I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1511: Hit the dog's brain

From the strength of Chu Yunfan, it is not difficult to see that whether it is King Zuo Xian, Sect Master Huangquan, or Pavilion Master of Heavenly Secret Pavilion, they can all be said to be the top masters of the world, and they are all cultivated in the middle of the Dan Realm. The other middle-aged man and the old woman are slightly weaker, but they are also much stronger than the previous King Youxian, and they also have the cultivation base of the early stage of the Dan Realm.

As long as he enters the Pill Formation Realm, he is a master at the level of the town, and any Chu Yunfan has no fear at all, but the five-person teaming is also a very troublesome thing for him!

So he planned to come to a mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole. He concealed his breath, and other people could not find him at all, especially in this thunder and lightning environment. It was an environment specially prepared for him so that he could Like a fish in water.

Because he absorbed the physique of the sky-shaking thunder body, he could absorb the power of these thunder and lightning at will without fear of being bombarded.

But the other five people are not as good as a fish in water than Chu Yunfan. For them, these thunder powers are still very dangerous.

A random thunder power is not too dangerous for them, but if it is thousands of times, it is enough to pose a fatal threat to them.

For this reason, they all stimulated the body protection qi to protect themselves in it. Even so, they still have to be cautious. If they are not careful, they may be blasted through the defense, which is really dead.

And as they get closer to the depths of the valley, the power of these thunders becomes denser and more dangerous, and they also have to be careful.

And Chu Yunfan followed him almost swaggeringly. He still thought about observing the environment. This kind of valley, between the heavens and the earth, has a special name, the land of lightning strikes. No one knows how it was formed. , But there are some special places between heaven and earth, where countless thunder energy will gather, forming this kind of scene of countless thunder power.

Chu Yunfan is still unable to reach this level, but from the memory of Emperor Pill, he knew that it was formed because the law of lightning in certain places was too strong, similar to flames, storms, and so on.

For these, Chu Yunfan can only surprise him, after all, he has not yet reached the point where he can understand these laws.

In this lightning valley, he clearly noticed that in the deepest part of the valley, there was an altar. On the altar was a peach about the size of a fist, but compared with ordinary peaches, this peach was actually purple and blue. Color, it looks like a piece of art, not like a peach.

"Sure enough, it is the Purple Thunder Peach!" Chu Yunfan exclaimed, and only in this environment, the Purple Thunder Peach can continue to absorb the thunder energy between the heavens and the earth to be able to preserve it to the present.

However, he also knew that the previous Purple Thunder God peach tree should have been planted here, because in the general environment, the Purple Thunder God peach tree had no way to survive, and could only survive in the Thunder Strike Valley.

"Damn it, Sword Demon and Long Po are here!" At this time, Sect Master Huang Quan glanced behind him, feeling extremely tricky.

Just being the master of the Tianji Pavilion is already very tricky, not to mention there are two others, Sword Demon and Long Po, two of the top masters in the world who have once Megatron.

That is to say, these years have not been out of the mountain very much, so not many people know about it, but as long as it is a slightly older person, there is almost no ignorance of their existence.

Although their strength is a little worse than them, it doesn't matter if they are usually, but at this time, if they join forces with the Lord of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, they can pose a huge threat to themselves and King Zuo Xian.

"Damn it!" Sect Master Huangquan said depressed, these are all brought by the Pavilion Master of Heavenly Secret Pavilion. If it weren't for his big mouth and telling everything about everything, there would be so many people coming from all over the place. They don't have to be so difficult.

"Otherwise, let's get rid of these three old guys first!" King Zuo Xian stopped directly and said. "Otherwise, it won't be troublesome until then!"

Sect Master Huangquan nodded, and he also agreed to play a victory or defeat first. After all, the five of them are now eligible to compete. If this is the case, the only decision will be the victory or defeat.

The pavilion owner of Tianji Pavilion instantly understood their plan, and suddenly said loudly, "Sword Demon, Long Po, we have to join hands first, otherwise I am afraid they will do it!"

Sword Demon and Long Po rushed up and stood at the left and right of the Pavilion Master of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion. Obviously they were planning to join forces with the Pavilion Master of the Heavenly Secret Pavilion.

"In that case, press and don't say anything, see the real chapter in your hand!" Long Po said with a sneer.

Suddenly, the battle broke out, and the five pill-forming level masters broke out collectively. What kind of concept is that? The terrorist attack that can almost blast the entire valley into fragments, that is, this place has undergone long-term reinforcement~www.ltnovel.com ~ Only to be able to withstand such an attack.

Sect Master Huangquan and King Zuo Xian joined forces. Although there were fewer people, they were more powerful. For a while, they were actually deadlocked just like the battle outside.

But what they didn’t know was that just when they were fighting to death, fighting to death, Chu Yunfan on the side simply went directly into the space of the mountain and river map, licking melon seeds while watching the scene. A shocking drama.

If you let them know, I'm afraid the whole person will be bad, and it will be messed up in this thunder.

The war has reached a white-hot stage. Everyone has hit the real fire. Various methods have been reserved before, but now they have completely exploded.

But just when the two sides were about to go further, a roar came from the depths of the sky, and then a dark blue figure flew over. The body that looked like a hill put tremendous pressure on everyone.

Everyone stopped the fight one after another, and turned their heads to see that in the deepest part of the Thunder Strike Valley, there was a fierce beast turned into a huge thunder and looked at the people outside.

"Hey, a fierce beast transformed into a pure thunder element, you can actually see such a good thing here!" Chu Yunfan said incredulously.

You know, the simple elements of heaven and earth can transform a born spirit, and its difficulty is a hundred times more difficult than that of the herb elf like Medicine King.

It is impossible for a normal environment to derive such a thing. It is only possible under an extreme environment.

Chu Yunfan took a closer look. The entire body of this fierce thunder beast was made up of thunder power. It was pure and incomparably clear and blue. It was also covered with countless scales that shone with electric light, and the eyes flashed with fierce light.

If it weren't for the crowds outside, and the auras were all terrifying, it wouldn't be easy to look at it, I'm afraid I would rush out to kill on the spot.

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