I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 980: Infiltrate the Xia clan

But at this moment, such a guarantee was worthless in Xin Takitang's heart.

Even if he swore to the sky, Xin Takitang would not believe the truth of these words.

If it really endangered his life, it would be impossible for Huangfu's talents to give up their lives to save him. After so many years and so many losses, he could not understand.

Only oneself can protect oneself, this is the truth that he has always believed firmly.

"You believe me, our Huangfu family will definitely protect your safety." Huangfu Zhuoque looked at Xinlongtang with vows.

Xin Takitang hesitated, pacing back and forth in the room, but it was not a way to spend so much time, no one could leave here.

If the people from Huangfu's family didn't complete the task, then all of them would die here.

To help Huangfu Zhuoque is to help himself, Xin Takitang secretly made up his mind.

"Well, you will be like me in a while, pay attention to your posture, don't talk to anyone, if someone greets you, just nod your head to deal with it." Xin Takitang asked.

Huangfu Zhuoque nodded, "Okay, what else?"

"That's it for the time being. Try not to show your horse's feet. That secret room is unusual. I only went in once. The structure inside is intricate. I only took things from the outermost part and left."

At that time, Xin Takitang thought that he would stay in the Xia family for a long time, and was not interested in the strange secret rooms of the Xia family, nor did he look around.

He only remembered that the secret room was very large, covering a quarter of the area of ​​the Xia family, and there were dozens of hundreds of shelves on the outside. He had never seen all the strange things on display.

Once he took a bead and went to **** outside, only to realize that the bead was the night pearl of Xihai, and it was extremely precious and valuable.

At that time, he was about to return to Ye Mingzhu immediately and hid at home.

The reason why he dared to take Li Huwei back in grandeur, and was willing to give him all the property, is because he still has a night pearl.

This bead is light and easy to carry, and its value is enough for him to find a place to live in seclusion for a lifetime.

Huangfu Zhuoque gave a hum, raised his hand and waved in front of him, and he turned into Xin Takitang and left the room.

Looking at Huangfu Zhuoque's departure direction, Xin Longtang paced back and forth, a little disturbed.

It's still broad daylight, and the chance of being discovered will be greater, and I don't know if Huangfu Zhuoque can come out safely.

"This Huangfu's family doesn't know what to think. Isn't it enough to know that there is a secret room there? I have to go in and see, is there any difference?" Xin Takitang cursed as he walked, but his worry was never Erase.

The secret room is a large courtyard with two guards guarding the door.

After seeing Xinlongtang, the incarnation of Huangfu Zhuoque, he routinely asked, "Steward Xin."

Huangfu Zhuoque remembered what Xin Takitang said, as long as someone greeted him, simply nodded, he nodded proudly and walked in directly.

The two guards looked at each other and felt that something was wrong with Xin Takitang today.

Xin Takido is a casual person without practice, and he is not from a big family. His behavior is arrogant and rude, but today he is a bit abnormal. Although he is arrogant, he reveals a noble temperament. This is something they have never seen before. Arrived.

With doubts, the two couldn't help but look at Xin Takitang twice.

"Look, he doesn't look around today anymore," said a guard.

Another guard took the conversation, "Yes, just like a dumpling came into the city before, I have to look around here and feel it there. Today is very strange."

"It may be someone who has been a housekeeper for a long time, and I'm used to seeing any rare and precious things, hey, man, maybe one day I will climb on the branch!" The two guards vomit bitterness to each other. , No longer looked at Xin Takitang.

It takes ten minutes to walk from the guard to the door of the secret room. Huangfu Zhuoque always remembered that at the time of Xinlongtang, he was an ordinary person. He had no spiritual power and could only walk honestly.

He tried not to show his feet, and walked to the entrance, which was still guarded.

Fortunately, Xin Takitang had long been familiar with the Xia family, and the people at the door didn't embarrass him much, so he let him in directly.

Huangfu Zhuoque walked into the room and was a little shocked when he saw the scene in front of him. He could be regarded as someone who had seen the big scene, but he was still a little surprised at the moment.

Before he could raise his foot, he heard some movement outside the door.

"Great Elder." The guard at the door shouted, Huangfu Zhuo Que was taken aback.

The senior elder of the Xia family is here?

Xia Xia slowly fell to the ground, "Well, I want to go into the secret room, is there anyone inside?"

"Steward Xin has just entered, the elder may have to wait a little longer."

There is a rule in the secret room of the Xia family that only one person can enter at a time. Even the Great Elder, as long as there are people inside, he must wait outside.

"Steward Xin? What is he doing?" Xia Xia frowned, unwilling to wait at the door.

"The Patriarch asked him to pick up something." The guard replied to Xia Zhen according to Huangfu Zhuoque's words.

Xia Zhen’s expression is not pretty, "Let him come out, and he will go in after I finish taking things. My business is more urgent."

"This..." The two guards were a little embarrassed.

Everyone knows that Xin Longtang is the head of the Xia family, and now the elder openly wants to fight against the head of the Xia family, they are not easy to do it.

If this matter is known to Xia Xiao, it is estimated that they will not be able to work in Xia's family.

Huangfu Zhuoque stood quietly behind the door listening to the movement outside, carefully hiding his spiritual power.

It seems that Xia Zhen and Xia Xiao are not in harmony this time. Maybe you can win Xia Zhen to do things for them.

Since they want to win, it will naturally aggravate the contradiction between them.

The corner of Huangfu Zhuoque's lips twitched, and a plan emerged spontaneously, "What is happening outside?"

The guard heard Xin Takitang's voice and immediately replied, "It's the elder, he needs to enter the secret room in an emergency."

"Grand Elder? Doesn't he know that the Patriarch's matter should be ranked first? Let him wait!" Huangfu Zhuo Que said viciously, not giving any face to Xia Zhen.

Summer outside the door frowned and frowned, and there was a murderous intent in the eye mask. The two guards looked terrified, "Elder, or... you just wait."

"Okay, I'll wait." Xia Zhen said coldly, exuding a frightening atmosphere.

It's done.

Xia Xia Xiao, Xia Xia Xiao, you really make a lot of enemies, even within your own family, you are so dissatisfied with you.

The corner of Huangfu Zhuoque's lips twitched, and he slowly turned around.

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