I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Chapter 1534: Rescue Town Demon Sect

This end was already the demon king in the late stage of the pill formation stage, and after facing Chu Yunfan after the real shot, it was just an enemy of one move.

Chu Yunfan glanced indifferently at this white-fronted tiger in the Alchemy Realm, and then put his corpse into the space of the mountain and river map, turning it into the nourishment of the Brahma Divine Tree.

Then his whole person turned into a escape light and headed in the direction of the entire town Demon Sect.

An hour later, Chu Yunfan finally rushed to the surroundings of Zhen Yaozong.

Zhen Yaozong, as the earth emperor on the western border, can be said to be the most powerful existence in the entire western border.

There are several large cities around the town demon sect, each of which has millions of people, and basically has a more or less relationship with the town demon sect, and many of them are even disciples of the town demon sect. Descendants.

But now, these big cities have already been reduced to ashes.

Countless ruins and broken walls, blood flowed into rivers.

Through that huge barrier, Chu Yunfan saw the mountain range where the Town Demon Sect was located, and didn't know how many people gathered in it.

Obviously before this huge change, the Town Demon Sect still rescued some people into the Town Demon Sect.

It's just that the mountain gate of the town demon sect, which is usually considered spacious, was already full at this time, and the entire mountain gate was filled with ordinary people with fearful expressions on their faces.

Because they all watched in horror at the enchantment that enveloped the entire town of Demon Sect, countless demon beasts were slaughtered one after another, endless, basically inexhaustible, endless, just like a monstrous giant. The waves are normal, wave after wave slaps over.

In contrast, the Town Demon Sect was like a flat boat, which could be completely submerged in this endless wave at any time.

They are naturally afraid, they are nervous, because this enchantment does not know how long it can last, but they understand one thing very well, that is, any enchantment cannot exist forever, even if the enchantment in the town demon sect has passed through the ages. The Patriarch continued to reinforce it, but facing the endless wave of monsters and beasts, there will be a day of being captured.

And although they can't be said to be a person without the power to bind a chicken, but facing these endless monsters, I am afraid that the end will be a dead word.

And their corpses may be swallowed, bitten to death!

Above the barrier, countless disciples of the Demon Sect in the town flew up, inputting their mana into it, and kept the entire barrier from being broken.

There are even elite disciples of the supernatural power realm who are brave enough to leave the enchantment and kill some monsters.

But even so, facing endless monsters, it still doesn't help.

Chu Yunfan glanced at the Demon Sect Sect, only to realize that what was really fierce was still at the foot of the mountain, under the huge and incomparable Monument Demon Sect.

Before, Chu Yunfan only thought that the town monster monument was a bit strange, but now he discovered that this town monster monument actually has a universe inside, and there is a huge underground space under the town monster monument.

And the most elite disciples in the entire town's Demon Sect are also concentrated here, here has formed a huge and incomparable flesh and blood mill, countless demon beast elites, and those powerful beasts all madly attacked this younger brother's space.

Most of the disciples above the seventh level of the magical power level in the town demon sect are also guarded here, and there are many elders of the pill realm, all guarded here, forming a large formation, as if they are protecting something.

And around this underground space, Chu Yunfan sensed the aura of a powerful monster beast, and these auras were at least those above the Dan realm.

It was these demon kings above the Dan realm that drove these ordinary monsters to madly attack this underground space. It was obvious that there was something in this younger brother's space.

But Chu Yunfan also felt that these Demon Kings were getting more and more impatient, and seemed to plan to do it himself.

"The little town demon sect dares to stand in front of our demon clan army, it is simply seeking his own death!"

An extremely powerful Demon King stood up directly. It was a huge and incomparable python. This python was hundreds of feet long, which was terrifying.

He opened his mouth wide and turned into a middle-aged man. He spoke to the disciples of the town demon sect guarding the town demon monument below.

This middle-aged man is slender, with the breath of yin prey on his body.

And at this moment, an ape in armor fell from the sky, and a huge iron rod in his hand slammed down on the barrier, and the entire barrier was shaking violently, as if the sky broke and the earth broke.

Chu Yunfan could see that the core of the entire town's demon sect's defensive barrier was near this town's demon monument, and the focus of the demon clan's offensive was also in this town's demon monument.

"What secret is hidden in this town's demon stele?" Chu Yunfan took a closer look and found that the entire defensive barrier had actually been broken through, and the elders of the town's demon sect and the Dan realm The big formation of masters above the seventh level of the Divine Passage Realm is to guard this hole.

Countless monsters rushed forward, but they were strangled as if they had encountered a flesh mill.

But even so, Chu Yunfan could see that the elders and disciples of the Demon Sect in the entire formation were extremely exhausted, and the mana replenishment could not keep up with the rate of consumption.

These pill realm demon kings did not do anything, on the contrary, they constantly drove these demon beasts to die. Now it seems that it is clearly to consume the mana of these people.

"Hold, as long as the Young Sect Master wakes up the town monster sword, we can kill these beasts and drive them out!"

At this time, an old man strode out and shouted loudly.

Chu Yunfan recognized him ~www.ltnovel.com~ He is the chief elder of the town demon sect, and the third master of the town demon sect since Yunhuang and Yuntian. He has already entered half a step in his strength. Pill formation.

Such strength, if it hadn't always been in the town demon sect, I'm afraid it would have been famous all over the world.

In addition to him, Chu Yunfan also saw several half-step pill formation masters, as well as several virtual pill formation peak masters.

The number of masters is far from comparable to other forces in the Great Wei State. Therefore, Yun Tian also said at the beginning that if it were not for the low-key Zhen Yaozong, the so-called five great masters of the Great Wei State would not have anyone else's share. The Town Demon Sect was divided up.

Yuntian's pride is indeed justified!

"Where is Yunhuang? Where did Yunhuang go?" Chu Yunfan was surprised. From what the town demon sect elder said, Yuntian should be in the cave under the town demon monument. Where did Yuntian go?

But at this moment, the mutation suddenly took place, and a violent explosion suddenly erupted from the entrance of the space under the Demon Town Monument that had been blocked forever. 8)

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