I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1124: Kill the Lion King

"You dare to underestimate us?" The lion king's voice resounded like a muffled thunder. ?Huo Ranwen???????`

"Silver Moon King just didn't believe it, but he still died in my hands. How much longer can you last longer than him?"

Chu Yunfan said loudly.

"What?" The eyes of the Lion King and the Dragon King flashed with extreme horror, are they still not sure about the Silver Moon King?

That is the existence side by side with them. It does not mean that the Silver Moon King cannot be killed at all, but from the time when the Ten Thousand Demon Mountain was attacked and they hurried back, it actually didn’t last for half an hour. Is there no way to stop it in just half an hour?

This is simply incredible. You must know that with the strength of the Silver Moon King, there are not many that can be compared with him today, not to mention that it is absolutely impossible to kill the Silver Moon King in such a short period of time.

But the Silver Moon King was not visible on the battlefield. Everything seemed to be exactly what Chu Yunfan had said, and the two suddenly raised warning signs in their hearts.

Without waiting for them to think too much, at this moment, Chu Yunfan suddenly moved, and a horrible blood boiled from his body, pouring out.

They actually surpassed the limit of the strength that Chu Yunfan had burst out before. The two looked at each other, and the secret path was not good. In this kind of battle, Chu Yunfan still had hidden strength, which shows his true strength. I'm afraid it's still above the two, this is the most terrifying.


At this time, the two of them had already decided, and the first to be strong, the Dragon King shouted loudly, Fang Tian cut out with a halberd, and directly transformed countless dragons into the air, and then flew directly towards Chu Yunfan. Come down.

The momentum is shaking, extremely terrifying!

And the lion king also blasted out with both fists, turning his fist into a terrifying lion, and slaughtered it towards Chu Yunfan.

"Let’s start with you first!"

Chu Yunfan directly targeted the lion king, and on the other side, the flood dragon that swept over the sky, Chu Yunfan just shot out a sword aura, and the sword aura directly turned into a hundred feet long, slammed suddenly. After coming out, the entire sky was split into two halves, and the flood dragons all over the sky turned into nothingness in an instant.

And at this time, Chu Yunfan’s real offensive was also launched. Chu Yunfan’s speed was very fast, almost in an instant, he had already dismantled the Dragon King’s offensive, and then there was still time to deal with the Lion King. That huge lion.

Naturally, Chu Yunfan was not a vegetarian. With a punch, his whole body was transformed into a golden-winged big penguin bird, which cut through the sky suddenly, and then blasted towards the huge male. lion.


Almost at the moment of the collision, the male lion that swooped over like a hill was cut in half by the wings of a golden-winged roc bird, and the male lion turned into a sky full of spiritual energy in the mid-air.

But the golden-winged big peng bird that Chu Yunfan transformed into was unabated, and it flew directly at the lion king.


The lion king roared, Chu Yunfan broke open with his full blow so easily, which gave him a feeling of embarrassment.

But by now, there is no more choice. He just blasted his fists like heavy artillery, like a lion's fangs toward the golden-winged big Peng bird.


Finally they collided together, and the real terrifying collision began. The terrifying collision that was like a comet hitting the earth broke out in an instant, and the terrifying frenzy that formed swept in all directions. Whether it was the Ten Thousand Monster Mountain or the human federal army, there were people because It was too late to dodge and was involved.

But being involved in this is directly strangulated and turned into a cloud of blood.

After the collision, a scream came from the lion king’s hand. When everyone looked at it, they saw that the lion king’s arms were blood flowing, and the gloves on his hands were directly shattered. This magic weapon is of high quality, but it can't protect the arm of the lion king at this time.

Chu Yunfan was hit by a punch, and it was impossible to imagine what kind of terrifying attack the lion king's hands had encountered.

The lion king backed back again and again, screaming while protecting his whole body, but the aftermath of the collision still made him feel that his muscles were about to break apart.

He didn't expect that Chu Yunfan had just used all his strength to make it so difficult for him to resist.

"How is it possible, this is the battle power of the half-step pill realm, you are not even the peak of the supernatural power realm, how can you touch this point!"

The Lion King was very knowledgeable, and immediately recognized Chu Yunfan’s state at this time. He just felt it was incredible. You know that even he has been trying to find out some things in the Dan realm for so many years. Not able to do it ~www.ltnovel.com~ This is almost impossible!

There are very few people who can do it at the peak of the supernatural power realm. They didn't cross that line or didn't cross that line, but Chu Yunfan did it.

"Yes, at this level, it seems that you haven't lost sight of it yet!"

Chu Yunfan laughed loudly and beat the dog in the water, absolutely not letting the lion king have a chance to turn over. In an instant, he had already arrived in front of the lion king.

Then he blasted a punch casually.

The lion king was suddenly terrified and backed back again and again, but how could his speed keep up with Chu Yunfan's speed, he could only use his already scarred fists to blast out directly, trying to block Chu Yunfan's footsteps.

And Chu Yunfan just blasted out with a simple punch, and it had great power, and he blasted it out with a single punch, and the two fists of the lion king also turned into a cloud of blood in this collision. .

The lion king let out a scream, but before he had time to recover, Chu Yunfan's punch had already hit the lion king's chest.


The lion king screamed, and the whole person flew out like a kite with a broken line in an instant, and then directly smashed a mountain peak, then finally stopped. At this time everyone saw that he was already dead. He didn't know when his chest was smashed to pieces by Chu Yunfan, and his internal organs were all turned into a cloud of blood. In this case, even the Immortal Daluo could not save him.

It's just a simple matter, just beheading the Lion King, one of the three big monster kings in the Ten Thousand Monster Mountain.

When the human federation saw this scene, the morale was greatly boosted, and for the Ten Thousand Monster Mountain, it was a huge blow. Their king, the most powerful being among them, was so unbearable when facing Chu Yunfan. hit.

But it was very easy to be killed by Chu Yunfan, and this was already the second king.

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