I Have Ten Strongest Beasts

Chapter 984: Carlisle

Listening to Ulysses' words, everyone's eyes were looking at the Tianwu Golden Lion hovering in the air, a strange brilliance flashed in their eyes, and the spiritual source power in the body began to flow continuously.

The wings of the Tianwu Golden Lion spread out, hovering twice over the open space, and then stopped. His eyes looked into the space barrier, and some endless greed appeared in it.


Accompanied by the roar of the Tianwu Golden Lion, hundreds of monsters on the ground seemed to have received orders, and a series of terrifying auras came one after another, emanating from their bodies, and a shock wave of blast spread out.

boom! boom!

Suddenly, a series of psychic explosive bombs carrying a terrifying power were shot out of the forest, spilled from the air on the clearing, and suddenly exploded, bursting into thick smoke.

"Haha! I didn't expect to have such a rich harvest when I first came here, so God helped me!"

A vigorous voice came slowly from the forest, and dozens of mecha-clad figures flew as fast as lightning, and a sub-character was engraved on the mecha.

Seeing the sudden emergence of the team, the expressions on Ulysses and his party's faces gradually became a little surprised, until they noticed the sub-character on everyone's mecha, and an invisible flame gradually rose in their eyes.

"Haha, Captain Carlisle, I'm afraid I will call you deputy commander in the future!"

"Yes, yes, it should be the deputy head of Carlisle!"


A voice of flattery came from the man named Carlisle, and a slight smile appeared on the face of the speaker.

Although he knew that these people were flattering, these words still made him feel extremely comfortable in Carlisle's ears, and he couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh.

The Tianwu Golden Lion and hundreds of other monster beasts that were suddenly attacked, with a bit of cold glow in their eyes, exuding a frightening atmosphere, staring at Carlisle and his party in the sky.

"Deputy Commander Carlisle, today we may not only be able to harvest hundreds of monster cores. According to the detector, there are huge energy fluctuations in the three giant mountains in front. I am afraid there are some amazing treasures. inside."

In Carlisle's team, a man slowly walked forward and whispered a report in Carlisle's ear.


Hearing the man's report, Carlisle's eyes flashed with a glimmer of light, and the expression on his face gradually became interested.

"Very well, brethren, then let's make a quick fight to get rid of these monsters and see what kind of treasures are there in these mountains!"

The corner of Carlisle's mouth gradually evoked an arc, and while speaking, a tyrannical spirit source wave broke out all over his body.


There seemed to be endless anger in the eyes of the Tianwu Golden Lion, and it uttered a terrifying roar at Carlisle's team.

"People from the Artus Union? Why are they here too?"

In the gloomy forest, a group of people headed by Ulysses looked at Carlisle and the others. They all felt puzzled. Before they came to the Shenghongling Mountains, they had inquired, and during this time, other unions did not perform any tasks. The movement.

"Captain Yuri, what should we do now? Are we just watching them steal our things like this?"

Everyone in the team looked at Ulysses, frowned slightly, and the expressions on their faces showed a little anger.

"No hurry, since the people from the Atex trade union like to show off, let them come out. When they are almost done, let's go out and take advantage of it."

Seeing Carlisle and a bunch of people fighting with hundreds of monsters such as the Tianwu Golden Lion, Ulysses' mouth gradually evoked a curve, and there seemed to be a little bit of cold light in his eyes, and he immediately turned towards the person behind him. Everyone spoke softly.

How could Ulysses easily let go of such a good opportunity for meritorious service. Although he did not expect that people from the Aters trade union would appear here, for Ulysses, the appearance of Carlisle and others was a big one. A good thing, help them clean up those difficult monsters, why not do it.


The thrusters behind the mechas in Carlisle burst out with a dazzling light, and their figure slammed out, separated from the group of monsters and beasts, and immediately sent terrifying energy fluctuations towards the group of beasts on the ground. Dozens of psionic bombs suddenly shot out from the mecha.

In the face of such a fierce attack, even if the outer shell is extremely hard, it cannot withstand the attacks of dozens of psionic explosive bombs, not to mention the psychic shocks issued by Carlisle and others. It only takes a moment, hundreds of Most of the monster beast group was dead, and there was a monster beast corpse on the clearing.


Looking at the monster beasts dying on the ground, the Tianwu Golden Lion roared, and a terrifying energy wave radiated from its body.

"Attention everyone, this Beastmaster is about to launch an attack."

Carlisle raised his eyebrows slightly when he noticed the energy fluctuations around the Tianwu Golden Lion, and the expression on his face finally became a little solemn.

call out!

The golden hair of the Tianwu Golden Lion suddenly burst out with a dazzling brilliance. As far as the eyes can reach, feathers of pale golden feathers slowly appear all over its body, and the horrible breath seems to tear the space. It splits in general, the extremely sharp area cut through the air, making a slight noise.

Looking at the overwhelming pale golden feathers, the group headed by Carlisle was shocked. Although they were prepared, they had no chance to dodge such a fast attack in the face of such a fast attack.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

With a move of Carlisle's wrist, he took out several devices from the bracelet and injected spiritual power into them. In just an instant, a protective shield was formed in front of everyone. The pale golden feathers hit the protective shield. There was a crisp sound, and Xuan even turned into a light golden rain and dissipated in the air.

"Hehe, that's it, the more fierce you fight and the harder you consume, the more I like it."

In the gloomy forest, Ulysses' figure crouched on the branches, his eyes looked at Carlisle and others who were fighting with the Tianwu Golden Lion in the field. The expression on his face gradually became a little strange, the corners of his mouth were curved. It's a bit more prosperous.

"Damn beast, it cost me a few protective balls!"

Facing the overwhelming, endless stream of pale golden feathers' attacks, the expression on Carlisle's face became more and more solemn, and a cold light flashed across his eyes.

The Tianwu Golden Lion stared at Carlisle and his party indifferently, and golden feathers appeared continuously all over his body, and there seemed to be no sign of stopping.

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