I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1173: Chu Yunfan, a master of the first generation!

An Xiuxiu found that the more she knew, the more she felt that she didn't really know Chu Yunfan, and might even have never really understood Chu Yunfan.

Not only was there an amazing cultivation base hidden, but the masters of the supernatural power realm could kill at will, but also a magical scene was staged in front of her. In front of her, Chu Hongcai broke through to the Seventh Innate in one fell swoop.

Now the formations that are laid out at will have the level of a master, and easily borrow the general trend from the general situation of the feng shui of the Zhongxin Hou's Mansion!

This in itself requires an astonishing understanding of the formation method, it will not destroy the overall situation of Feng Shui, and it will not be backlashed by the formation method itself.

Everything is as smooth and natural as there is originally such a formation!

However, he didn't know that these were nothing to Chu Yunfan who inherited the memory of the emperor. The emperor was good at elixir, and the formation was not good at it, but it was not good at it. Among them, the conclusion drawn from the comparison of the formation emperor.

The realm of Emperor Dan himself made him a high-level building no matter what he was studying, and he knew everything but everything.

Even Emperor Dan's accomplishments in areas that he is not good at are far beyond the imagination of those people now.

According to their criteria, it is not wrong that Chu Yunfan can be called a great master.

For Chu Yunfan, this kind of formation of borrowing chickens to lay eggs was nothing more than a simple effort, and could be easily arranged.

"You didn't hurt your back anymore last night, right!" Chu Yunfan said lightly.

"No more!"

An Xiuxiu recovered from the shock of the formation just now, and said quickly.

After she went back, she tried it, and as expected, she practiced according to Chu Yunfan's revised method. By midnight, the looming pain disappeared.

This caused An Xiuxiu to breathe a sigh of relief. During this period of time, she had been thinking of ways to solve this hidden danger on her body, but now, with the help of Chu Yunfan, this has finally been solved.

"Well, that problem of yours is actually the problem of the cultivation method. It cannot be said to be completely better now. If you practice for a long time, the damage to that part of the body will always be there. It's just that your previous cultivation was not deep enough. It's not big, and the physical cultivation is good enough to be able to resist it. Now it's just a total outbreak of the problem!" Chu Yunfan said, "I will prescribe a prescription for you when you look back, and you will take the prescription. Within seven days, It should be enough to solve the hidden dangers in your body!"

"Thank you, Master Chu!" An Xiuxiu said quickly.

"It's nothing, this is just part of our previous transaction, isn't it? You help me give this kid a trick, and I will cure your illness!" Chu Yunfan said with a slight smile.

An Xiuxiu did not speak, but she still knew the difference and was not equal at all, because Chu Yunfan was looking for someone to feed her, no one, and her disease seemed to be cured by no one except Chu Yunfan.

"Okay, let's feed the two of you first, I still have things to go out first!" Chu Yunfan said.

"Anyway, as long as you can't kill you, you can!"

Chu Yunfan's words immediately caused Chu Hongcai's face to wrinkle successfully. Chu Yunfan's words, didn't this make An Xiuxiu beat him to death?

"No problem!" An Xiuxiu hehe, looking at Chu Hongcai's eyes full of ill-intentioned smiles.

Chu Yunfan soon left Zhongxin Hou's Mansion, and then proceeded.

The Alchemist Association is also a well-known association in the Great Wei Kingdom. Due to the special role of the alchemist, many powerful people will more or less owe the alchemist a lot of favors, which also makes the alchemy the least provocative. One of that group of people.

In particular, alchemists are often still very rich, and wealthy and powerful have their own cultivation bases, which makes many people even dare not to underestimate alchemists.

When Chu Yunfan rushed to the alchemy association, the alchemy association was already crowded with people.

Chu Yunfan followed straight in and found the front desk guide of the Alchemist Association.

This guide is a beautiful girl in her twenties. Seeing Chu Yunfan walking over, she said, "I don't know what can help you!"

"I want to test the alchemist!" Chu Yunfan said.

"I don't know what sample-level alchemist you want to test?" the girl continued to ask.

"I want to take the Great Alchemist!" Chu Yunfan said.

He has already understood that, similar to the human federation, the Great Wei State is also divided into apprentice alchemists, alchemists, and great alchemists. These grades, like those of the human federation king, are just nicknames, not really Formal class division.

To be precise, the levels of the alchemists of the human federation are derived from the ultra-ancient civilization, and the spiritual world is the direct successor of the ultra-ancient civilization. Many systems of the two sides are also in the same line and are the same.

When the beautiful girl heard what Chu Yunfan said, she rolled her eyes and said, "You amuse me!"

Ye Qiaoxin glanced at the young man in a black robes in front of him with an angry look, and felt that what happened to these young men, all of them had nothing to do!

He was another person who approached himself with the prestige of an alchemy master!

During this period of time, since she started working as the receptionist, it is not uncommon!

Ye Qiaoxin also knew that she was pretty, so she would naturally attract bees and butterflies, but the methods for these elder brothers to come and strike up a conversation one by one were exactly the same. They wanted to test the alchemy master.

But they probably didn't figure out how difficult it is to test an alchemy master!

Ordinary alchemy apprentices are already very rare. Once they become a formal alchemist, even the most powerful and powerful will be treated as honored guests.

But the great alchemist ~www.ltnovel.com~ the entire Great Wei Kingdom is in the palm of his hand. Even if he sees the emperor, he can't worship. It can be said that he is aloof, and his status is about the same as that of an alchemy master.

Knowing all over the world, I don't know how many strong people owe these people's favor, stomping their feet, and many people will be afraid of existence!

This young man actually didn't know that he was going to take the Great Alchemist exam. She had seen ignorant and bold people, but this one was the most ignorant and boldest!

Thinking of this, Ye Qiaoxin couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Chu Yunfan didn't know the fluctuations in Ye Qiao's heart, but felt that after he said this, the attitude of the girl opposite suddenly became cold.

I don't know where I offended her!

"I didn't entertain you, I just came to test the Great Alchemist!" Chu Yunfan said.

Ye Qiaoxin saw that Chu Yunfan was still pulling his face down, and he was even more unhappy, and said, "Our entire Great Wei State, only the general meeting of the Alchemy Association in the Imperial Capital can certify the assessment of the Great Alchemist. Here you have to take the Great Alchemy exam. What am I not for pastime?"

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