I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 927: The 1st Prison Riot

After completing the breakthrough and consolidating his realm, Chu Yunfan felt that his strength was unprecedentedly powerful.

   has reached a peak, not to mention the four levels of supernatural powers, even with the five levels of supernatural powers, Chu Yunfan can defeat them. The emperor's battle body is powerful, and it is undoubtedly manifested.

   He looked around, Tang Siyu's breakthrough has also entered the most critical moment, I am afraid that it will not take a few days to successfully break through to the second level of the supernatural power realm.

   Of course, although the realm is the same, Tang Siyu's combat effectiveness is quite different compared to him, but compared with other people, it is still strong enough.

   Even Tang Siyu, who has just broken through, is enough to defeat the existence of the leader of the fire worship or the leader of the shadow.

And the breakthrough of the Thunder Wind Winged Beast was just in the past few days. It was almost the effort of the front and back feet. Chu Yunfan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Now he can trust him completely and he needs no defense at all. Only Tang Siyu and Thunder Wind Winged Beast.

   That is the real one.

   The more powerful they are, the greater the benefits will naturally be for Chu Yunfan.

  Chu Yunfan walked a few times before he was out of the sea of ​​thunderstorms, trying to breathe a little bit, there was an urgent call from the personal terminal.

   He turned on the video call and saw that this person was not someone else, it turned out to be Chu Haoyue.

   Chu Haoyue looked anxious. After seeing Chu Yunfan, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

   "What's wrong?" Chu Yunfan asked a little strangely.

   "The big thing is bad!"

   Chu Haoyue said quickly.

   "What's the matter, speak slowly!"

   Chu Yunfan said.

   "Have you ever heard of the Federal First Prison!" Chu Haoyue asked.

Chu Yunwen shook his head. There are so many prisons up and down the Federation, as well as various exile areas. There are simply too many places that can be reached by the Federation, and there are even many places where various death row prisoners are used to open up. of.

  Because pioneering itself means heavy casualties, using these condemned prisoners is a blessing and no expense.

  Chu Yunfan didn't know much about these things, and the only time he had contact was in the examination area when he was in the college entrance examination.

However, Chu Yunfan quickly inquired through his personal terminal, and quickly found information about the Federal First Prison. He was immediately surprised, because according to the classification of federal confidential information, the lowest level is level 1, and the highest level is ninth level. , This Federal First Prison just needs to have the qualifications for inspection, and it must have a level of authority of seven or more.

This still knows the existence of Federal First Prison. If you want to inquire about specific information, you must have nine levels of authority. In the Federation, only a few people including the Federal President have these nine levels of authority. Even a senior federal official like Chu Yunfan has only eight levels of authority.

   After looking up the affairs of this Federal First Prison, Chu Yunfan knew why the security level of this prison was so high, because there were almost no normal prisoners in this prison.

In other words, ordinary people are not qualified to be overwhelmed in the first prison. Those who can be infused are the masters of the innate realm the last time. It is impossible for such masters to open up wasteland or mine outside. The vitality of the innate masters is too strong. , As long as he is given a chance, it is possible to cause great things to happen.

   It is impossible for the Federation to spend so much energy to detain these people, so these prisoners are generally held in special prisons, but the first prison is much higher than this kind of prison.

  The worst of those who can be locked in are big people with a congenital level of seven or more. They are placed in the Federation. This kind of people can start a career casually.

   However, this kind of person who seems to be a big figure to the outside world is just a small person in it. The real trouble is that there are still many supernatural powers in it.

It's not just a few, there are really many masters of the supernatural powers. In fact, the human federation has been panicking for hundreds of years. Of course, it is impossible to have only these masters at the moment. There was a period of time when the federal government was able to coerce. It was such a shocking event that someone assassinated the Federal President.

   That was the dark age. In that age, these masters who breed supernatural powers were once the masters of the entire world.

   It's not that two masters who breed supernatural powers can form such a situation. Later, these people were suppressed one after another, and the place where they were held was this special first prison.

   "I just checked, this first prison is really a troublesome place, is there any problem?" Chu Yunfan said.

   "It's not good, now the demon leader has gathered the army of Ten Thousand Monster Mountain and hit the No. 1 Prison!" Chu Haoyue said anxiously. "Every one of the people locked up here has a **** feud with the Federation. Once you let them out, then the consequences, I think you should understand it!"

  Chu Yunfan's expression became serious~www.ltnovel.com~ Without Chu Haoyue, he also knew that if the first prison was breached and all the criminals in it ran out, the consequences would be serious.

   It can be said that it has broken the sky!

   "But if I remember correctly, when I checked the information just now, this first prison should be in the depths of the void, no one knows the specific coordinates!"

   Chu Yunfan said.

According to the information obtained by his authority, this first prison was built on the high sky in order to ensure that it would not be escaped, nor would it be swayed by strongmen from all walks of life, so it was actually built on the high sky, and it was always in place at all times. Constantly moving.

   Its specific location coordinates, the people that the entire Federation really knows, are only three or five people.

   Even Chu Yunfan's authority can't know its real coordinates. According to the data, this first prison should have been transformed from the relics of a certain sect of a previous ultra-ancient civilization.

   The general communication is through the teleportation array built in it. Otherwise, there is no normal way of communication, because no one knows the specific location and how to contact.

"If it is so secretive, why is it known to others?" Of course, Chu Yunfan does not doubt the degree of secrecy of the First Prison. Since its completion, at least for more than a hundred years, no problems have occurred, which shows the degree of secrecy, but even so. , Now something happened.

"There is still no way to be sure, and now is not the time to investigate!" Chu Haoyue shook her head and said, "Now the ancestor has rushed to the first prison, but the battle situation is not optimistic. Wan Yaoshan has gathered too much this time. Master, come back quickly!"

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