was too late. I hope the city lord will forgive me."

After all, Xue Qianqiu helped to mediate the conflict between the Xia family and the Nangong clan, and Xia Xiao was not too arrogant.

He couldn't tell Xue Qianqiu the truth about the night, it is estimated that the Xia family is gone at this moment.

"Oh? What can a big family do that needs to be busy for so long!" Xue Qianqiu reprimanded in an angry manner. In front of so many guards, he didn't save any face for Xia Xiao.

He has seen every report about Suning being chased by Xia's family. The methods are fierce and the chase is fierce. That is to put Suning to death.

The Xia family dared to be so arrogant now when the family was down. When the family was big, I didn't know how many things were done to the world.

How much did Xia Xia Xiao do under his nose? The doubts in his heart are even worse.

Perceiving Xue Qianqiu's anger, Xia Xia Xiao didn't say anything even though he was dissatisfied.

The revitalization of their Xia family still needs the strong support of the city lord, and now only the city lord is willing to lend a helping hand to the Xia family. If even the city lord is disappointed in him, it would be equivalent to ruining the future of the Xia family.

"I won't dare next time. No, there will never be another time!" Xia Xia Xiao assured, raising his hands to make an oath.

Xue Qianqiu snorted coldly, his awe-inspiring and indifferent back stood straighter, and he slowly said, "You are really ignorant! During this time, I tried my best to help you cover up, and the Nangong family’s dissatisfaction was dissatisfied with the eyes of the world. Next, why are you chasing Suning with fanfare?"

"Aren't you self-defeating?"

"I... I'm sorry, City Lord." Xia Xia Xiao's lips moved, and he hurriedly apologized and admitted his mistake after saying a word.

If it wasn't for revitalizing the Xia family, when did Xia Xiaoxiao need to keep his breath so low?

It sounds good, and has carried a lot of rumors for the Xia family. Isn't it because Xue Qianqiu wants to maintain the stability of the three cities?

If one of the four large families with balanced strength loses, what kind of **** storm will be set off in the upper three cities, who is not sure?

In this matter, apart from helping the Xia family, Xue Qianqiu had no choice.

Even if he understood these twists and turns, Xia Xiao didn't dare to say clearly, still bowing his head and apologizing humblely.

"The pursuit of the Xia family caused a lot of fluctuations in the upper three cities. Go back and write a report." Xue Qianqiu raised his eyes and said, observing Xia Xiao's expression without any trace.

Xia Xia Xiao was stunned for a moment, "Yes."

Finally, I gave a few simple instructions. Xia Xiao left the city lord's mansion, and tried his best to restrain the mood of cursing people along the way.

The bright moon was high, and Xue Qianqiu couldn't sleep, so he invited a guard, "How is the situation of the Xia family?"

"Xia Xia Xiao lost his temper after returning, and smashed the Xia family to pieces." The guard replied.

"Oh, mindless things!" Xue Qianqiu cursed.

"Let me say that the city owner shouldn't be so merciful to the Xia family. The Xia family's family style cannot be equal to the other three."

"Are you teaching me to do things?"

"Sorry, Santo."

"Get out."

Frightened by Xue Qianqiu's sudden anger, the guard bowed and left.

Why didn't he know that the Xia family was unworthy? It's just that he hopes that after this great lesson, the Xia family can make progress, since he doesn't take these reprimands in his heart.

It is not impossible to leave only three big families in the upper three cities! It's time to reshuffle the quiet and stable Shangsanshi!

After making a decision in his mind, Xue Qianqiu ordered to go down and immediately evacuated the people who were monitoring the Huangfu and Dongfang family.

These two families would have long been unable to sit still. If it hadn't been because Xue Qianqiu had sent people to stare at them, they would have annexed the Xia family like hungry wolves, there would be no chance of revitalization.

Xue Qianqiu raised his head and looked at the sky. It seems that he is not the only one sleepless tonight.

The night is long and the show has just begun. The corners of his lips twitched, the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes, and the fierce determination in his eyes made the guards tremble.

The intriguing look filled with the city government reappeared after many years. It has been a long time since he saw such an expression on his face, and the guard quickly withdrew his gaze.

What a murderer with a knife, it is obvious that Xue Qianqiu has murdered the Xia family and deliberately let the other two people do it, but the city lord's mansion is only taking advantage of the fisherman's profit. In the eyes of everyone, the cold and benevolent Xue Qianqiu finally shot it?

Suddenly white snow floated in the sky. After a long time, the snow fell and heavier, and it was a foot thick on the ground.

"What is his Xue Qianqiu? When my Xia family was still strong, how could he dare to scold me like this? Now that my Xia family has only fallen for a few days, I dare to point fingers at me!" Xia Xiao angrily throws various antique calligraphy and paintings at home , Lingshi pill scattered all over the place does not feel distressed.

"Patriarch, there are people from the City Lord's Mansion nearby." Xin Takitang walked over and reminded him by looking around carefully.

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