I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1532: Indifferent killing

"It would be great to have Master Chu shot!" Wei Wuji said overjoyed. At this time, the whole country was in a precarious manner. The last card he could count on was not someone else, it was Chu Yunfan.

And now that Chu Yunfan finally left the customs, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Chu Yunfan nodded and said, "In this case, I will first go to the Town Demon Sect to investigate the situation. Your Majesty will arrange for the rest of the matter!"

"No problem, I will soon organize enough troops to cooperate with Master Chu's counterattack!" Wei Wuji said quickly.

Don't doubt, even though Chu Yunfan is only one person, this is the strength of a town-level master. The existence of the luck that can hold a country with one's own strength is comparable to a million army.

As long as Chu Yunfan is on the move, the effect is much more effective than dispatching a million troops at the same time.

Seeing Chu Yunfan stepping on the light to turn into a ray of light and disappear into the sky, Wei Wuji was relieved, and then he said to Chu Hongcai: "Chu Hongcai, I order you to lead your troops northward. You must think Ways to stop the Golden Horde from going south and buy time for the national teacher!"


Chu Hong just delivered a military salute and said.

And after Chu Yunfan left the imperial capital, he walked all the way towards the border of the west. You could see people fleeing in a hurry and groups of troops rushing to the front line.

There was a panic throughout the country.

However, it was not until Chu Yunfan really entered the western border that he really felt that the panic of the people in the hinterland of the country was nothing compared to the situation in the western border.

At this time, the border area of ​​the western border was full of scenes of the army of the Great Wei State strangling with countless monsters.

There are countless lives being ended at every moment, and tragic fights are being staged every moment, but in general, the army of the Great Wei State is still constantly retreating!

After all, manpower is endless, but these monsters are endless, endless to kill, endless to cut!

After reaching the western border, the scenes that Chu Yunfan saw made him even more dilapidated. There were ruined walls everywhere. The once prosperous cities had been turned into waste, and countless monsters lingered in them, searching for the remaining ones. Human beings, once discovered, countless monster beasts flew up, and even a bit of wreckage would not be left after biting and devouring this remnant human being.

As soon as Chu Yunfan entered the depths of the western border, countless flying monsters came directly over the waterfall.

Each of these flying monsters is extremely large, gathered like a huge cloud.

"court death!"

Chu Yunfan saw the broken human limbs still dangling from his mouth among these flying monsters.

In an instant, behind Chu Yunfan, countless powers of thunder surged out and turned into various weapons, forming a huge wall of weapons behind him.

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

Countless weapons turned into streamers and directly blasted into the flying monster group.




At this time, these flying monsters that were still fighting fiercely just now were not opponents at all when they faced Chu Yunfan's attack. Hundreds of them were blown apart by the volley.

These flying monsters rushed out frantically, trying to rush to Chu Yunfan's vicinity, but Chu Yunfan's mana surged, and no matter how crazy he was, he couldn't do anything about it.

In just a few moments, Chu Yunfan had slaughtered hundreds of thousands of flying monsters. Among these flying monsters, there were also many powerful monsters at the level of supernatural power. It was a pity that they had already reached the peak of the pill formation stage. Chu Yunfan was totally vulnerable.

Soon, this huge flying monster was killed by Chu Yunfan.

And Chu Yunfan continued to head towards the Demon Sect of the town deep in the border of the west.

Suddenly, at this moment, another powerful monster appeared.


A huge beast roar came, and then, a terrible pressure came from a distance. This pressure could even make a martial arts master in the ordinary supernatural power realm vomit blood and retreat.

Immediately afterwards, a white-fronted tiger with a one-horned eye appeared in front of Chu Yun Fanna. His entire body was white-gold, his body was huge, and it looked extremely large.

It seems that this monster beast has controlled the entire western border!

"The Demon King of the Pill Formation Realm?" Chu Yunfan saw it all at once, that this white-fronted tiger with a one-horned eye was actually a Pill Formation level beast.

You know, this level of monster beasts, even in the West Extreme Demon League, is very rare, and now let him run into one.

"Human, you are very good and powerful. You can kill here with your own strength without any injuries. It seems that you seem to be stronger than your number one master in the Wei Kingdom, Yun Huang!"

The white-fronted tiger with a hanging eye spoke, and its eyes flashed with extremely sharp light.

"The demon king in the late stage of the pill formation stage? The luck is really good today. It seems that the demon beasts in this area should have been summoned by you!" Chu Yunfan said lightly. "When you are killed, the monster beasts in this area should also disperse!"

"Human, you want to kill me, it's too early!" The white-fronted tiger shook his head and said, "I have lived in the West Extreme Demon League. I don't know how many years I have survived. It is you Dawei. I've seen the great grandfather of the country, so you want to kill me because of your younger generation? It's so ridiculous!"

"But I think you should also be a strong man among human beings, with very strong energy and blood. When I swallow you, it should be enough to increase your strength!"

This eye-catching white-fronted tiger even existed at the beginning of the Great Wei State~www.ltnovel.com~ its age is indeed very shocking.

However, Chu Yunfan was not surprised. The life span of the monster race was generally much longer than that of the strong humans. This was also quite normal.

However, it is very difficult for the Yaozu to activate the spiritual intelligence, and the speed of cultivation is often difficult to compare with humans, let alone human geniuses.

This eye-catching white-fronted tiger has cultivated to this point, almost comparable to the late stage of the pill formation stage. I don't know that it took thousands of years, but the supreme genius among humans may be able to do it for hundreds of years.

Therefore, it can only be said that each has its own advantages, and it is difficult to say which one is stronger.

This white-fronted tiger with hanging eyes is indeed very powerful. Its limbs and tiger claws are on the air, but it seems to be on the ground. The endless distance is condensed on him. He has enough self-confidence. What human power is He didn't seem to be anything at all. He could kill anyone in the same realm of human power at will.

At the same level, there is also a huge gap in combat power! 8)

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