I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1014: A rare opportunity

This is like a person who had the opportunity to enter the realm of supernatural powers from the innate realm, but this opportunity was cut off by others.

This is a **** hatred for anyone.

And now this is also true for this dragon vein, the birth of heaven and earth elves itself is much more difficult than the birth of any creature.

Not every soul vein has the opportunity to form an earth vein. The earth vein that forms an earth vein that affects a region of the earth is also just an ordinary dragon vein, but among these dragon veins, only a few can give birth to self-will, that is, spirit vein elves.

It can be said that the birth of every heaven and earth spirit is a kind of life miracle, and once it is successfully born, it is often extremely remarkable.

Just like the heaven and earth elves formed by the dragon veins, once they are transformed into a real dragon, it is also a powerful branch of the dragon clan among the heavens and all realms.

But in the same way, the birth of this kind of heaven and earth elves is also plagued by disasters. In addition to natural disasters, there are also human disasters.

Obviously, Chu Yunfan and others have become the tribulation of this dragon and dragon vein, and become the biggest obstacle to his transformation.

But everything is relative. For the dragon veins, this may be the biggest catastrophe. If it is not disturbed, it may not take a thousand years to transform into a real dragon and soar.

But now, it’s just the shape of some flood dragons, it’s not a shape at all. The more so, the more grievances will become, and once it is released, it will inevitably cause shocking blood. Only this can calm the grievances in the heart. .

Compared to Chu Yunfan, this is also a huge crisis. There is no doubt about the degree of danger. Although this dragon dragon vein has not really formed, it has only been partially transformed, its strength is comparable to the peak of the supernatural power stage.

Once released, even Chu Yunfan is not an opponent!

But this was also a huge opportunity, a formed dragon vein spirit, and now Chu Yunfan encountered it, he could only go as far as he could, and he didn't dare to approach it at all.

However, this unformed dragon vein became Chu Yunfan's greatest opportunity.

Even in the ultra-ancient civilization, this is an extremely rare opportunity. Even in the memory of the Emperor Pill, there are methods to refine this heaven and earth spirit into a great medicine, and it is possible to fly directly in the day.

Of course, that kind of medicine is a top-notch medicine. Even if Chu Yunfan can't practice such a medicine, it is enough to help him transcend the supernatural power realm. That step is truly transcendence.




This dragon dragon vein saw Chu Yunfan, killing intent even more, full of eyes, originally just transformed into form, the mind has just emerged, now it has been swallowed up by the killing intent, and only the thought of killing intent is left.

Killing all the creatures he saw became his only thought, and his huge figure kept hitting the barrier, trying to break the barrier.

"Mr. Chu, what the **** is going on?" At this time, Lin Hongfeng also saw the dragon's veins becoming more and more mad.

"It must be when you were digging the veins of the spirit mine, that this dragon dragon vein spirit was alarmed and interrupted the process of turning him into a real dragon!" Chu Yunfan explained, "This kind of heaven and earth spirits are extremely difficult to produce and transform. It can be said that there are difficulties every day, step by step should be planted, it is hard to grow to this point, but it is destroyed by you, now it is estimated that I only want to kill, if it is released, I am afraid it will immediately form a **** storm!"

"However, according to this trend now, this enchantment will not be able to trap it for much time. It is only a matter of time before it comes out!"

Chu Yunfan secretly said that he knew that just encountering the dragon veins while digging the spirit stones would not awaken him from his sleepy form. I am afraid that Taining City was too heavy to control the veins of the spirit mines, and he didn't know how to do it. What kind of thing interrupted this process and forcibly awakened this dragon vein.

Needless to say, the consequences of doing so are naturally unimaginable.

As far as Taining City's strength is concerned, it should not be possible to do this, I am afraid that there are black hands behind the scenes.

"Damn it!"

Lin Hongfeng cursed secretly. As a master of the Divine Passage Realm, he naturally felt the terrifyingness of this Flood Dragon Dragon Vein even better. If he really matched it, he might not be able to last for a face-to-face time.

And when he thought that the person who had caused such a big incident was Taining City Lord Zhou Busu, he tickled his teeth with hatred.

Whether it’s Zhou Budou or Lu Shuzhou, it’s the same in his eyes. Because of his own selfishness, such a big thing has happened, and once the dragon dragon vein is born, he patted his **** and left, and he didn’t know it would. How many creatures are charcoal.

Although he was equally cruel, and he hadn't known how many enemies he had killed along the way, but he had killed his own enemy normally.

However, this dragon and dragon vein released ~www.ltnovel.com~ that is the situation where the real creatures are charcoal, there are countless deaths and injuries, and the corpse mountain is a sea of ​​blood.

Even with his mind, he felt terrified.

"What should we do now, should we invite other big sects to come?" Lin Hongfeng said. "I’m afraid there is no way with our power. In addition, Taining City and Tuoshan City are of no use. The only way is to invite the super masters of the top sects, and perhaps have the power of a battle. In addition, There is no other way!"

This is the only way he can think of!

"No, don't shout first!"

Chu Yunfan's eyes were getting brighter and brighter. This was a huge crisis, but it was also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Leave it to me, I will surrender it!" Chu Yunfan said.

"Do you have a way?" Lin Hongfeng looked at Chu Yunfan in surprise and said.


Chu Yunfan said, he would never miss this opportunity.

"You quickly give an order to let everyone exit this mine, and block all intersections with formations and barriers. Unless I come out to order, don't let anyone come near!" Chu Yunfan said calmly Said.

"I understand!"

Lin Hongfeng said immediately.

He didn't ask Chu Yunfan what he planned to do. He just retreated with Lin Haoren and Lin Chenxi, because he knew that the three of them could not intervene in this kind of battle, and as long as the aftermath of the battle could shake them to death.

After Lin Hongfeng ordered the retreat, in the mine, those workers who didn’t know that the catastrophe was coming quickly retreated. A large number of Tianhe City masters were mobilized to block the entire mine, and a large number of Array Masters. Was mobilized, began to arrange barriers and formations, and blocked the entire mine.

And Dongxing here, naturally, can't hide those cities, it's almost only a short time, what happened here has spread all over the cities.

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