I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1498: Like a broken bamboo

"This person is the pavilion master of Tianji Pavilion!" At this time, Wang Dong's words came from Chu Yunfan's ears.

Chu Yunfan nodded, this old man was in his perception, even if he also had a cultivation base in the middle stage of the pill formation, he was considered top-notch among the people present.

However, this old man didn't have a very good face to Chu Yunfan, because Chu Yunfan had forced the Tianji Pavilion to bow his head before, which was undoubtedly a shame and shame for the pavilion owner of the Tianji Pavilion.

But he also knew that Chu Yunfan was not easy to deal with, so it was just a bad expression on his face.

Everyone did not hesitate, knowing that there was not much time, so they took out the sword order directly. The seven sword orders were combined into one, and a channel was opened directly above the mountain, which was about ten meters long and wide. about.

Everyone glanced at each other, and immediately stepped into the passage without any hesitation.

Everyone was almost vying, but after a while, thousands of top masters had already entered the channel.

Entering the passage, a huge hall appeared in front of everyone.

This hall looked extremely large, reaching hundreds of feet, and after entering the hall, everyone discovered that there were ten different passages in this hall. Obviously these ten different passages lead to different places.

The major forces have hardly any hesitation, but in a moment, they have already rushed to the route that has been chosen a long time ago.

Chu Yunfan and the others flew directly towards the third passage on the left.

But after a while, the masters of the West Extreme Demon League followed.

Only those masters of casual cultivating were left with a hooded face. They were not like masters of the major forces. They had already obtained some information more or less, and they had divided their spheres of influence by default.

After thinking for a long time, they could only choose a path and flew away.

Chu Yunfan and others galloped along this passage, but the masters of the West Extreme Demon League behind them got closer and closer.

"No, if you continue like this, sooner or later you will be overtaken!" Wang Dong secretly said that it is not good. If they continue like this, sooner or later they will be overtaken by the masters of the West Extreme Demon League.

The reason why the masters of the West Extreme Demon League are slower than them is because they don't have a map in their hands, so they have to follow Wang Dong and the others.

If this continues, when Wang Dong and others arrive at the drug garden, the masters of the West Extreme Demon League will almost arrive. In that case, they can only make wedding dresses for others.

"let me!"

Chu Yunfan yelled, and directly supported everyone with mana. The Thunder Wings spread out in an instant, and the Nine Transformations of Heavenly Immortals were unfolded, and the whole person flew towards the distance at an astonishing speed.

The West Extreme Demon League, who could still follow everyone behind, was instantly pulled behind by Chu Yunfan.

In just a moment, Chu Yunfan and others could not be seen in the nine-curved and eighteen-curved passage.

"Roar, **** it, chase!"

The masters of the West Extreme Demon League didn't care at all, as long as they were hanging behind him, who knew that Chu Yunfan had thrown them off.

While in the passage, Wang Dong, Mai Ancestor and others also looked at Chu Yunfan in shock. Chu Yunfan's methods were really amazing.

With people, the speed is actually faster than if they didn't bring people. This is a terrifying thing.

Thinking of this, they realized that they had never really seen through Chu Yunfan.

Chu Yunfan and the others pushed the people from the West Extreme Demon League further and further away, but it was only a moment's effort that they had already reached the exit of the passage.

But suddenly, I saw a big golden hand suddenly grabbed towards all living beings.


Chu Yunfan shouted loudly, and a sword aura was actually condensed on the top of his head, and a sword slashed towards this big golden hand.


Chu Yunfan slashed this big golden hand with one sword.

Immediately afterwards, everyone discovered that they did not know when in front of them, there was an extra golden puppet that was about ten feet tall.

It was this golden puppet that blocked everyone just now.

"This is the guard of the treasure house!" Wang Dong said. "Can't be dragged by him, otherwise, we will be overtaken by the West Extreme Demon League!"

"It's okay, you go first, I'll come to the back of the palace!" Chu Yunfan said.

"it is good!"

Wang Dong said decisively, knowing that this is not the time to be modest.

He immediately passed by with everyone.

This golden puppet was about to stop, but saw an astonishing sword light sweeping by, directly cutting off the golden puppet's arm.

Chu Yunfan walked over slowly, but saw that the golden puppet's arm had actually returned to the golden puppet's body, and after a period of fluctuations, it had already recovered.

"This is interesting!"

Chu Yunfan laughed, but didn't take it seriously.

The power of this golden puppet is also quite powerful, comparable to the cultivation base of the initial stage of the Pill Formation Stage~www.ltnovel.com~, which poses no threat to the current Chu Yunfan.

This ability to recover continuously is a bit troublesome!

But it's just a little troublesome. No matter what kind of puppet it is, it has its core. As long as the core is destroyed, it will be destroyed.

With a thought, Chu Yunfan grabbed his palm towards the void, and the thunder turned into a long sword, and then a sword stabbed out, directly sweeping out thousands of sword lights, and it fell on this golden puppet like a gust of wind.

But in a moment, this golden puppet was chopped into sections. When seeing this golden puppet about to regroup, he saw that Chu Yunfan grabbed it with one hand and directly caught one of the crystals. nuclear.


Chu Yunfan grabbed this crystal core and turned it into powder, and the golden puppet that was about to assemble it all at once stopped moving.

This crystal core is the core of this golden puppet!

Chu Yunfan touched his chin. This golden puppet had some meaning. Don’t look at Chu Yunfan who seemed to destroy the golden puppet easily. In fact, if it was replaced by someone else, if only Wang Dong and Mai Pai were the only ones Human words, I am afraid that this golden puppet will be blocked here.

Because they have no ability to break through the defense of the golden puppet.

Even a master in the middle stage of the ordinary pill formation realm can hardly break through the defense of the golden puppet, and only attacking Wushuang Chu Yunfan can easily do it, and then destroy the golden puppet's crystal core.

Even if the West Extreme Demon League encounters it later, it will have a headache, that is, encountering Chu Yunfan, it is like encountering a nemesis.

However, during the time that Chu Yunfan was delaying, people from the West Extreme Demon League had already arrived at the entrance of the passage and saw Chu Yunfan guarding the entrance of the passage.

"Go on, kill him!" 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to everyone's reading academy

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